链表( Linked List)
# 该篇笔记转自【Python】python链表_小周ipython的博客-CSDN博客_python 链表
链表(Linked List):是一种线性表数据结构。他是用一组任意的存储单元(可以是连续的,也可以是不连续的),来存储一组具有相同类型的数据
双链表(doubly Linked List):链表的一种,也叫做双链表。 它的每个链节点中有两个指针,分别指向直接后继和直接前驱。
循环链表(Circualr Linked List):链表的一种。它的最后一个链节点指向头节点,形成一个环。
首先定义一个链节点类,然后再定义链表类。 LinkedList类中只有一个链节点变量head用来表示链表的头节点。
class ListNode: def __init__(self, val=0 ,next=None): self.val = val self.next = next class LinkedList: def __init__(self): self.head = None #add an item to the head of the linked list: def insertfront(self,val): node = ListNode(val) # first create a node node.next = self.head # then let the created node point the head of the original linked list self.head = node # At last, the created node be the head of the modified linked list # add an item to the end o fhte linked list: def inserttail(self,val): node = ListNode(val) cur = self.head while cur.next != None: cur = cur.next cur.next = node def insertINside(self,val,index): node = ListNode(val) count = 0 cur = self.head while cur != None and count < index-1: cur = cur.next # firstly, connect the tail of node count += 1 # Then, connect the head fo the node if cur: return 'error' node.next = cur.next cur.next = node # creat a linked List based on the data(data=[item1,item2,item3....]) def create(self,data): self.head = ListNode(0) cur = self.head for i in range(len(data)): node = ListNode(data[i]) cur.next = node cur = cur.next # return the lenth of the linked List def length(self): count = 0 cur = self.head while cur: count += 1 cur = cur.next return count def removeFront(self): if self.head: self.head = self.head.next def removeinside(self,index): count = 0 cur = self.head while cur.next and count < index - 1 count += 1 cur = cur.next if not cur: return 'Error' del_node = cur.next cur.next = del_node.next
标签:node,head,cur,self,List,next,链表,Linked From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wujiadeqiao/p/16657626.html