2024-12-18 17:55 记录 Cambly trip`s summary and where is the next ?
https://tingwu.aliyun.com/doc/transcripts/g2y8qevxaayxnbeo?sl=1# 《2024-12-18 17:55 记录 Cambly trip`s summary and where is the next ?》
1. 全文摘要
对话讲述了一个人通过使用美好的旅行来学习英语的旅程,旨在提高与国际同事更好地合作的沟通技巧。 演讲者的主要目标是第二语言熟练程度,强调双方都需要学习对方的语言以更有效地工作。 最初,说话者挣扎于从书面英语向口语英语的过渡,发现同时思考和说话具有挑战性。 随着时间的推移,通过练习,这些对话变得更加自然和友好,更像是随意的聊天,而不是正式的课程。 学习过程涉及从基本的沟通转向更复杂的讨论,强调培养习惯、接收反馈和找到感兴趣的话题的重要性。 演讲者建议,即使很小,持续练习并沉浸在说英语的环境中对于提高至关重要。 他们还强调了应用程序等补充工具在额外练习中的价值,并鼓励快速发言以绕过翻译过程。 给其他人学习英语的提示包括: 注重句子的构建,自发的思维表达,并保持一致的练习习惯,即使只是少量练习,以提高口语能力。
2. 章节速览
00:00 语言学习可实现无缝的工作场所沟通
演讲者讨论了他们加入一家公司的经验,在这家公司中,提高语言技能,特别是为非母语人士学习另一种语言,如中文,反之亦然,对于更好的工作场所协作至关重要。 尽管他们离开了这份工作,但他们反思说英语方面的适度进步和它所带来的持续挑战。
03:03 通过对话和共同的兴趣发展英语口语技能
演讲者讨论了他们通过定期与导师交谈来提高英语口语技能的旅程,从最初的困难和紧张转变为更舒适和引人入胜的讨论。 他们强调实践的重要性,对话是一种学习工具,寻找共同的兴趣,就像《三体书》一样,以增强学习经验。 演讲者指出了从结构化课程到更自然的对话的过渡,强调了实时沟通的挑战和策略,以及共享主题在使学习过程愉快和有效方面的作用。
10:04 提高英语口语技能: 个人旅程
对话反映了养成习惯、寻求反馈、勇于说错误以及不断练习在提高英语口语技能方面的重要性。 它强调了开始对话、记录进展的重要性,以及随着时间推移不断改进的好处。 演讲者分享内阁旅行的个人经验,强调参与对话、写博客和自我记录等策略,以提高语言技能,强调即使在正式学习结束后也需要持续练习。
16:07 英语语言实践的挑战和寻找社区
对话反映了通过像Hello Talk这样的应用程序提高英语水平的困难,因为它们的社区很复杂。 它强调了在英语环境中实时交互的必要性,以提高语言技能。 此外,它强调了分享个人经历的情感方面和寻找接受听众的努力,强调了在各种情况下自发发言以提高流利性的重要性。
18:38 翻译思想和建立第二语言流利性的挑战
讨论将思想从一种母语翻译成另一种母语的困难,特别是在实时对话中,强调了 “英语思维” 的概念以及在语言之间切换的困难。 演讲者分享一种个人策略,通过快速说话来克服这些挑战,即使这会导致错误,以防止大脑翻译每一个想法,从而逐渐提高流利程度和用第二语言思考的能力。
20:54 最大限度地提高生产力: 20分钟内总结和写博客
3. 问答回顾
答:说话者形容他们最初讲英语的经历既具有挑战性又不舒服。 他们花了大约两到三个月的时间才感到更自信,能够更自然地说话,最初与英语母语者交谈的压力和速度有关。
答:演讲者建议寻找有趣且引人入胜的方式,在正式课程结束后继续培训和练习英语口语。 他们提到使用有趣的话题和分享是保持英语口语进展的有效方法。
答:说话者认为习惯是提高英语口语能力的关键因素。 他们强调坚持练习的重要性,即使只是每周练习一到两个小时,以发展和保持技能。
答:学习英语所提到的三件简单而重要的事情是: 1) “说它”-即使用简单的句子也说英语,2) “再说它”-即使语法或单词错误也继续说,3) 通过写作和开始与他人对话来 “继续积累经验”。
4. 原文
Hello, can you hear me? Oh, that's great. Let's start. Seems quite sensitive response of microphone? Here we go ! So, I just want to replace write things by lets just say that it's more effective. So let's go. So here's the maybe summary or blog I want to... the title is Cambly Trip`s summary, and where is the next?
Okay, give me second to click that. I think the first part is the, to talk about why I use Cambly. It is about work things. So I just, joined the company and there have a 50 percentage Foreigners. So I have to use not only my, but everyone just learned to, another language, just like the Chinese need to learn to say English. And the native English speaker need to learn Chinese so we can. Let's work more fluently. I think that's the reason I use Cambly and is also open window or doors to restart the. No, I think it's not.
It's not really, exactly, but restarts just start to learn speaking English. Oh, this is perfect translation and recording(software i use). And you know, the transform, your saying to the words, Yeah, so, that's the start of the Cambly things, You know I I've already quit that job, and I don't think that is, just stop about learning speak English cause even I just get a little progress about these things. I still don't. Really great about speaking English things.
So it's a great idea to continue to train and practice, speak English and get some, you know, and better about this thing. So the second part I want to say is, and let me think about that, Maybe the process about the our experience, about when I do the lessons with with my cambly tutors. So I have a for a long time when you maybe it's just almost one year. I just talk with one tutors in every Saturday.
Okay, I think that is, that will be, that's that's where we have focus. You know, you just, it's not only, but it's not only about learning things, but more like the conversation between two friends. Just know, talk something. Naturally, you know, it's not like it's not really like lessons. It's just like to chat.
So, you know, in the first, yeah, in the first I even, it's hard to for me to say something cause for past maybe 10 or 15 years, I just learn how to, pass the exam. And, you know, I don't have any experience about how to say that. I just know how to write that, How to do some, yes, exam. And then in the first I feel so, you know, nervous and weird to say another language with, with foreigner. So yeah, if the first, maybe ISS two or three, or maybe just one or two months, I just say something by you so slowly and check some words, and, you know, it's a hard time.
The first thing, hard time, because again, reason because if you write something, you have enough time. You if you write or reading something, you have enough time to thinking and then to understand what's the meaning or write something. But when you say something or, you know, you start a conversation with others, it's really hard to get enough time to think. So, You know, it's about reflection things, just like a talk, someone just talk something if you need to loading, maybe 30 seconds, Oh, that's terrible. You have to say something immediately right now.
So it's hard pressure about your brands(wrong) function and brain, I think it`s brain functions. So, I feel not not that better in the first, but after once a while, and maybe in the third month, I feel more easy to say. Yes, I think I don't get too much, too much words because for a long time, I don't to learn, learn quite a lot of new words. Actually, the speaking things don't need too many words, but the point is how to make up words to a sentence and say that.
And immediately right now, so, in the maybe it's the second stage between me and my tutors, we just start to talk anything, just like maybe it`s book , maybe with movie, maybe some news. And I get one, big, impression is about 《three bodies》 book cause I am really like this book cause, oh, it's really great book. And we just thought because my tutors don't see this book. And I just introduced it to my tutors. I told you the background, so maybe they have aliens, name three bodies and they want to attack earth cause some in civilization reason.
And we talked the dark forest theory. And you know, some something about this book now that things give me so many interests to say to say English, because my tutors don't know how to say Chinese. So I cannot say that by Chinese. I have to say English , but by some simple words, but I sure I a can express my opinion. And then we also share something. I think the sharing is the is the relative stable topic when lesson when lesson starting. Yeah, some movies.
And we just see that we can see that because we can, share our screen. Yeah, and we just talk is by easy way, so it's easy to continue, I think, because when when I, look back and we always, do these lessons for almost one years, oh, that's so amazing. So I suddenly find the interest, especially some things, you it, it's how
5. Draft
Cambly gone,where is next ?
it`s over one year on cambly ,
- habbit even just once a week
- environiment to get feedback
- just say it
- to accumalte experience by conversation
so where is next after cambly gone ? it`s a great question to think about speak english thing !
Three body
what is it?
- hard science fiction
- civilizations battle
key background:
- three body problem
- after 192 times civilization trying , three body problem to be verified: Can not be solved. That`s the milestone for three body civilization and then find new way.
- Technology Explosion and Sophon
- three body people send Sophon to limit Earth technoloy: Physics no longer exists.
- Dark forest theory(Sociology of the Universe)
- Survival is the first need of civilization.
- Chain of suspicion.
- Technology Explosion.
- Spell: Publish the coordinates of the star 187j3x1 to the universe
- Wallfacer plan (Earth last hope)
- Dark forest theory again:
- Luo Ji calls out to the three body: suicide threats, exposing the coordinates of the three body galaxy
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/xtkyxnx/p/18615737