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C# 学习笔记 - 控制流

时间:2023-07-02 13:12:18浏览次数:56  
标签:语句 Console C# 控制流 笔记 else while WriteLine public



  • 条件语句使用关键字 if, switch 来决定执行某些语句
  • 迭代语句使用关键字 do, while, for, foreach 和 in 创建一个循环
  • 跳转语句使用关键字 break, continue, return 和 yield 转移程序控制

条件语句(Conditional statement)

if statement

C# 中的 if 语句的语法与 C, C++ 和 Java 相同:

if (condition)
    // Do something
    // Do something else

if 语句计算条件表达式决定是否执行 if 语句块(if-body),否则执行 else 语句块(else-body),else 语句块是可选的。else 语句块中可以使用层叠(common cascade)的 if, else if, else if, else if, ..., else 语句:

using System;

public class IfStatementSample
    public void IfMyNumberIs()
        int myNumber = 5;

        if (myNumber == 4)
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not 4.");
        else if (myNumber < 0)
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not negative.");
        else if( myNumber % 2 == 0 )
            Console.WriteLine("This will not be shown because myNumber is not even.");
            Console.WriteLine("myNumber does not match the coded conditions, so this sentence will be shown!");

switch statement

C# 中的 switch 语句的语法与 C, C++ 和 Java 相似:

switch (nCPU)
    case 0:
        Console.WriteLine("You don't have a CPU! :-)");
    case 1:
        Console.WriteLine("Single processor computer");
    case 2:
        Console.WriteLine("Dual processor computer");
        // Stacked cases
    case 3:
        // falls through
    case 4:
        // falls through
    case 5:
        // falls through
    case 6:
        // falls through
    case 7:
        // falls through
    case 8:
        Console.WriteLine("A multi processor computer");
        Console.WriteLine("A seriously parallel computer");

其中,default 语句是可选的。如果没有定义 default 语句,则会隐式添加一个空的 default 语句。

不同于 C,C# 中的 switch 与可以应用在字符串变量上,例如:

switch (aircraftIdent)
    case "C-FESO":
        Console.WriteLine("Rans S6S Coyote");
    case "C-GJIS":
        Console.WriteLine("Rans S12XL Airaile");
        Console.WriteLine("Unknown aircraft");

迭代语句(Iteration statement)

do ... while loop

do ... while 循环语法:
do body while (condition)

do ... while 循环始终会执行一次循环体,然后判断是否满足 while 中的条件,决定是否再次执行循环体。

using System;

public class DoWhileLoopSample
    public void PrintValuesFromZeroToTen
        int number = 0;

        while (number <= 10)

for loop

for 循环语法:
for (initialization; condition; iteration) body

  • initialization : 声明和初始化索引变量(index variable
  • condition : 决定是否执行循环体的条件
  • iteration : 循环体之后执行的语句,通常用于索引变量的自增或自减
public class ForLoopSample
    public void ForFirst100NaturalNumbers()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

foreach loop

foreach 循环与 for 循环相似,不过它没有迭代索引,所以可以用于对集合元素的迭代,语法:
foreach (variable-declaration in enumerable-expression) body

  • enumerable-expression : 一种实现了 IEnumerable 的类型的表达式,因此可用于任何数组或集合中
  • variable-declaration : 一个变量,表示循环体执行过程中 enumerable-expression 的连续元素,当没有更多元素可赋值给该变量时,循环结束
public class ForEachSample
    public void DoSomethingForEachItem()
        string[] itemsToWrite = {"Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie"};

        foreach (string item in itemsToWrite)

while loop

while 循环语法:
while (condition) body

while 循环会先判断是否满足条件,若满足,才会执行循环体。

using System;

public class WhileLoopSample
    public void RunForAWhile()
        TimeSpan durationToRun = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
        DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

        while (DateTime.Now - start < durationToRun)
            Console.WriteLine("not finished yet");

跳转语句(Jump statement)


break 语句用于从 switch 语句的一个分支中退出,也可用于在 for, foreach, while, do ... while 语句中退出整个循环(after the end of the loop)。

using System;

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) // see the comparison, i < 10
                if (i >= 3)
                    // Not run over the code, and get out of loop.
                    // Note: The rest of code will not be executed,
                    //       & it leaves the loop instantly
            // Here check the value of i, it will be 3, not 10.
            Console.WriteLine("The value of OneExternCounter: {0}", i);


continue 语句用于退出当前循环(before the end of a loop)。

using System;

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int OneExternCounter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                if (i >= 5)
                    continue;   // Not run over the code, and return to the beginning 
                                // of the scope as if it had completed the loop
                OneExternCounter += 1;
            // Here check the value of OneExternCounter, it will be 5, not 10.
            Console.WriteLine("The value of OneExternCounter: {0}", OneExternCounter);


return 关键字标识函数或方法的返回值,并使程序跳转到函数的结尾。

namespace JumpSample
    public class Entry
        static int Fun()
            int a = 3;
            return a; // the code terminates here from this function
            a = 9;    // here is a block that will not be executed

        static void Main(string[] args)
            int OnNumber = Fun();
            // the value of OnNumber is 3, not 9...


yield 关键字用于定义用于为枚举器生成值的迭代器块(iterator block),通常用在实现 IEnumerable 接口的方法中,来实现一个迭代器。

using System;
using System.Collections;

public class YieldSample
    public static IEnumerable MyCounter(int stop, int step)
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < stop; i += step)
            yield return i;

    static void Main()
        foreach (int j in MyCounter(10, 2))
            Console.WriteLine("{0} ", j);
        // Will display 0 2 4 6 8


throw 关键字用于抛出异常。
如果它位于 try 语句块内,它将把控制转移到匹配这个异常的 catch 语句块,否则,它将检查当前调用环境下是否有任何包含匹配这个异常的 catch 语句块的函数(it will check if any calling functions are contained within the matching catch block),并将控制转移到那里。如果没有函数包含匹配这个异常的 catch 语句块,则程序可能会因为异常未被处理而终止。

namespace ExceptionSample
    public class Warrior
        private string Name { get; set; }

        public Warrior(string name)
            if (name == "Piccolo")
                throw new Exception("Piccolo can't battle!");

    public class Entry
        static void Main(string[] args)
                Warrior a = new Warrior("Goku");
                Warrior b = new Warrior("Vegeta");
                Warrior c = new Warrior("Piccolo"); // exception here!
            catch(Exception e)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/snoopy1866/p/17520629.html


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