jAlert是一款兼容ie8的jQuery模态对话框插件。jAlert可以实现模态对话框,弹出窗口,Lightbox 等,并且在显示对话框时带有炫酷的动画效果。
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "dist/jAlert.css" >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "jquery.min.js" ></ script >
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "jAlert.js" ></ script >
< a href = '#' data-jAlert data-title = 'New jAlert!' data-content = 'Great job!' >Click Me</ a >
$( function (){
$.jAlert( 'attach' );
$.jAlert({ //this is the normal usage
'title' : 'Test' ,
'content' : 'Howdy' ,
'theme' : 'green' ,
'size' : 'xsm'
alert( 'hi' ); //override is enabled by default
successAlert( 'Success' , 'You did it!' ); //green alert
errorAlert( 'Error' , 'It didn\'t work!' ); //red alert
infoAlert( 'Info' , 'Information!' ); //blue alert
warningAlert( 'Warning' , 'Warning!' ); //yellow alert
blackAlert( 'Warning' , 'Warning!' ); //black alert (obviously)
imageAlert( 'http://mydomain.com/myimg.jpg' ); //optional second param is the image width (defaults to auto)
videoAlert( 'http://youtube.com/viddk35k' );
ajaxAlert( 'http://mydomain.com/myfile.php' ); //optional second param is onOpen callback which gets passed the instance of jAlert
iframeAlert( 'http://mydomain.com' ); //optional second param is height (defaults to fill the viewport height)
confirm( function (){
console.log( 'confirmed!' );
}, function (){
console.log( 'denied' );
$.fn.jAlert.defaults.backgroundColor = 'white' ; //override a default setting
$.fn.jAlert({ //same as $.jAlert when you're not passing an element - this alert will now have the white background color
'title ': ' Test ',
' content ': ' Howdy ',
' theme ': ' green ',
' size ': ' xsm '
//' backgroundColor ': ' white ' //you could also pass it here
$.fn.jAlert.defaults.backgroundColor = ' black '; //set it back to black
$(' .btn ').alertOnClick({ //this function attaches an onclick handler to .btn and passes the options to jAlert
' title ': ' It worked! ',
' content ': ' You clicked the button '
$.alertOnClick(' .btn ', { //this function attaches an onclick handler to the body for .btn and kicks off jAlert
' title ': ' Like magic ',
' content ': ' You clicked the button that was dynamically added '
$.jAlert({ //creates a lightbox for the image - responsive and all
' image ': ' http: //mysite.com/my-image.jpg'
$.jAlert({ //creates a lightbox for the video - responsive and all
'video ': ' http: //youtube.com/dflskd'
$.jAlert({ //creates an alert that fills most of the height with a scrollable iframe
'iframe ': ' http: //mysite.com'
$.jAlert({ //gets content from another file with $.get()
'ajax ': ' my-ajax-content.php'