unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, SUIForm, SUIButton, StdCtrls, SUIEdit, SUIImagePanel, SUIGroupBox, Grids, ExtDlgs, SUIDlg, mywil, jpeg, FFPBox; type TFormMain = class(TForm) suiForm1: TsuiForm; suiImagePanel1: TsuiImagePanel; suiImagePanel2: TsuiImagePanel; Label1: TLabel; EditFileName: TsuiEdit; suiButton1: TsuiButton; btnup: TsuiButton; btndown: TsuiButton; btndelete: TsuiButton; btnjump: TsuiButton; btnautoplay: TsuiButton; btnstop: TsuiButton; btninput: TsuiButton; btnout: TsuiButton; btnadd: TsuiButton; btncreate: TsuiButton; btnallinput: TsuiButton; btnallout: TsuiButton; suiGroupBox1: TsuiGroupBox; suiGroupBox2: TsuiGroupBox; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; btnx: TsuiButton; btny: TsuiButton; Label4: TLabel; LabelType: TLabel; LabelSize: TLabel; LabelY: TLabel; LabelIndex: TLabel; LabelX: TLabel; rb50: TsuiRadioButton; rb100: TsuiRadioButton; rb200: TsuiRadioButton; rb400: TsuiRadioButton; rb800: TsuiRadioButton; rbauto: TsuiRadioButton; chcbxTransparent: TsuiCheckBox; chcbxJump: TsuiCheckBox; chcbxXY: TsuiCheckBox; chcbxCoordinate: TsuiCheckBox; suiPanel1: TsuiPanel; DrawGrid1: TDrawGrid; Splitter1: TSplitter; ScrollBox1: TScrollBox; Image1: TImage; suiImagePanel3: TsuiImagePanel; suiInputDialog1: TsuiInputDialog; suiMessageDialog1: TsuiMessageDialog; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog; SavePictureDialog1: TSavePictureDialog; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; FlickerFreePaintBox1: TFlickerFreePaintBox; function ExtractRecord(ResType, ResName, ResNewName: string): Boolean; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure FlickerFreePaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas); procedure DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure FillInfo(Index: Integer); procedure ShowErrMessage(msg: string); procedure ShowMessage(msg: string); procedure btnxClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure suiButton1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var FormMain: TFormMain; MainBitMap: TBitmap; BmpIndex, BmapWidth, BmpHeight: Integer; BmpX, BmpY: Integer; BmpZoom: Real; BmpTransparent: Boolean; Wil: TWil; Stop: Boolean; implementation {$R *.dfm} //uses outpic, addpic, newpic, delpic, addone; function TFormMain.ExtractRecord(ResType, ResName, ResNewName: string): Boolean; var Res: TResourceStream; Str: string[60]; //没有用上? s: TFileStream; // 没有用上? //返回的什么? begin Res := TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, ResName, PChar(ResType)); Res.SaveToFile(ResNewName); Res.Free; end; procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Wil := TWIL.Create(Self); //这里为什么用SELFC参数? end; procedure TFormMain.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin FlickerFreePaintBox1.Refresh; end; procedure TFormMain.FlickerFreePaintBox1Paint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas); var BitMap: TBitmap; begin { if MainBitMap = nil then Canvas.Refresh else Canvas.Draw(0, 0, MainBitMap); } if Wil.Stream <> nil then //显示 begin Wil.DrawZoom(Canvas, BmpX, BmpY, BmpIndex, BmpZoom, BmpTransparent, False); end; if chcbxCoordinate.Checked then //显示 坐标线? begin Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot; Canvas.MoveTo(0, FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height div 2); Canvas.LineTo(FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width, FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height div 2); Canvas.MoveTo(FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width div 2, 0); Canvas.LineTo(FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width div 2, FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height); end; end; procedure TFormMain.DrawGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var Index: Integer; BitMap: TBitmap; //未用 w, h: Integer; str: string; begin Index := ARow * 6 + ACol; if (Wil.Stream <> nil) and (Index < Wil.ImageCount) then begin Wil.DrawZoomEx(DrawGrid1.Canvas, Rect, Index, True); str := Format('%.5d', [Index]); DrawGrid1.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; w := DrawGrid1.Canvas.TextWidth(str); h := DrawGrid1.Canvas.TextHeight(str); DrawGrid1.Canvas.TextOut(Rect.Right - w - 1, Rect.Bottom - h - 1, str); if State <> [] then FillInfo(Index); end; end; procedure TFormMain.FillInfo(Index: Integer); var Width1, Height1: Integer; Zoom, Zoom1: Real; begin if Wil.Stream <> nil then begin BmpIndex := Index; BmpTransparent := chcbxTransparent.Checked; MainBitMap := Wil.Bitmaps[Index]; Width1 := Wil.Width; Height1 := Wil.Height; if chcbxJump.Checked then begin while ((Width1 <= 1) or (Height1 <= 1)) and (BmpIndex < Wil.ImageCount - 1) do begin Inc(BmpIndex); Width1 := Wil.Bitmaps[BmpIndex].Width; Height1 := Wil.Bitmaps[BmpIndex].Height; end; end; if rbauto.Checked then begin if (Width1 < FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width) and (Height1 < FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height) then begin BmpZoom := 1; if chcbxXY.Checked then begin BmpX := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width div 2 + Wil.px; BmpY := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height div 2 + Wil.py; end else begin BmpX := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width div 2; BmpY := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height div 2; end; end else begin if Width1 > FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width then Zoom := Width1 / FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width; if Height1 > FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height then Zoom1 := Height1 / FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height; if Zoom > Zoom1 then BmpZoom := Zoom else BmpZoom := Zoom1; BmpX := 1; BmpY := 1; end; end else begin if rb50.Checked then BmpZoom := 0.5; if rb100.Checked then BmpZoom := 1; if rb200.Checked then BmpZoom := 2; if rb400.Checked then BmpZoom := 4; if rb800.Checked then BmpZoom := 8; BmpX := 1; BmpY := 1; FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width := ScrollBox1.Width - 5; FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height := ScrollBox1.Height - 5; Width1 := Round(Width1 * BmpZoom); Height1 := Round(Height1 * BmpZoom); if (Width1 < FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width) and (Height1 < FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height) then begin if chcbxXY.Checked then begin BmpX := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width div 2 + Wil.px; BmpY := FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height div 2 + Wil.py; end else begin BmpX := (FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width - Width1) div 2; BmpX := (FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height - height1) div 2; end; end else begin FlickerFreePaintBox1.Width := Width1; FlickerFreePaintBox1.Height := Height1; end; end; LabelX.Caption := IntToStr(Wil.px); LabelY.Caption := IntToStr(Wil.py); LabelSize.Caption := IntToStr(Width1) + '*' + IntToStr(Height1); LabelIndex.Caption := IntToStr(Index) + '/' + IntToStr(Wil.ImageCount - 1); case Wil.FileType of 0: LabelType.Caption := 'MIR2 数据格式(1)'; 1: LabelType.Caption := 'MIR2 数据格式(2)'; 2: begin if Wil.OffSet = 0 then LabelType.Caption := 'EI3 数据格式(1)' else LabelType.Caption := 'EI3 数据格式(2)'; end; end; FlickerFreePaintBox1.Refresh; if Wil.FileType = 2 then begin btnallinput.Enabled := False; btnallout.Enabled := True; btnout.Enabled := True; btninput.Enabled := False; btnadd.Enabled := False; btnup.Enabled := True; btnjump.Enabled := True; btnstop.Enabled := True; btnautoplay.Enabled := True; btncreate.Enabled := True; btndelete.Enabled := False; btnx.Enabled := False; btny.Enabled := False; end else begin btnx.Enabled := True; btny.Enabled := True; btndelete.Enabled := True; btnup.Enabled := True; btndown.Enabled := True; btnjump.Enabled := True; btnstop.Enabled := True; btnadd.Enabled := True; btnallinput.Enabled := True; btnallout.Enabled := True; btnautoplay.Enabled := True; btncreate.Enabled := True; btnout.Enabled := True; btnstop.Enabled := True; btninput.Enabled := True; end; if Index = (Wil.ImageCount - 1) then begin btndown.Enabled := False; btnup.Enabled := True; end; if Index = 0 then begin btnup.Enabled := False; end; DrawGrid1.Row := BmpIndex div 6; DrawGrid1.Col := BmpIndex mod 6; end; end; procedure TFormMain.ShowErrMessage(msg: string); begin suiMessageDialog1.Caption := '错误'; suiMessageDialog1.IconType := suiWarning; suiMessageDialog1.Text := msg; suiMessageDialog1.ShowModal; end; procedure TFormMain.ShowMessage(msg: string); begin suiMessageDialog1.Caption := '消息'; suiMessageDialog1.IconType := suiInformation; suiMessageDialog1.Text := msg; suiMessageDialog1.ShowModal; end; procedure TFormMain.btnxClick(Sender: TObject); var x: SmallInt; code: Integer; begin suiInputDialog1.Caption := '更改图片X坐标'; suiInputDialog1.PromptText := '输入图片X坐标'; suiInputDialog1.ValueText := '1'; if suiInputDialog1.ShowModal = mrCancel then Exit; Val(suiInputDialog1.ValueText, x, code); if code > 0 then begin ShowErrMessage('输入正确的格式'); Exit; end; Wil.Changex(BmpIndex, x); FillInfo(BmpIndex); end; procedure TFormMain.btnyClick(Sender: TObject); var x: SmallInt; code: Integer; begin suiInputDialog1.Caption := '更改图片Y坐标'; suiInputDialog1.PromptText := '输入图片Y坐标'; suiInputDialog1.ValueText := '1'; if suiInputDialog1.ShowModal = mrCancel then Exit; Val(suiInputDialog1.ValueText, x, code); if code > 0 then begin ShowErrMessage('输入正确的格式'); Exit; end; Wil.Changey(BmpIndex, x); FillInfo(BmpIndex); end; procedure TFormMain.suiButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin EditFileName.Text := OpenDialog1.FileName; if FileExists(EditFileName.Text) then begin if Wil.Stream <> nil then Wil.Finalize; Wil.FileName := EditFileName.Text; Wil.Initialize; if Wil.Stream = nil then begin ShowErrMessage('WIL文件错误或非WIL文件'); Exit; end; BmpIndex := 0; DrawGrid1.RowCount := (Wil.ImageCount div 6) + 1; DrawGrid1.Refresh; FillInfo(BmpIndex); end; end; end; end.
1,DIB 的认识,
DelphiX 的组件面板上, 第二个就是 TDXDIB;
TDXDIB.DIB 是 TDXDIB 的唯一属性(其他是 TComponent 固有的);
TDIB 和 TBitmap 一样都直接继承自 TGraphic, 是一个图片容器, 它还有个别名: TDIBitmap;
TDIB 和 TDXDraw.Surface 还有 TDXImageList 中的元素(TPictureCollectionItem)功能都差不多, 不过它更强大.
使用 TDIB 需要 uses DIB 单元;
但如果添加了 TDXDIB 组件, DIB 单元会自动添加, 并可以在设计时装载图片.
大概意思就是DIB 是DELPHI的一个组件?
2,安装 只有.PAS 文件 作为控件。
新 建一个Package项目工程,将PAS 文件放进去就可以了。
3,使用MYWIL里面的方法就就能将 WIL文件显示出来 了。
Wil:=TWil.Create(self); 创建这个WIL 类
Wil.FileName:=EditFileName.Text; 给它一个文件名
Wil.Initialize; 初始化
Wil.Stream 装入了这个流中?
Wil.DrawZoomEx(DrawGrid1.Canvas,Rect,index,true); 扩展控制显示?
Wil.DrawZoom(Canvas,Bmpx,Bmpy,BmpINdex,BmpZoom,BmpTran,false); 控制显示?
Wil.ImageCount 图片数量?
学习 多界面的显示程序 MID?
标签:编码,begin,Wil,end,FlickerFreePaintBox1,HH8WilEdit,WIL,Enabled,True From: https://www.cnblogs.com/D7mir/p/17029055.html