中考阅读理解深入逻辑分析-007 Hooves of Justice: The Equine Guardians 正义之蹄:马匹守护者
Police officer Dennis was recently patrolling(巡逻)the streets of Newark, New Jersey. Suddenly, he found four men
fighting. As he approached, one of the men tried fleeing, but failed. The police horse tracked down the suspect and
arrested him.
“He thought he was going to get away,” Dennis said. “But you can’t outrun these horses.”
In Newark and cities across the country, retired racehorses are finding new careers fighting crime. The horses are
helping departments with various types of police work. Horses have helped patrol parking lots and schools. They have
patrolled city streets. They have chased down criminals.
Police officers say retired racehorses make perfect additions to their departments for several reasons. The
1,200-pound horses are effective crime-fighting forces. The mounted(骑马的)police officers used them to arrest thieves.
The animals’ natural intelligence helps as well. Horses can be easily trained to perform duties connected with fighting
crime. In addition to being intelligent, horses are generally calm animals. The horse must also be able to follow six
commands—walk, stop, stand, back up, side left, and side right. If a horse does not meet his department’s needs, it is
Most of the horses came from Jennifer Nagle’s rescue group. The group has found homes for more than 2,000 horses
since it was started 20 years ago. However, today’s troubled economy has made the job of Nagle’s group more challenging.
Caring for a horse can cost a great deal of money. According to Nagle, the number of horses in need of new homes has
multiplied in recent months. Owners used to call her group and offer one horse for adoption. Now, some inquire about
finding homes for five or six retired racehorses.
The adoption of horses by police departments is a win-win for all. The horses enjoy new homes and companions(同
伴).Police departments feel closer to people in the community.
"The kids love the horses. A 3-year-old even walked up and petted his police horse."
The animals also have the ability to ease possibly upsetting situations. Another child who had gotten lost during a
shopping trip could not find his parents. The police let the child pet the animal until the boy’s parents were located. The
child wiped away his tears. He just thought the horse was the greatest thing in the world.
88 The police horse helped Dennis catch the suspect, didn’t it?
89 Which phrase in the first paragraph has the same meaning as “run after”?
90 When was Jennifer Nagle’s rescue group started?
91 Why docs Nagle’s group face more challenges?
92 What can police horses do for the kids?
93 What makes retired racehorses perfect addition to the police departments?
(List at least 3 advantages)
1 文章大意
这篇文章讲述了在新泽西州纽瓦克市以及其他城市,退休赛马被赋予了新的职业——打击犯罪。这些马匹帮助警察部门执行各种类型的警务工作,包括巡逻、追捕罪犯等。文章还提到了Jennifer Nagle的救援组织,该组织帮助这些马匹找到新家,但在当前经济形势下,这项工作变得更加具有挑战性。此外,文章强调了马匹在社区中的作用,它们不仅为警察部门带来了好处,还为社区中的孩子们带来了欢乐。
2 每段中心思想
第四段:讲述了Jennifer Nagle的救援组织如何帮助这些马匹找到新家,以及经济形势对这项工作的影响。
3 每段之间的逻辑关系
4 逐一回答问题
88 The police horse helped Dennis catch the suspect, didn’t it?
回答:Yes, the police horse helped Dennis catch the suspect.
依据:"The police horse tracked down the suspect and arrested him."
89 Which phrase in the first paragraph has the same meaning as “run after”?
回答:"tried fleeing" has the same meaning as "run after" in the context of the first paragraph.
依据:"one of the men tried fleeing, but failed."
90 When was Jennifer Nagle’s rescue group started?
问题翻译:Jennifer Nagle的救援组织是什么时候开始的?
回答:Jennifer Nagle’s rescue group was started 20 years ago.
回答翻译:Jennifer Nagle的救援组织始于20年前。
依据:"The group has found homes for more than 2,000 horses since it was started 20 years ago."
91 Why does Nagle’s group face more challenges?
回答:Nagle’s group faces more challenges because of today’s troubled economy.
依据:"However, today’s troubled economy has made the job of Nagle’s group more challenging."
92 What can police horses do for the kids?
回答:Police horses can provide comfort and companionship to kids, and help ease upsetting situations.
依据:"The animals also have the ability to ease possibly upsetting situations."
93 What makes retired racehorses perfect addition to the police departments? (List at least 3 advantages)
回答:Retired racehorses are perfect additions to police departments because they are strong and effective crime-fighting forces, intelligent and easily trainable, and generally calm animals.
依据:"The 1,200-pound horses are effective crime-fighting forces. The animals’ natural intelligence helps as well. Horses can be easily trained to perform duties connected with fighting crime. In addition to being intelligent, horses are generally calm animals."