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Chapter 8, 9 B-CIDS: 5 pillars of AI preparation → Jumpstart Approach

时间:2024-12-25 15:32:23浏览次数:5  
标签:Chapter pillars AI preparation ready Jumpstart CIDS


  • AI-Readiness: A company is AI-ready when it can smoothly progress from AI concept to implementation and benefit realization, and do so consistently.
  • Preparation: Achieving AI-readiness is a comprehensive process involving company culture, talent, data, and infrastructure—not just financial cost.
  • Time Investment: Becoming AI-ready is a long-term commitment that transforms business operations.
  • Practical Use: Focus on using AI to enhance business processes, decision-making, and product/service quality through thorough preparation and iterative strategy.

At a high level, the five pillars in preparing for AI include Budget, Culture, Infrastructure, Data, and Skills—B-CIDS (pronounced as “be kids”). Each of these pillars take a different angle and come together to help you get ready for AI. Still, what exactly your organization needs would depend on where you are in your AI journey.

Jumpstart Approach

In the previous chapter, we discussed B-CIDS, the five pillars for AI preparation, each with its own requirements for building an AI-ready company.
However, working on all pillars at once is impractical, especially for newcomers to AI, as perfecting a single pillar can take years.
Instead of waiting until you're fully prepared, consider the Jumpstart AI approach.
This method allows for strategic AI experimentation while addressing readiness gaps in your organization through short-term strides.

It promotes a disruptive and proactive mindset.

The Jumpstart AI approach consists of four steps:

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luweiseu/p/18630526


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