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C# 学习笔记 - 类

时间:2023-07-02 23:22:50浏览次数:39  
标签:return string C# 笔记 class 学习 private Employee public

与其他面向对象编程语言一样,C# 序的功能是在一个或多个类中实现的。类的方法(methods)和属性(properties)包含定义类行为方式的代码。

C# 通过封装属性和方法,以及启用多种类型的多态性(包括通过继承实现的子类型多态性(subtyping polymorphism via inheritance)和泛型的参数多态性(parametric polymorphism via generics))来实现信息隐藏(information hiding)。

各种 C# 类均可定义,包括:

  • 标准类(instance classes
  • 静态类(static classes
  • 结构体(structures

例如,以下代码定义了一个名为 Employee 的类,包含 Name 和 Age 属性,已经两个空方法 GetPayCheck() 和 Work(),并定义了一个继承自 Emplyee 的 Sample 类:

public class Employee
    private int _Age;
    private string _Name;

    public int Age
        get { return _Age; }
        set { _Age = value; }

    public string Name
        get { return _Name; }
        set { _Name = value; }

    public void GetPayCheck()

    public void Work()

public class Sample
    public static void Main()
        Employee marissa = new Employee();



C# 方法是类的成员,可以有返回值,参数列表,有时候还有泛型(generic)声明。像字段一样,方法包括静态方法和实例方法。

  • 静态方法:通过类访问
  • 实例方法:通过类实例化后的对象访问

Like fields, methods can be static (associated with and accessed through the class) or instance (associated with and accessed through an object instance of the class) methods as well as a generic type declaration.

自 C# 4.0 以来,方法可以包含可选参数,可选参数应当设定默认值,例如:

void Increment(ref int x, int dx = 1)

构造器(Constructions of classes)


public class Employee
    public Employee()
        System.Console.WriteLine("Constructed without parameters");

    public Employee(string strText)

public class Sample
    public static void Main()
        Employee Alfred = new Employee();
        Employee Billy  = new Employee("Parameter for construction");


public class Employee
    public Employee(string strText, int iNumber)
    public Employee(string strText)
        : this(strText, 1234) // calls the above constructor with user-specified text and the default number
    { }
    public Employee()
        : this("default text") // calls the above constructor with the default text
    { }

终结器(Finalizers / Destructors)

与构造器相反,终结器定义了一个对象不再使用时的最后的行为,C# 的垃圾回收机制使得终结器的具体行为时间变得不可预测。

public class Employee
    public Employee(string strText)


    public static void Main()
        Employee marissa = new Employee("Constructed!");

        marissa = null;


C# 的属性是一种使用字段(field)语法公开方法功能的类成员,它简化了传统上调用 get 和 set 方法(accessor methods)的语法,类似于方法,属性也可以是静态的或实例的。

public class MyClass
    private int m_iField = 3; // Sets integerField with a default value of 3

    public int IntegerField
            return m_iField;  // get returns the field you specify when this property is assigned
            m_iField = value; // set assigns the value assigned to the property of the field you specify

getter/setter 方法也可以使用以下更短的方式定义:

class Culture
    public int TalkedCountries { get; set; }
    public string Language { get; set; }

class InterculturalDialogue
    Culture culture;

    culture.Language = "Italian";  // ==> culture.SetLanguage("Italian");

    string strThisLanguage = culture.Language; // ==> ... = culture.GetLanguage();


C# 索引器是定义数组访问操作行为的类成员。
使用 this 关键字创建索引器,例如:

public class EmployeeCollection
    public string this[string strKey]
        get { return coll[strKey]; }
        set { coll[strKey] = value; }

EmployeeCollection e = new EmployeeCollection();

string s = e["Jones"];
e["Smith"] = "xxx";


C# 事件是向类的客户端公开通知的类成员。

Events are only fired and never assigned


using System;

// Note: You need to know some about delegate, properties and methods to understand this sample
namespace EventSample
    /// <summary>
    /// This delegate defines the signature of the appropriate method
    /// </summary>
    public delegate void ContractHandler(Employee sender);

    /// <summary>
    ///     Employee class
    /// </summary>
    public class Employee
        /// <summary>
        ///     Field for the info whether or not the Employee is engaged
        /// </summary>
        private bool bIsEngaged = false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Age of the employee
        /// </summary>
        private int iAge = -1;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Name of the employee
        /// </summary>
        private String strName = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// *** The our event *** 
        /// Is a collection of methods that will be called when it fires
        /// </summary>
        public event ContractHandler Engaged;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Standard constructor
        /// </summary>
        public Employee()
            // Here, we are adding a new method with appropriate signature (defined by delegate)
            // note: when an event has no method and it was fired, it causes an exception!
            //       for all effects when programming with events, assign one private method to event
            //       or simply do a verification before firing it! --> if (event != null)
            this.Engaged += new ContractHandler(this.OnEngaged);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Event handler for the "engaged" event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        ///     Sender object
        /// </param>
        private void OnEngaged(Employee sender)
            Console.WriteLine("private void OnEngaged was called! this employee is engaged now!");

        /// <summary>
        ///     Accessor for the employee name
        /// </summary>
        public string Name
                return strName;

                strName = value;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Accessor for the employee age
        /// </summary>
        public int Age
                return m_iAge;

                m_iAge = value;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Accessor for the information about employee engagement
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsEngaged
                return bIsEngaged;

                if (bIsEngaged == false && value == true)
                    // here we fires event (call all the methods that it have)
                    // all times when IsEngaged is false and set to true;

                bIsEngaged = value;

    /// <summary>
    ///     Class for the entry point
    /// </summary>
    public class EntryPointClass
        static void Main(string[] a_strArgs)
            Employee simpleEmployee = new Employee();

            simpleEmployee.Age = 18;
            simpleEmployee.Name = "Samanta Rock";
            // Here...
            // This is saying when the event fires, the method added to event are called too.
            // note that we cannot use =
            // is only += to add methods to event or -= do retire an event
            simpleEmployee.Engaged += new ContractHandler(SimpleEmployee_Engaged);
            // make attention here...
            // when I assign true to this property, 
            // the event Engaged will be called
            // when event is called, all method that it have, are called!
            simpleEmployee.IsEngaged = true;



        /// <summary>
        ///     Event handler for the registered "engaged" event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        ///     Event sender
        /// </param>
        static void SimpleEmployee_Engaged(Employee sender)
            Console.WriteLine("The employee {0} is happy!", sender.Name);

运算符重载(Operator overloading)

C# 运算符定义是类成员,用于定义或重新定义类实例后的的基本 C# 运算符的行为。

public class Complex
    private double m_dReal, m_dImaginary;
    public double Real
        get { return m_dReal; }
        set { m_dReal = value; }
    public double Imaginary
        get { return m_dImaginary; }
        set { m_dImaginary = value; }
    // binary operator overloading
    public static Complex operator +(Complex c1, Complex c2)
        return new Complex() { Real = c1.Real + c2.Real, Imaginary = c1.Imaginary + c2.Imaginary };
    // unary operator overloading
    public static Complex operator -(Complex c)
        return new Complex() { Real = -c.Real, Imaginary = -c.Imaginary };
    // cast operator overloading (both implicit and explicit)
    public static implicit operator double(Complex c)
        // return the modulus - sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
        return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(c.Real, 2) + Math.Pow(c.Imaginary, 2));
    public static explicit operator string(Complex c)
        // we should be overloading the ToString() method, but this is just a demonstration
        return c.Real.ToString() + " + " + c.Imaginary.ToString() + "i";

public class StaticDemo
    public static void Main()
        Complex number1 = new Complex() { Real = 1, Imaginary = 2 };
        Complex number2 = new Complex() { Real = 4, Imaginary = 10 };
        Complex number3 = number1 + number2; // number3 now has Real = 5, Imaginary = 12
        number3 = -number3; // number3 now has Real = -5, Imaginary = -12
        double testNumber = number3; // testNumber will be set to the absolute value of number3
        Console.WriteLine((string)number3); // This will print "-5 + -12i".
        // The cast to string was needed because that was an explicit cast operator.


使用 struct 关键字定义结构体。结构体是轻量化的类,在数据结构比较小时可以减少内存占用。在大多数情况下,使用标准类是更好的选择。


struct Employee
    public int m_iAge;
    private string m_strName;

    public string Name
        get { return m_strName; }
        set { m_strName = value; }



struct Timestamp
    private ushort m_usYear;
    private ushort m_usMonth;
    private ushort m_usDayOfMonth;
    private ushort m_usHour;
    private ushort m_usMinute;
    private ushort m_usSecond;

    public Timestamp(ushort usYear,
        ushort usMonth,
        ushort usDay,
        ushort usHour,
        ushort usMinute,
        ushort usSecond)
        m_usYear = usYear - 1900;
        m_usMonth = usMonth;
        m_usDay = usDay;
        m_usHour = usHour;
        m_usMinute = usMinute;
        m_usSecond = usSecond;

静态类(Static classes)

静态类通常被用于实现单例模式(Singleton Pattern)。

例如(System.Console 就是一个静态类):

public static class Writer
    public static void Write()

public class Sample
    public static void Main()

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/snoopy1866/p/17521424.html


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