I've just been downloading some MP4s from a open directory and I've got weird output at the start of the output before going on and downloading the files. I've tried searching but found nothing close and was wondering if you could help :) It's the 'index.html?C=S;O=A' that's confusing
This is what I'm getting:
Cannot write to ‘index.html?C=M;O=A’ (No such file or directory). --2016-10-21 22:20:28-- http://website.com/content/public/dir/?C=S;O=A Connecting to website.com (website.com)|123.456.789.123|:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 5446 (5.3K) [text/html] index.html?C=S;O=A: No such file or directory Cannot write to ‘index.html?C=S;O=A’ (No such file or directory). --2016-10-21 22:20:29-- http://website.com/content/public/dir/?C=D;O=A Connecting to website.com (website.com)|123.456.789.123|:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 5446 (5.3K) [text/html] index.html?C=D;O=A: No such file or directory Cannot write to ‘index.html?C=D;O=A’ (No such file or directory).
Apache servers (I'm not sure about others) have an option called FancyIndexing. One thing this does is create links that allow you to sort by the headers. The "C=M;O=A" and similar options are the links that will resort the directory listing. You can ignore/delete any of these files, as they won't be very useful.
来源:https://www.reddit.com/r/wget/comments/58psnb/what_on_earth_does_cmoa_mean/ http://goldendict.mobi/downloads/android/paid/?C=M;O=A 标签:website,index,What,No,html,does,directory,earth,com From: https://www.cnblogs.com/profesor/p/18611053