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American dreams in China

时间:2024-12-14 11:20:31浏览次数:10  
标签:his univeity American China was dreams he


American dreams in China
This is a film that tells a story of three univeity studentsChenddongqing Mengxiaojun and Wangyang in Yan univeity. Theywere classmates at that time , all of them aspiring to studying oveeain the US. Each of them strove to achieve their American dreams. Asa result , Meng and Wang succeeded , but Cheng failed. Mengdecided to go to the US to accomplish his dreams. Wang forwent hisopportunity to the US because of a American girl. Wang had to leavein the Yan univeity to work as a teacher.

When Meng arrived in the US , his life there seemed not ascomfortable as he expected. He worked as an assistant in a univeity.Unfortunately , he was sacked. Under this circumstance , he had nochoice but to make a living by working as a waiter in a this period.

he rethought his purpose of come to America. With regard toCheng , when he taught in Yan univeity , he disobeyed the rule inthe univeity that teache were not allowed to give classes to otheoutside the univeity who would pay. So he was also dismissed.Desperately , he made up his mind to set up his own Englishtraining ititute. Cheng invited Wang to join him so as to teach morestudents. Before long , Meng came back to China to cooperate withhis two friends. They established a English training ititute , called

'New Dreams',in which Cheng was famous for his self-created approach to teaching ,humorous style. Meng was experienced inapplying for American visa and American life skills , so he gaveclasses about it. And Wang created a new English-learningapproach , learning though films , which was well-received bytrainees. After a short time ,'New Dreams’ gained it popularityand obtained unprecedented and unexpected success.

However ,as 'New Dream' developed with its scaleexpanded , Cheng was dubbed 'master in studying abroad'toshow respect to him. This caused envy in Meng. Angrily.Coequently , he left to Shenyang and hoped to start a new businesson his own.
Hopefully , as all coidered that 'New Dreams'would becollapse , with the accusation from ETS , American Prince Press , of 'New Dreams' infringing upon the copyright of ETS , three ofthem again reunited and confronted the challenge jointly.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/tianyunchuan/p/18606498


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