首页 > 编程语言 >R语言代做编程辅导ASSIGNMENT FOUR - RANDOM GRAPHS(附答案)


时间:2023-07-11 16:05:18浏览次数:42  
标签:... matrix GRAPHS column ASSIGNMENT RANDOM number person edges


PROBLEM 1) Creating Random Adjacency Matrices

Script Name: adjMatrix Input: n... The number of vertices in the graph p... Probablity two vertices are connected plot... whether or not the matrix should be plotted as a graph Output: The nxn matrix of zero and ones Error Checking: The dimension is postive (else return NULL)

Description: The matrix is related to a simple, undirected graph of n vertices. In the graph is Vertex i and Vectex j are joined by an edge, then in the matrix A[i,j] = 1, if no edge exists then A[i,j]=0. There are differenct ways of handling the diagonal. We will require the diagonal elements to be NA.

The matrix must be symmetric. That is A[i,j]=A[j,1]

Whether or not an entry in the matrix is 0 or 1, is determined by drawing numbers from the binomial distribution. This distribution will yield a 1 with probability p and a o with probability (1-p). In R it will work like this, in the ith column (vertex i) , we require A[i,i] to be NA. This leaves n-1 entries to be determined. We use the command rbinom(n-1,1,p) to general these entries all at once, or rbinom(1,1,p) to generate them one at a time.

Plot: Using igraph create a simple plot. Use a color easy on the eyes such as something found in the Brewer color palette (discussed in class)



  for(i in 1:n){
    for(j in 1:n){
        m[i,j]=ifelse(i==j,NA,rbinom(1,1,p) )
  gA <- graph.adjacency(m, mode="undirected",diag=FALSE )
  V(gA)$color<-colpal[1]   You choose 1 to 8... try some others
  plot(gA, layout=layout.auto,main="Random Graph using Brewer Color Palette")

PROBLEM 2) Person with the most friends in the network

Script Name: vowelMax Input: A... An adjacency matrix plot... Plot the graph with the "friends" network highlighted Output: The number of the vertex with the most edge connections Error Checking: None

Description: The number of "friends" a person has in a network is the number of edges connected to that vertex. The ith person in the network, will be connected to the jth person if A[i,j]=1. So the number of 1's in the ith column reports how many edges connect person i to others In mathematical terms, this is called the "degree" of vertex i.

So you must determine the number of ones in each column and then find which column has the most ones.

Hint: There is a quick trick to use here. Since a column has only 0 or 1 in it, the sum of all of the numbers in the column is the same as the number of 1's in the column. Prove that to yourself.

Plot: Use igraph to plot the graph. Use three colors for the vertices: one for the most friendly person, another for his/her immediate friends, and another for the remaining vertices. Color red the edges from the most friendly person to his/her friends. All remaining edges are black.

  pastel<-brewer.pal(8,"Pastel2")   Try a different palette  	
  gA <- graph.adjacency(A, mode="undirected",diag=FALSE )
  V(gA)[s]$color<-pastel[2]   changes the 5 vertex to the 4th color of the palette
  plot(gA, layout=layout.auto,main="Random Graph With A Range of Vertices Colored")

PROBLEM 3) Find a lonely person

Script Name: noFriends Input: A... An adjacency matrix Output: The number of the vertex with the no edge connections Error Checking: None

Description: The number of "friends" a person has in a network is the number of edges connected to that vertex. The ith person in the network, will be connected to the jth person if A[i,j]=1. So the number of 1's in the ith column reports how many edges connect person i to others In mathematical terms, this is called the "degree" of vertex i.

So you must determine the number of ones in each column and then find which column has the most ones.

Hint: There is a quick trick to use here. Since a column has only 0 or 1 in it, the sum of all of the numbers in the column is the same as the number of 1's in the column. Prove that to yourself.

Plot: Create a plot of the graph using igraph. Make the "lonely" person/people a different color


PROBLEM 4) Number of friendship relationships in the network

Script Name: numFriendships Input: A... An adjacency matrix Output: The number of uniqe edges in the graph

Description: The number of friendships in the network is the number of edges in the graph. Basically, count the ones in the adjacency matrix, but be careful. (Remember, an edge from i to j is the same as an edge from j to i)



PROBLEM 5) Add a person to the friendship network

Script Name: addPerson Input: A... An adjacency matrix p... Probability a relationship forms plot... Show the new person and relationships Output: New adjacency matrix

Description: As in creating an adjacency matrix, a new column is added and the binomail distribution is used to determine the 1 entries.

Plot: Plot the graph using igraph. Use three colors for the vertices: one for the newly added person, another for his/her immediate friends, and another for the remaining vertices. Color red the edges from the new person to his/her friends. All remaining edges are black.

  for(i in 1:n){

PROBLEM 6) Add several people to the friendship network

Script Name: growNetwork Input: A... An adjacency matrix p... Probability a relationship forms n... the number of people to add plot... Show the new person and relationships Output: New adjacency matrix

Plot: Plot the graph using igraph. Use three colors for the vertices: one for the newly added person, another for his/her immediate friends, and another for the remaining vertices. Color red the edges from the new person to his/her friends. All remaining edges are black.


  for(ii in 1:n){
  for(i in 1:nn){

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/tecdat/p/17544955.html


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