首页 > 编程语言 >基于python的旅游景点推荐系统-计算机毕业设计源码+LW文档


时间:2023-11-25 19:01:16浏览次数:46  
标签:information python 系统 system 信息 源码 毕业设计 data more

摘 要  





With the progress of science and technology and network, computer technology is more closely related to network and life. The stand-alone system that needs to rely on the client is gradually eliminated, and new systems that can process a large amount of data using the Internet have sprung up rapidly. The synchronous development of such systems and the information age has caused great pressure on the traditional office management. In today's era, information and data are the foundation of everything. If you want to make a decision, you need to fully consider the data, which shows the importance of information. However, the traditional office management method is more and more difficult to manipulate information. How to change the situation and make the information data serve users again and reflect the value is an important problem faced by all industries.

The tourist attraction recommendation system based on Python is a new system designed by using computer technology and network. It can effectively combine tourism information with the network to provide users with tourism help and management needs. The system uses Mysql database to store data, which has stronger compatibility and can span a variety of platforms. The main contents of the design include scenic spot information and ticket reservation information, which users can share. In order to give users more rights, online message function is added to the system. In the system, the administrator can update the scenic spots, modify the login password information, and manage the user's ticket reservation information, material information, etc. This system is the inevitable product of the development of information society. It can provide users with more efficient management and assistance. At the same time, it can also change the situation of tourism industry and increase turnover.

Key words: scenic spot information; User information; Ticket booking information; Python language

目 录

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第1章 绪论 5

1.1课题开发背景 5

1.2课题研究现状 5

1.3课题开发目的与意义 6

1.4课题开发主要内容 6

1.5论文结构安排 6

第2章 系统分析 8

2.1系统使用相关技术分析介绍 8

2.1.1Pycharm环境介绍 8

2.1.2Python语言介绍 9

2.1.3Mysql数据库介绍 10

2.2系统需求分析 10

2.2.1系统性能要求分析 10

2.3系统可行性分析 10

2.3.1技术可行性 11

2.3.2法律可行性 11

2.3.3操作可行性 11

2.4系统流程分析 11

2.5系统用例分析 13

第3章 系统设计 15

3.1系统总体结构设计 15

3.2系统开发步骤 15

3.3数据库设计 15

3.3.1数据库概念结构设计 15

3.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 17

第4章 系统实现 25

4.1登录功能模块的实现 25

4.2 系统首页界面的实现 25

4.3密码信息管理模块实现 26

4.4 用户信息管理功能的实现 27

4.5 景点信息管理功能的实现 27

4.6 门票预订功能的界面设计实现 28

4.7攻略交流功能的界面实现 29

第5章 系统测试 31

5.1系统测试的目的 31

5.2系统测试的困难 31

5.3系统测试的方法 32

5.4具体测试 32

5.4.1测试步骤 32

5.4.2测试用例 32

5.5测试总结 33

总 结 35

致 谢 36

参考文献 37






From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15745565/8561850


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