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ArcGIS Javascript sdk中API keys 的说明

时间:2023-08-29 09:34:27浏览次数:51  
标签:Map streets arcgis keys Javascript ArcGIS vector gray World

ArcGIS Javascript sdk中API keys 的说明


ArcGIS有那些底图用到了API keys,那些没有用到可以参考下面表格,最新改动请参考官网

Basemaps for use with API keys

Use of these basemaps requires an ArcGIS Developer subscription. To learn more about API keys, see the API keys section in the ArcGIS Developer documentation.

Value Source
arcgis-imagery Imagery Hybrid
arcgis-imagery-standard Imagery
arcgis-imagery-labels The reference layer from arcgis-imagery
arcgis-light-gray Light Gray Canvas
arcgis-dark-gray Dark Gray Canvas
arcgis-navigation Navigation
arcgis-navigation-night Navigation (Night)
arcgis-streets Streets
arcgis-streets-night Streets (Night)
arcgis-streets-relief Streets (with Relief)
arcgis-topographic Topographic
arcgis-oceans Oceans
arcgis-human-geography Human Geograpy Map - added in v.4.25
arcgis-human-geography-dark Human Geograpy Map Canvas - added in v.4.25
osm-standard OpenStreetMap
osm-standard-relief OpenStreetMap (with Relief)
osm-streets OpenStreetMap (Streets)
osm-streets-relief OpenStreetMap (Streets with Relief)
osm-light-gray OpenStreetMap (Light Gray Canvas)
osm-dark-gray OpenStreetMap (Dark Gray Canvas)
arcgis-terrain Terrain with Labels
arcgis-community Community Map
arcgis-charted-territory Charted Territory Map
arcgis-colored-pencil Colored Pencil Map
arcgis-nova Nova Map
arcgis-modern-antique Modern Antique Map
arcgis-midcentury Mid-Century Map
arcgis-newspaper Newspaper Map
arcgis-hillshade-light The hillshade layer from arcgis-topographic

For use without an API key

Use of these basemaps requires a valid ArcGIS Online organizational subscription or an ArcGIS Enterprise license.

Value Source
satellite World Imagery
hybrid Hybrid Reference Layer and World Imagery
oceans World Ocean Reference and World Ocean Base
osm OpenStreetMapLayer
terrain World Reference Overlay and World Terrain Base
dark-gray-vector Dark Gray Canvas
gray-vector Light Gray Canvas
streets-vector World Street Map
streets-night-vector World Street Map (Night)
streets-navigation-vector World Navigation Map
topo-vector World Hillshade and World Topographic Map
streets-relief-vector World Hillshade and World Street Map (with Relief)
topo (deprecated) This basemap/service is now in Mature Support and is no longer updated. Please use topo-vector instead. World Topo Map
streets (deprecated) This basemap/service is now in Mature Support and is no longer updated. Please use streets-vector instead. World Street Map
dark-gray (deprecated) This basemap/service is now in Mature Support and is no longer updated. Please use dark-gray-vector instead. World Dark Gray Reference and World Dark Gray Base
gray (deprecated) This basemap/service is now in Mature Support and is no longer updated. Please use gray-vector instead. World Light Gray Reference and World Light Gray Base
national-geographic (deprecated) This basemap/service is now in Mature Support and is no longer updated. Please use the National Geographic Style WebMap instead. NatGeo World Map

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/unlockth/p/17663907.html


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