import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
* Java 反射测试
* @author Administrator
public class ReflectTest {
* For the test of method :getAllMethodList()
* @param obj
* @param x
* @return
* @throws NullPointerException
private ReflectTest testMethod(Object obj, int x)
throws NullPointerException {
if (obj == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
return new ReflectTest();
* 获取类中所有的方法列表 方法名称、行参类型、异常类型、返回值类型
private void getAllMethodList(Class c) {
Method methlist[] = c.getDeclaredMethods();// c.getMethods()可获取继承来的所有方法
for (int i = 0; i < methlist.length; i++) {
Method m = methlist[i];
System.out.println("name = " + m.getName());// 方法名
System.out.println("declaring class = " + m.getDeclaringClass());// 所在的类
Class pvec[] = m.getParameterTypes();// 取得方法的形参类型
for (int j = 0; j < pvec.length; j++)
System.out.println("param #" + j + " " + pvec[j]);
Class evec[] = m.getExceptionTypes();// 取得方法抛出的异常对象类型
for (int j = 0; j < evec.length; j++)
System.out.println("exc #" + j + " " + evec[j]);
System.out.println("return type = " + m.getReturnType());// 取得方法返回值的类型
* For the test of method "excuteMethodByMethodName"
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
public int add(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
* 动态调用方法
* @param c
* @return
public Integer excuteMethodByMethodName(Class c, ReflectTest rt) {
Object resultObj = null;// 存储结果对象
Method md = null;
Class[] ptpyes = new Class[2];// 预定义要被调用的方法参数列表
ptpyes[0] = Integer.TYPE;
ptpyes[1] = Integer.TYPE;
try {
md = c.getMethod("add", ptpyes);// add是要被调用的方法名;通过行参ptpyes定位到具体哪个方法被调用(考虑多态的情况)
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Object[] argus = new Object[2];// argus是传给被调用方法的实参
argus[0] = new Integer(22);
argus[1] = new Integer(33);
try {
// 通过Method md 定位要被调用的方法名;
// 通过ReflectTest rt 定位要被调用的方法所在的类;
// 通过Object[] argus 将实参传递给被调用的方法
resultObj = md.invoke(rt, argus);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Integer result = (Integer) resultObj;
return result;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Class c = null;
try {
c = Class.forName("com.isoftstone.test.ReflectTest");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
ReflectTest rt = new ReflectTest();
Integer itg = rt.excuteMethodByMethodName(c, rt);
标签:反射,Java,ReflectTest,return,测试,new,println,Integer,Class From: