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GZip/Deflate Compression in ASP.NET MVC

时间:2022-11-25 10:14:47浏览次数:59  
标签:ASP Compression Deflate content GZip NET compression

GZip/Deflate Compression in ASP.NET MVC


Compression Caveats

Http compression is very cool and pretty easy to implement in ASP.NET but you have to be careful with it - especially if your content might get transformed or redirected inside of ASP.NET. A good example, is if an error occurs and a compression filter is applied. ASP.NET errors don't clear the filter, but clear the Response headers which results in some nasty garbage because the compressed content now no longer matches the headers. Another issue is Caching, which has to account for all possible ways of compression and non-compression that the content is served. Basically compressed content and caching don't mix well. I wrote about several of these issues in an old blog post and I recommend you take a quick peek before diving into making every bit of output Gzip encoded.

None of these are show stoppers, but you have to be aware of the issues.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/16924271.html


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