本文主要是阅读微软在早些年前发表的环形熔断器的设计的文章,Circuit Breaker Pattern。该文比较详细的介绍了环形熔断器设计的背景,及解决的问题。
关闭状态:来自应用程序的请求被路由到操作。 代理维护最近失败次数的计数,如果对操作的调用失败,则代理会增加该计数。 如果最近的故障数在给定的时间段内超过了指定的阈值,则代理将置于“打开”状态。 此时,代理启动一个超时计时器,并且当该计时器到期时,该代理将进入“半打开”状态。
半开状态:允许来自应用程序的有限数量的请求通过并调用操作。 如果这些请求成功,则假定先前引起故障的故障已修复,并且断路器切换到“闭合”状态(故障计数器已重置)。 如果任何请求失败,则断路器将认为故障仍然存在,因此它将恢复为“打开”状态,并重新启动超时计时器,以使系统有更多时间从故障中恢复。
// Package gobreaker implements the Circuit Breaker pattern.
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn589784.aspx.
package gobreaker
import (
// State is a type that represents a state of CircuitBreaker.
type State int
// These constants are states of CircuitBreaker.
const (
StateClosed State = iota
var (
// ErrTooManyRequests is returned when the CB state is half open and the requests count is over the cb maxRequests
ErrTooManyRequests = errors.New("too many requests")
// ErrOpenState is returned when the CB state is open
ErrOpenState = errors.New("circuit breaker is open")
// String implements stringer interface.
func (s State) String() string {
switch s {
case StateClosed:
return "closed"
case StateHalfOpen:
return "half-open"
case StateOpen:
return "open"
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown state: %d", s)
// Counts holds the numbers of requests and their successes/failures.
// CircuitBreaker clears the internal Counts either
// on the change of the state or at the closed-state intervals.
// Counts ignores the results of the requests sent before clearing.
type Counts struct {
Requests uint32
TotalSuccesses uint32
TotalFailures uint32
ConsecutiveSuccesses uint32
ConsecutiveFailures uint32
func (c *Counts) onRequest() {
func (c *Counts) onSuccess() {
c.ConsecutiveFailures = 0
func (c *Counts) onFailure() {
c.ConsecutiveSuccesses = 0
func (c *Counts) clear() {
c.Requests = 0
c.TotalSuccesses = 0
c.TotalFailures = 0
c.ConsecutiveSuccesses = 0
c.ConsecutiveFailures = 0
// Settings configures CircuitBreaker:
// Name is the name of the CircuitBreaker.
// MaxRequests is the maximum number of requests allowed to pass through
// when the CircuitBreaker is half-open.
// If MaxRequests is 0, the CircuitBreaker allows only 1 request.
// Interval is the cyclic period of the closed state
// for the CircuitBreaker to clear the internal Counts.
// If Interval is less than or equal to 0, the CircuitBreaker doesn't clear internal Counts during the closed state.
// Timeout is the period of the open state,
// after which the state of the CircuitBreaker becomes half-open.
// If Timeout is less than or equal to 0, the timeout value of the CircuitBreaker is set to 60 seconds.
// ReadyToTrip is called with a copy of Counts whenever a request fails in the closed state.
// If ReadyToTrip returns true, the CircuitBreaker will be placed into the open state.
// If ReadyToTrip is nil, default ReadyToTrip is used.
// Default ReadyToTrip returns true when the number of consecutive failures is more than 5.
// OnStateChange is called whenever the state of the CircuitBreaker changes.
// IsSuccessful is called with the error returned from a request.
// If IsSuccessful returns true, the error is counted as a success.
// Otherwise the error is counted as a failure.
// If IsSuccessful is nil, default IsSuccessful is used, which returns false for all non-nil errors.
type Settings struct {
Name string
MaxRequests uint32
Interval time.Duration
Timeout time.Duration
ReadyToTrip func(counts Counts) bool
OnStateChange func(name string, from State, to State)
IsSuccessful func(err error) bool
// CircuitBreaker is a state machine to prevent sending requests that are likely to fail.
type CircuitBreaker struct {
name string
maxRequests uint32
interval time.Duration
timeout time.Duration
readyToTrip func(counts Counts) bool
isSuccessful func(err error) bool
onStateChange func(name string, from State, to State)
mutex sync.Mutex
state State
generation uint64
counts Counts
expiry time.Time
// TwoStepCircuitBreaker is like CircuitBreaker but instead of surrounding a function
// with the breaker functionality, it only checks whether a request can proceed and
// expects the caller to report the outcome in a separate step using a callback.
type TwoStepCircuitBreaker struct {
cb *CircuitBreaker
// NewCircuitBreaker returns a new CircuitBreaker configured with the given Settings.
func NewCircuitBreaker(st Settings) *CircuitBreaker {
cb := new(CircuitBreaker)
cb.name = st.Name
cb.onStateChange = st.OnStateChange
if st.MaxRequests == 0 {
cb.maxRequests = 1
} else {
cb.maxRequests = st.MaxRequests
if st.Interval <= 0 {
cb.interval = defaultInterval
} else {
cb.interval = st.Interval
if st.Timeout <= 0 {
cb.timeout = defaultTimeout
} else {
cb.timeout = st.Timeout
if st.ReadyToTrip == nil {
cb.readyToTrip = defaultReadyToTrip
} else {
cb.readyToTrip = st.ReadyToTrip
if st.IsSuccessful == nil {
cb.isSuccessful = defaultIsSuccessful
} else {
cb.isSuccessful = st.IsSuccessful
return cb
// NewTwoStepCircuitBreaker returns a new TwoStepCircuitBreaker configured with the given Settings.
func NewTwoStepCircuitBreaker(st Settings) *TwoStepCircuitBreaker {
return &TwoStepCircuitBreaker{
cb: NewCircuitBreaker(st),
const defaultInterval = time.Duration(0) * time.Second
const defaultTimeout = time.Duration(60) * time.Second
func defaultReadyToTrip(counts Counts) bool {
return counts.ConsecutiveFailures > 5
func defaultIsSuccessful(err error) bool {
return err == nil
// Name returns the name of the CircuitBreaker.
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) Name() string {
return cb.name
// State returns the current state of the CircuitBreaker.
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) State() State {
defer cb.mutex.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
state, _ := cb.currentState(now)
return state
// Counts returns internal counters
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) Counts() Counts {
defer cb.mutex.Unlock()
return cb.counts
// Execute runs the given request if the CircuitBreaker accepts it.
// Execute returns an error instantly if the CircuitBreaker rejects the request.
// Otherwise, Execute returns the result of the request.
// If a panic occurs in the request, the CircuitBreaker handles it as an error
// and causes the same panic again.
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) Execute(req func() (interface{}, error)) (interface{}, error) {
generation, err := cb.beforeRequest()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
e := recover()
if e != nil {
cb.afterRequest(generation, false)
result, err := req()
cb.afterRequest(generation, cb.isSuccessful(err))
return result, err
// Name returns the name of the TwoStepCircuitBreaker.
func (tscb *TwoStepCircuitBreaker) Name() string {
return tscb.cb.Name()
// State returns the current state of the TwoStepCircuitBreaker.
func (tscb *TwoStepCircuitBreaker) State() State {
return tscb.cb.State()
// Counts returns internal counters
func (tscb *TwoStepCircuitBreaker) Counts() Counts {
return tscb.cb.Counts()
// Allow checks if a new request can proceed. It returns a callback that should be used to
// register the success or failure in a separate step. If the circuit breaker doesn't allow
// requests, it returns an error.
func (tscb *TwoStepCircuitBreaker) Allow() (done func(success bool), err error) {
generation, err := tscb.cb.beforeRequest()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(success bool) {
tscb.cb.afterRequest(generation, success)
}, nil
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) beforeRequest() (uint64, error) {
defer cb.mutex.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
state, generation := cb.currentState(now)
if state == StateOpen {
return generation, ErrOpenState
} else if state == StateHalfOpen && cb.counts.Requests >= cb.maxRequests {
return generation, ErrTooManyRequests
return generation, nil
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) afterRequest(before uint64, success bool) {
defer cb.mutex.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
state, generation := cb.currentState(now)
if generation != before {
if success {
cb.onSuccess(state, now)
} else {
cb.onFailure(state, now)
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) onSuccess(state State, now time.Time) {
switch state {
case StateClosed:
case StateHalfOpen:
if cb.counts.ConsecutiveSuccesses >= cb.maxRequests {
cb.setState(StateClosed, now)
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) onFailure(state State, now time.Time) {
switch state {
case StateClosed:
if cb.readyToTrip(cb.counts) {
cb.setState(StateOpen, now)
case StateHalfOpen:
cb.setState(StateOpen, now)
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) currentState(now time.Time) (State, uint64) {
switch cb.state {
case StateClosed:
if !cb.expiry.IsZero() && cb.expiry.Before(now) {
case StateOpen:
if cb.expiry.Before(now) {
cb.setState(StateHalfOpen, now)
return cb.state, cb.generation
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) setState(state State, now time.Time) {
if cb.state == state {
prev := cb.state
cb.state = state
if cb.onStateChange != nil {
cb.onStateChange(cb.name, prev, state)
func (cb *CircuitBreaker) toNewGeneration(now time.Time) {
var zero time.Time
switch cb.state {
case StateClosed:
if cb.interval == 0 {
cb.expiry = zero
} else {
cb.expiry = now.Add(cb.interval)
case StateOpen:
cb.expiry = now.Add(cb.timeout)
default: // StateHalfOpen
cb.expiry = zero
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