if (hiveObjType == HiveObjectType.URI && isPathInFSScheme(path)) { FsAction permission = getURIAccessType(hiveOpType); if (!isURIAccessAllowed(user, permission, path, getHiveConf())) { throw new HiveAccessControlException(String.format("Permission denied: user [%s] does not have [%s] privilege on [%s]", user, permission.name(), path)); } continue; }
private boolean isPathInFSScheme(String uri) {
// This is to find if HIVE URI operation done is for hdfs,file scheme
// else it may be for s3 which needs another set of authorization calls.
boolean ret = false;
String[] fsScheme = hivePlugin.getFSScheme();
if (fsScheme != null) {
for (String scheme : fsScheme) {
if (!uri.isEmpty() && uri.startsWith(scheme)) {
ret = true;
return ret;
2022-12-12T06:44:33,683 DEBUG [b70562ff-5cbd-44e8-acb8-71b8799ed734 HiveServer2-Handler-Pool: Thread-63([])]: authorizer.RangerHiveAuthorizer (RangerHiveAuthorizer.java:checkPrivileges(788)) - 'checkPrivileges':{'hiveOpType':CREATETABLE, 'inputHObjs':['HivePrivilegeObject':{'type':DFS_URI, 'dbName':null, 'objectType':DFS_URI, 'objectName':s3a://xxxx/xxx/xxx/xxxx_daily_test, 'columns':[], 'partKeys':[], 'commandParams':[], 'actionType':OTHER}], 'outputHObjs':['HivePrivilegeObject':{'type':DATABASE, 'dbName':dev, 'objectType':DATABASE, 'objectName':null, 'columns':[], 'partKeys':[], 'commandParams':[], 'actionType':OTHER},'HivePrivilegeObject':{'type':TABLE_OR_VIEW, 'dbName':dev, 'objectType':TABLE_OR_VIEW, 'objectName':xxxx_daily_test, 'columns':[], 'partKeys':[], 'commandParams':[], 'actionType':OTHER}], 'context':{'clientType':HIVESERVER2, 'commandString':create table if not exists dev.xxxx_daily_test ( event_date string, reason string)PARTITIONED BY ( pdate string ) STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 's3a://xxxx/xxxx/xxx/xxxx_daily_test', 'ipAddress':, 'forwardedAddresses':null, 'sessionString':b70562ff-5cbd-44e8-acb8-71b8799ed734}, 'user':xxxxx, 'groups':[]}
// add s3 path check if(hiveObjType == HiveObjectType.URI) { FsAction permission = getURIAccessType(hiveOpType); if(!isURIAccessAllowedForS3(user, path)) { throw new HiveAccessControlException(String.format("Permission denied: user [%s] does not have [%s] privilege on [%s]", user, permission.name(), path)); } continue; } private boolean isURIAccessAllowedForS3(String userName, String uri) { boolean ret = false; try { // give all file privilege if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase("hadoop")) { ret = true; } else { if (uri.startsWith("s3a://user-devs") || uri.startsWith("s3://user-devs")) { ret = true; } else { LOG.error("uri[" + uri + "] should start with s3a://user-devs or s3://user-devs for user[" + userName + "]."); ret = false; } } } catch(Exception excp) { ret = false; LOG.error("Error getting permissions for " + uri, excp); } return ret; }
case DATABASE: objType = HiveObjectType.DATABASE; break; case PARTITION: objType = HiveObjectType.PARTITION; break; case TABLE_OR_VIEW: if(hiveOpTypeName.contains("index")) { objType = HiveObjectType.INDEX; } else if(! StringUtil.isEmpty(hiveObj.getColumns())) { objType = HiveObjectType.COLUMN; } else if(hiveOpTypeName.contains("view")) { objType = HiveObjectType.VIEW; } else { objType = HiveObjectType.TABLE; } break; case FUNCTION: objType = HiveObjectType.FUNCTION; if (isTempUDFOperation(hiveOpTypeName, hiveObj)) { objType = HiveObjectType.GLOBAL; } break; case DFS_URI: case LOCAL_URI: objType = HiveObjectType.URI; break; case COMMAND_PARAMS: case GLOBAL: if ( "add".equals(hiveOpTypeName) || "compile".equals(hiveOpTypeName)) { objType = HiveObjectType.GLOBAL; } break; case SERVICE_NAME: objType = HiveObjectType.SERVICE_NAME; break; case COLUMN: // Thejas: this value is unused in Hive; the case should not be hit. break;
cd /Users/xxxx/sourceCodeProj/ranger/hive-agent
mvn -DskipTests=true clean package
标签:case,s3,URI,uri,源码,user,objType,HiveObjectType From: https://www.cnblogs.com/aichihuluobo/p/17005769.html