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c# aveva marine link folder

时间:2023-06-11 21:11:55浏览次数:47  
标签:set Description get c# eleLinkDesc DbAttributeInstance folder marine public

public class LinkWorld
        public static DbElement LinkWLD => Aveva.Pdms.Database.DbType.Design.FindElements(DbElementTypeInstance.LINKWLD).FirstOrDefault();
    public class LinkDescription
        public DbElement CurElement { get; set; }
        public string Description { get; set; }
        public string RefNo { get; set; }
        public DbElement LnkRef { get; set; }
        public DbElement[] LnkElements { get; set; }
        public string LnkUse { get; set; }
        public string Url { get; set; }
        public LinkDescriptorUsage LinkUsage { get; set; }
        public bool LnkRefMissOut => this.LnkRef == DbElement.GetElement();
        public LinkDescription(DbElement eleLinkDesc)
            this.CurElement = eleLinkDesc;
            this.RefNo = eleLinkDesc.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.REF);
            this.Description = eleLinkDesc.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.DESC);
            this.LnkRef = eleLinkDesc.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.LNKREF);
            this.LnkElements = eleLinkDesc.GetElementArray(DbAttributeInstance.LNKELE);
            this.Url = eleLinkDesc.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.URL);
            this.LnkUse = eleLinkDesc.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.LNKUSE);
            this.LinkUsage = this.LnkUse.GetEnum<LinkDescriptorUsage>();
        public static List<LinkDescription> LinkDescriptions => LinkWorld.LinkWLD.FindElements(DbElementTypeInstance.LNDESC, c => c.Members().Any()).Select(c => new LinkDescription(c)).ToList();

        public static List<LinkDescription> LinkDesPlateGenFilesList => LinkWorld.LinkWLD.FindElements(DbElementTypeInstance.LNDESC, c => c.Members().Any()).Select(c => new LinkDescription(c)).Where(c => c.LinkUsage == LinkDescriptorUsage.UPMGEN).ToList();

        public static List<LinkDescription> LinkDesPlanePartGeneration => LinkWorld.LinkWLD.FindElements(DbElementTypeInstance.LNDESC, c => c.Members().Any()).Select(c => new LinkDescription(c)).Where(c => c.LinkUsage == LinkDescriptorUsage.DPPAN).ToList();

        public static List<LinkDescription> LinkDesProfileSketch => LinkWorld.LinkWLD.FindElements(DbElementTypeInstance.LNDESC, c => c.Members().Any()).Select(c => new LinkDescription(c)).Where(c => c.LinkUsage == LinkDescriptorUsage.DPROF).ToList();

    public enum LinkDescriptorUsage
        [Description("Profile nesting")]
        DPNEST = 0,
        [Description("Nested profile csv")]
        UNPRC = 1,
        [Description("Nested profile list")]
        UNPRL = 2,
        [Description("Weld report")]
        UWELDR = 3,
        [Description("Plate generic file")]
        UPMGEN = 4,
        [Description("Weight and centre of gravity sketch")]
        DWCOG = 5,
        [Description("Weight and centre of gravity csv")]
        UWCOG = 6,
        [Description("Parts list sketch - profiles")]
        DPRTPR = 7,
        [Description("Parts list sketch - plates")]
        DPRTPL = 8,
        [Description("Parts list - profiles")]
        UPRTPR = 9,
        [Description("Parts list - plates")]
        UPRTPL = 10,
        [Description("Mounting data profile")]
        UMNTPR = 11,
        [Description("Manstiff csv")]
        UMANSC = 12,
        [Description("Manstiff list")]
        UMANSL = 13,
        [Description("Profile sketch")]
        DPROF = 14,
        [Description("Profile generic file")]
        UPRGEN = 15,
        [Description("List of Split Plane Panel Parts")]
        UPPAN = 16,
        [Description("Plane panel parts generation")]
        DPPAN = 17


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/NanShengBlogs/p/17473609.html


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