theme = "catppuccin_frappe"
# 真彩支持
true-color = true
auto-completion = true
# auto-save = false
auto-pairs = true # defaults to `true`
#theme = "base16_terminal"
#font = "FiraCode"
line-number = "relative"
mouse = false
cursorline = true # 光标 行高亮
cursorcolumn = true
default-yank-register= "+"
clipboard-provider = "termcode"
#yank = { command = "cat", args = ["test.txt"] }
#paste = { command = "tee", args = ["test.txt"] }
#primary-yank = { command = "cat", args = ["test-primary.txt"] } # optional
#primary-paste = { command = "tee", args = ["test-primary.txt"] } # optional
# cursorcolumn = true # 光标列高亮
color-modes = true
idle-timeout = 40
# Change line numbers to relative in non-insert mode
bufferline = "multiple"
# Set default shell for pipe, sh, insert-output, etc.
#shell = ["zsh", "-c"]
left = ["mode", "spacer", "spinner", "spacer", "file-name", "file-modification-indicator"]
center = ["diagnostics","workspace-diagnostics"]
right = [ "selections", "position", "position-percentage", "file-encoding", "file-line-ending", "file-type", ]
separator = "│"
mode.normal = "NORMAL"
mode.insert = "INSERT" = "SELECT"
render = "all"
# or control each character
# 光标样式
insert = "bar"
normal = "block"
select = "underline"
space = "·"
nbsp = "⍽"
nnbsp = "␣"
tab = "→"
newline = "⏎"
tabpad = "·" # Tabs will look like "→···" (depending on tab width)
# At most one section each of 'keys.normal', 'keys.insert' and ''
##C-s = ":w" # Maps the Ctrl-s to the typable command :w which is an alias for :write (save file)
C-o = ":open ~/.config/helix/config.toml" # Maps the Ctrl-o to opening of the helix config file
##a = "move_char_left" # Maps the 'a' key to the move_char_left command
##w = "move_line_up" # Maps the 'w' key move_line_up
##"C-S-esc" = "extend_line" # Maps Ctrl-Shift-Escape to extend_line
##g = { a = "code_action" } # Maps `ga` to show possible code actions
##"ret" = ["open_below", "normal_mode"] # Maps the enter key to open_below then re-enter normal mode
"esc" = [":sh macism", "normal_mode"]
# space mode
"x" = ":buffer-close"
"w" = { "r" = ":config-reload" }
"." = "file_picker_in_current_buffer_directory"
"A-x" = "normal_mode" # Maps Alt-X to enter normal mode
##j = { k = "normal_mode" } # Maps `jk` to exit insert mode
"esc" = [":sh macism", "normal_mode"]