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鹰嘴豆:豆中之王 | 经济学人全球早报精选

时间:2022-11-02 21:36:24浏览次数:66  
标签:set 之王 鹰嘴豆 genes genetic chickpea 豆中 out

文 / ​​王不留​​(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

Breeding a better chickpea

鹰嘴豆:豆中之王 | 经济学人全球早报精选_ide

The humble chickpea has been soaked, roasted and blended for generations. But a group of scientists led by Rajeev Varshney, of Australia’s Murdoch University, and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics think it is time to give this versatile legume a high-tech makeover. They set out to produce a “pan-genome” (the entire set of genes within the chickpea species) derived from the cultivated plant and seven of its wild relatives. Their work, published in the science journal Nature, produced the most comprehensive genetic map of any vegetable species to date.

The findings might help breeders create more productive chickpeas. The team identified 24 haplotypes (or genetic variations) that bring benefits such as increased seed weight and better yield per plant. They’ve also identified less useful genes they believe can be bred out of the crop. As an important source of protein for low-income parts of the world, increased productivity could help combat world hunger. The chickpea, after all, is far more than a tasty salad topping.

Breeding a better chickpea


The humble chickpea has been soaked, roasted and blended for generations. But a group of scientists led by Rajeev Varshney, of Australia’s Murdoch University, and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics think it is time to give this versatile legume a high-tech makeover. They set out to produce a “pan-genome” (the entire set of genes within the chickpea species) derived from the cultivated plant and seven of its wild relatives. Their work, published in the science journal Nature, produced the most comprehensive genetic map of any vegetable species to date.

不起眼的鹰嘴豆被浸泡,烧烤和混合,代代如此。但由澳大利亚默多克大学的拉吉夫·瓦尔什尼(Rajeev Varshney)和国际半干旱热带农作物研究所(International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics)领导的一组科学家认为,是时候对这种多用途的豆类进行高科技改造。他们着手从培育的鹰嘴豆及七个野生近缘植物中提取“泛基因组”(鹰嘴豆物种的整套基因)。他们的研究成果,已发表在《自然》科学杂志上,绘制了迄今为止所有蔬菜种类里最全面的基因图谱。

humble a. 谦虚的,卑微的,没有特别之处的

chickpea 鹰嘴豆

for generations 一连好几代,几代相传 

a group of 一群 

Versatile  多才多艺的 、多用途的、多功能的

legume 豆类 ;  豆科作物

set out to 打算 ;  着手 ;  出发去做某事 

set of 的 ;  集合 ;  释……的集合 

genes 基因 ;  gene的复数

derived from 来源于;来自,从…获得/提取

cultivated plant 栽培植物 

comprehensive a. 全面的 

genetic map 遗传学图,遗传图 

of any 在所有的…当中 

vegetable 蔬菜 ;  植物人 ;  生活单调乏味的人 ;  植物的 ;  得自植物的 ;  关于植物的 ;  蔬菜的

to date 迄今为止

The findings might help breeders create more productive chickpeas. The team identified 24 haplotypes (or genetic variations) that bring benefits such as increased seed weight and better yield per plant. They’ve also identified less useful genes they believe can be bred out of the crop. As an important source of protein for low-income parts of the world, increased productivity could help combat world hunger. The chickpea, after all, is far more than a tasty salad topping.


findings 调查发现 ;  调研结果 ;  判决 ;  裁决 ;  finding的复数 

breeders 饲养员 ;  breeder的复数 

productive 多产的 ;  生产的 ;  富有成效的 ;  有效益的 ;  引起 ;  导致 ;  唤起 

chickpeas 鹰嘴豆 ;  chickpea的复数 

identified 确认 ;  认出 ;  鉴定 ;  找到 ;  发现 ;  显示 ;  说明身份 ;  identify的过去分词和过去式 

genetic 遗传的 ;  基因的 ;  遗传学的 

variations 变化,变更,变异 ;  变异的东西 ;  变种 ;  变体 ;  变奏 ;  变奏曲 ;  variation的复数 

such as 例如 ;  像 ;  象…这样 ;  诸如…之类 

yield 产量 ;  产出 ;  利润 ;  屈服 ;  出产 ;  产生 ;  提供 ;  让步 ;  放弃 ;  缴出

bred 交配繁殖 ;  饲养,培育 ;  孕育 ;  导致 ;  breed的过去分词和过去式 

out of 从…里面;离开 ;  从…的状态中 ;  越出…之外 

hunger 饥饿 ;  饥荒 ;  饥饿感 ;  食欲 ;  胃口 ;  渴望,渴求 ;  渴望 

chickpea 鹰嘴豆 

after all 毕竟 ;  居然 ;  终究 ;  竟然;居然 

tasty 美味的 ;  可口的 ;  好吃的 ;  风骚的,有味道的,性感的 ;  可口的东西 ;  引人入胜的东西 

salad 沙拉 ;  混合色拉 ;  蔬菜色拉 

topping 浇汁,浇料,配料,佐料 ;  高于,超过 ;  居…之首 ;  为…之冠 ;  把放在…的上面 ;  top的现在分词 ;  高耸的 ;  傲慢的 ;  上等的 ;  愉快的


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From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15858664/5818344
