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Android-FTP Server (swiftp)

时间:2022-11-08 13:04:13浏览次数:63  
标签:FTP ftp server running Version Android swiftp 2012

可以把让手机称为一台ftp服务器。非常好用。一个开源的工程-FTP Server (swiftp)。


An FTP Server for your android device.


This program allows you to run an ftp server on your android device. This means that any program can access the files on your device while the ftp server is running. For example, entering 'ftp://...' in the firefox url bar will allow you to browse the files on your device from a desktop pc or a laptop.

By default, the user name and password are both 'ftp', you should change them. You use this username and password when accessing the server.

There is a configuration option ("keep phone awake") that fixes a problem where file transfers go slow or stop completely when the phone sleeps. If you have this problem, check this box and restart SwiFTP. Your phone will stay awake as long as the server is running.

For power and security reasons, it is recommended that the server be stopped after use.


Left on a tablet running ICS, right on a phone running eclair.


  • Version 2.5 (9/12/2012): Added support to transfer files using ethernet (next to wifi). This needs the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE to check what kind of connection is used.
  • Version 2.4 (1/11/2012): Fixed bugs, add link to market, remove unneeded permission: READ_PHONE_STATE.
  • Version 2.3 (9/10/2012): Fixed bugs, shows ip address in notification.
  • Version 2.2 (2/10/2012): Fixed bugs, hides password.
  • Version 2.1 (28/06/2012): Initial release with new interface.
  • Version 1.4 and before: Programming by Dave Revell.


You can buy this application from the google play market, ​​ here​​​. Buying the application supports the further development of this appication. You can also download a free demo ​​ here​​.


GNU General Public License version 3.0


  • Programming: ​​Dave Revell​​, ​​Pieter Pareit​​


FTP Server (swiftp) is open source software, for which the code is available on github. See ​​ppareit/swiftp​​​. You can also clone the project with ​​Git​​ by running:

$ git clone git://github.com/ppareit/swiftp

You can ​​mail​​ me with any comment, suggestion or correction.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_13316945/5832593


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