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DTS207TC Database Development and Design

时间:2024-12-21 19:09:14浏览次数:4  
标签:Development XML code 20 Database DTS207TC Design Marks your

Module code and Title

Database Development and Design ( DTS207TC)

School Title

School of AI and Advanced Computing

Assignment Title

002: Assessment Task 2 (CW)

Submission Deadline

23:59, 24th Dec (Friday)

Database Development and Design (DTS207TC)

Assessment 002: Individual Coursework

Due: Dec 24th, 2024 @ 23:59


Maximum Marks: 100

Overview & Outcomes

This course work will be assessed for the following learning outcomes:

C. Illustrate the issues related to Web technologies and DBMS and XML as a semi-structured data representation formalism.

D. Identify the principles underlying object-relational models.


You must submit the following files to LMO:

1)A report named as Your_Student_ID.pdf.

2)A directory containing all your source code, named as Your_Student_ID_code.

NOTE: The report shall be in A4 size, size 11 font, and shall not exceed 8 pages in length. You can include only key code snippets in your reports. The complete source code can be placed in the attachment.

Assessment Tasks

Now we have some stock-related datasets in XML format (attached). We would like to put it on a website for users to query.

1)   Browse through these XML files in the attach代写DTS207TC Database Development and Designment, and define DTD and XML Schema for  them. Use both definitions to validate the XML files and manually fix any potential errors. Extract the file headers from the XML Schema and convert the XML to CSV. Open the generated CSV with any editor and take a screenshot. (20 Marks)

2)   Use flask_sqlalchemy in Flask to build an ORM for the CSV from task 1), and import the   data into PostgreSQL. Manually draw an Entity-Relationship diagram for the three tables, take a photo, and include it in the report. (20 Marks)

3)   Use Flask to implement the required web page as shown in the diagram, which includes a  table with the necessary fields. To differentiate yourself, you can set the form. style. to your preference and take a screenshot. (20 Marks)

4)   Based on task 3), add filtering functionalities for stock name, start time, and end time,

implementing a page as shown below. Note that one or more of these filter conditions can be empty, meaning no filtering based on that condition. To differentiate yourself, you can  set the form. style. to your preference and take a screenshot. (20 Marks)


5)   Use the provided testing program to perform a performance test on task 4). The program   uses a POST request to query with all conditions set to empty, which should return the full  result set. As long as the returned content is correct, you can optimize performance in any  way. Take a screenshot of the test results. Ideal performance should be no higher than 0.2 seconds per query. (20 Marks)


a.    Provide a brief introduction to the program logic in your own words; including code snippets is encouraged, but please do not directly paste the entire program into the report without explanation;

b.   For your full academic development, the use of generative AI to gain inspiration is allowed  for this assignment; however, out of mutual respect, please do not directly paste its output into your assignment and submit it;

c.   To prove that you have indeed completed this assignment and did not rely solely on generative AI, please provide screenshots of the running results for each task.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/MATH1131/p/18621053


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