首页 > 编程问答 >为什么在 CDS BETA 后出现 CDS API 格式错误?

为什么在 CDS BETA 后出现 CDS API 格式错误?

时间:2024-07-30 15:34:03浏览次数:19  
标签:python macos dataset

[对于上下文,我使用的是 mac OS 和 Python]

安装 cds api 后,基本上按照官方网站的用户指南中的说明进行 cds api 设置: https://cds-beta.climate.copernicus .eu/how-to-api ,并运行此示例代码进行数据访问,返回此错误


import cdsapi 客户端= cdsapi.Client()

数据集=“重新分析-era5-压力水平” 请求={ 'product_type': '重新分析', 'format': 'grib', # 也可以使用'netcdf' '变量':'温度', '压力等级':'850', '年份': '2020', ‘月份’:‘01’, ‘日’:‘01’, '时间': '00:00', 'area': [50, -130, 20, -60], # 北、西、南、东(示例区域) }


{错误} AssertionError:提供的 cdsapi 密钥格式不正确,请确保其符合: :

但是,在采取必要的操作来避免该错误(包括添加 UID)之后,将会弹出相同的错误。


我尝试了删除 UID因为新的更新指示不再需要练习(如用户指南中所述),并且仍然添加 UID,因为我收到相同的错误消息

AssertionError: The cdsapi keyprovided is not the Correct格式,请确保符合: :

The error message "AssertionError: The cdsapi key provided is not the correct format, please ensure it conforms to :" suggests there's an issue with how you're providing your CDS API key. Here's a breakdown of common causes and how to fix them:

1. CDS API Key Format:

  • No Key Provided: Ensure you've actually set your API key. The error message appears even if no key is provided at all.
  • Incorrect Format: The API key should be a single string. Avoid extra spaces, line breaks, or special characters.
  • Outdated Instructions: Older guides might mention a UID along with the API key. You no longer need the UID .

2. How to Store and Access Your API Key (Best Practices):

  • Environment Variable (Recommended):

    1. Set the variable: bash export CDSAPI_URL="https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api" export CDSAPI_KEY="your_uid:your_api_key" Replace "your_uid:your_api_key" with your actual credentials.

    2. Verify: bash echo $CDSAPI_URL echo $CDSAPI_KEY Make sure these commands print your CDS API URL and key correctly.

  • Configuration File (.cdsapirc):

    1. Create the file: In your home directory, create a file named .cdsapirc .
    2. Add your credentials: url: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api key: your_uid:your_api_key Again, replace "your_uid:your_api_key" .

3. Troubleshooting Steps:

  • Double-Check Credentials: Log into the Climate Data Store website and go to your "User Settings" to view your API key. Make sure it's copied correctly without extra spaces.
  • New Terminal: After setting the environment variable or creating the .cdsapirc file, open a new terminal window to ensure the changes are loaded.
  • Print Key in Script (for debugging): Temporarily add the following to your script to confirm the API key is being read correctly: python import os print(os.environ.get('CDSAPI_KEY')) Remove this after debugging as it exposes your key.

Example Code (using environment variables):

import cdsapi
import os

c = cdsapi.Client()

dataset = 'reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels'
request = {
    'product_type': 'reanalysis',
    'format': 'grib', 
    'variable': 'temperature',
    'pressure_level': '850',
    'year': '2020',
    'month': '01',
    'day': '01',
    'time': '00:00',
    'area': [50, -130, 20, -60], 

c.retrieve(dataset, request, 'downloaded_file.grib') 

If you've tried these steps and are still encountering the error, provide the following (masking your actual API key): * How you are setting your API key (environment variable or .cdsapirc file) * The complete error message * Relevant parts of your code (excluding the actual API key)

This will help in diagnosing the problem more effectively.

From: 78810306


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