With the development of social economy, fierce competition in various industries, and high pressure on young people to work, more and more people hope to relieve pressure through tourism. Traditional travel agencies rely on pre customized routes and fixed times, without personalized customization services, which cannot meet the needs of modern users. For this, developing a tourism website can provide users with personalized travel services. Through the system, users can query various scenic spot information, book tickets online, query scenic spot strategies, communicate with other users online, and formulate their own travel plans. This can not only help users reduce the time required to formulate strategies, but also help users reduce the economic costs of tourism and achieve self-service tourism. In the current wave of information development, tourism websites comply with the trend of the times, promote local tourism services, drive the tourism economy, and achieve the goal of win-win for scenic spots and tourists.
This system uses the object-oriented Java language to build a system framework, and stores data through the relational database MySQL. Using the B/S development method, users only need to access the system through a browser to obtain tourism information, and can book tickets online, query strategies, and other businesses, achieving scientific information management and query statistics. This article first proposes the significance of developing tourism websites through research on relevant systems, then uses current mainstream technologies to develop them to meet the technical requirements of tourism websites, and then analyzes and designs the functions that the system needs to achieve. Sort out the business process, design the database according to the function, and finally implement it through coding, introducing the key algorithm logic implemented. During the testing phase, test cases are used to ensure that the system can operate normally and achieve the objectives required in the early stage. The implementation of the system facilitates tourism promotion and perfectly applies information technology to tourism websites, making tourism business simple and efficient.
Keywords: tourism, MySQL, Java, ticket booking, tourism website
在国外,旅游管理系统发展较为成熟,通过网站也可以预订到相关的旅游景点门票和相关的衍生服务,他们也积极的发展旅游事业,通过网站来进行业务推广,比如利用遗传算法来进行推荐,通过收集用户的相关信息,预测用户的兴趣爱好,为用户提供精确有效的旅游景点。比较有代表的网站有Spaces,IgoUgo,Tracel等。游客可以查看旅游资讯,也可以自己发布旅游文记。据travelpod统计,每天都有约1万条旅游信息的发布。这么多的信息就会带来一些问题,游客想获取到自己想要的旅游资讯,就需要花费很大的精力查阅。这就要求旅游管理系统提供一定的检索服务,帮助用户提高信息筛选能力,并结合用户的位置、爱好、历史记录等特征,为用户推荐最优的线路和最好的行程安排。比如用户喜欢自然风光类型的景点,那么网站就尽可能多的推荐这方面的景点攻略,也可以根据用户所在的位置推荐位置附近的景点信息,尽可能少的推荐远距离的景点内容。Fan R技术员建立了景点兴趣度模型,通过坐标位置,图片时间和景点信息进行数据挖掘,得到景点兴趣度模型,然后进行个性化推荐。
标签:景点,管理系统,通过,用户,LW,源码,旅游,毕业设计,tourism From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15745565/7246213