首页 > 编程语言 >springboot洗衣店管理系统-计算机毕业设计源码+LW文档


时间:2023-10-24 19:04:24浏览次数:48  
标签:management 洗衣 springboot 洗衣店 管理 源码 毕业设计 laundry

摘  要


本基于springboot洗衣店管理系统是根据当前洗衣店和用户的实际情况开发的,在系统语言选择上我们使用的Java语言,数据库是小巧灵活的MySQL数据库,框架方便使用的是当前最主流的Spring boot框架,本系统的开发可以让线下洗衣变的更加的方便快捷。




With the development of The Times, people are under more and more pressure from work and study, and in many cases, they have less and less free time, so they often have no time to wash their clothes. After seeing this situation, many businesses set up washing machine shops to serve these people who have no time to wash clothes. However, traditional laundry shops are managed by manual mode, which is rather backward. In order to improve this situation, many places have opened online laundry services. In order to make online laundry more convenient and fast, I developed the springboot laundry management system this time

This management system based on springboot laundry is developed according to the actual situation of the current laundry and users. In the choice of system language, we use Java language. The database is a small and flexible MySQL database, and the framework is the most mainstream Spring boot framework. The development of this system can make the offline laundry more convenient and fast.

The springboot Laundromat Management system is a system that can improve the laundry process. springboot laundromat management system is divided into two parts of the front desk and background management. The main functions of the front desk part include: user registration and login, home page, discount card, laundry tips, laundry service, announcement information, online message, background management, personal center and other functions; Background management functions mainly include login, personal center, customer management, operator management, equipment management, customer level management, preferential card management, purchase card coupon management, company announcement management, laundry tips management, laundry service management, order information management, laundry equipment management, maintenance application management, maintenance result management, equipment application management, Operator application management, equipment personnel application management, expenditure information management, online message, system management and other functions. The management system based on springboot laundry mainly uses MySQL as the database management system, and the development environment is MySQL, Hbuilder and IDEA. The development of this system basically meets the needs of online laundry.

Keywords: Online, laundry, MySQL, springboot


目  录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2开发意义 1

1.3研究内容和论文结构 2

第2章 关键技术介绍 4

2.1 WEB技术介绍 4

2.2  SPRING框架介绍 4

2.3  MYSQL数据库介绍 4

2.4 HBUILDER 开发工具介绍 5

第3章 系统分析 6

3.1需求分析 6

3.1.1 功能需求 6

3.2可行性分析 6

3.2.1技术可行性 6

3.2.2时间可行性 6

3.2.3经济可行性 6

3.2.4操作可行性 7

第4章 系统设计 8

4.1 系统结构 8

4.2. 数据库设计 8

第五章 系统功能设计 17

5.1 前端功能设计 17

5.1.1系统首页 17

5.1.2用户注册 17

5.1.3用户登录 18

5.1.4通知公告 19

5.1.5线上洗衣 20

5.2服务器端功能的实现 22

5.2.1登录功能 22

5.2.2客户管理 23

5.2.3操作员管理 24

5.2.4设备员管理 25

5.2.5洗衣服务管理 26

5.2.6洗衣设备管理 28

5.2.7公告信息管理 29

5.2.8优惠卡管理 31

第六章 系统测试 33

6.1 基于SPRINGBOOT洗衣店管理系统的测试目的 33

6.2 基于SPRINGBOOT洗衣店管理系统的测试方法 33

6.3 基于SPRINGBOOT洗衣店管理系统的测试 34

总  结 37

致 谢 38

参考文献: 39






From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15745565/8009100


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