首页 > 编程问答 >如何在 FastAPI 中间件中以不同方式捕获或处理 RequestValidationError 异常?

如何在 FastAPI 中间件中以不同方式捕获或处理 RequestValidationError 异常?

时间:2024-07-28 13:28:49浏览次数:11  
标签:python exception fastapi middleware fastapi-middleware

如何正确组合 RequestValidationError 异常处理程序,如:

async def validation_exception_handler(request, exc):
    response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__INCORRECT_PARAMS)

    return JSONResponse(content=response)


async def response_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
        result = await call_next(request)

        res_body = b''
        async for chunk in result.body_iterator:
            res_body += chunk

        response = prepare_response(res_body.decode(), g_ERROR__ALL_OK)
    except Exception as e:
        response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    return JSONResponse(content=response)

必须 只有 异常才触发以下函数:|| |而,在所有其他情况下,应该触发以下函数: RequestValidationError 现在,

async def validation_exception_handler(request, exc):


async def response_middleware(request: Request, call_next):

的结果,这违反了函数的基本意图。 response_middleware 当使用 validation_exception_handler 时,任何异常都会消失,即使没有

,代码也会一致地生成 @app.middleware("http") 响应,并且以下内容: @app.exception_handler(RequestValidationError) 在以下代码行之后也根本不起作用: 200 OK 没有异常

        result = await call_next(request)

        res_body = b''
        async for chunk in result.body_iterator:
            res_body += chunk

        response = prepare_response(res_body.decode(), g_ERROR__ALL_OK)
    except RequestValidationError as e:
        response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__INCORRECT_PARAMS)
    except Exception as e:
        response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__UNKNOWN_ERROR)


result = await call_next(request)


How can this problem be solved?

On the one hand, we need middleware code for different functions, and on the other hand, some exceptions (incorrect parameters, etc.) should be tracked before the intermediate code or inside it, but not deeper.

The issue you're facing arises because your middleware is catching all exceptions, including RequestValidationError , preventing your custom exception handler from being triggered.

Here's how to solve this and achieve the desired behavior:

1. Modify your middleware to re-raise RequestValidationError :

async def response_middleware(request: Request, call_next):
        result = await call_next(request)

        res_body = b''
        async for chunk in result.body_iterator:
            res_body += chunk

        response = prepare_response(res_body.decode(), g_ERROR__ALL_OK)
    except RequestValidationError as e:
        # Re-raise the exception to be handled by the exception handler
        raise e
    except Exception as e:
        response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__UNKNOWN_ERROR)

    return JSONResponse(content=response)

By re-raising the RequestValidationError , you allow it to propagate up to the dedicated exception handler.

2. Ensure your exception handler returns a Response object:

async def validation_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: RequestValidationError):
    response = prepare_response({}, g_ERROR__INCORRECT_PARAMS)
    return JSONResponse(content=response, status_code=422)  # Return a Response with appropriate status code

Make sure your exception handler returns a Response object, ideally with a status code like 422 Unprocessable Entity for validation errors. This response will be sent to the client.


  • Middleware's Role: Your middleware is designed to handle successful responses and general exceptions. It shouldn't handle validation errors directly.
  • Exception Handler's Purpose: The exception handler is specifically designed to handle RequestValidationError instances, providing customized responses for these cases.
  • Re-raising the Exception: By re-raising RequestValidationError within the middleware's try...except block, you ensure that the exception isn't suppressed and can be caught by the designated exception handler.

With these modifications:

  • Successful requests will be processed by the middleware and returned with a g_ERROR__ALL_OK response.
  • RequestValidationError exceptions will be caught by the middleware, re-raised, and then handled by the validation_exception_handler , returning a g_ERROR__INCORRECT_PARAMS response.
  • Other exceptions will be caught and handled by the middleware's generic exception handling, returning a g_ERROR__UNKNOWN_ERROR response.

This approach maintains a clear separation of concerns: middleware for general response handling and exception handling for specific error types.

From: 77616388


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