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Week4-History: Commercialization and Growth

时间:2022-11-02 10:04:24浏览次数:60  
标签:web What did Netscape Commercialization Growth was Week4

Week4-History: Commercialization and Growth

  • What institution agreed to be responsible for web standards in 1994?
  1. World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C)
  • Between 1990 and 2006 the number of servers connected to the web grew from what to what?
  1. 1 server to 120 million servers
  • What browser did Netscape ultimately turn into?
  1. Firefox
  • How did the Mozilla foundation earn their money?
  1. They added a search bar to their browser, and Google paid for the traffic directed to them.
  • What web technologies does Brendan Eich include as part of creating the capabilities we refer to as HTML5?
  1. CSS
  2. Javascript
  • ** Why did JavaScript never fail in the beginning, as most new programming languages do?**
  1. It was written to be malleable, allowing programmers to establish their own patterns and best practices.
  2. It was written by someone who had prior experience constructing a language, and knew what pitfalls to avoid in creating the initial product
  • What was Mitchell Baker “fired” from Netscape for?
  1. For repeatedly giving priority to the needs of the open source community over the needs of the commercial version of Netscape.
  • What was Tim Berners Lee’s goal with establishing web standards?
  1. To prevent the proprietary Balkanization of the web
  2. To make sure that a single company could not determine the technical direction of the web
  • Why did Jeff Bezos chose to start Amazon.com by selling books?
  1. Books are the category of items that have the most different products, making it impossible to have a brick and mortar store with the same level of inventory.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jqhuang2021/p/16850032.html


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