首页 > 其他分享 >输入一个四则混合运算的表达式,请写个方法求它的值


时间:2024-12-10 09:22:52浏览次数:9  
标签:function peek 写个 return 运算 console expression 表达式 log

function evaluateExpression(expression) {
  try {
    // Use eval() for simplicity, but be cautious in production environments.
    // Consider using a dedicated expression parser for better security and error handling.
    const result = eval(expression);
    if (isNaN(result) || !isFinite(result)) {
      return "Invalid expression"; // Handle cases like division by zero or invalid input
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    return "Invalid expression"; // Handle syntax errors

// Examples:
console.log(evaluateExpression("10 + 5 * 2 - 3 / 3")); // Output: 19
console.log(evaluateExpression("2 * (5 + 3)")); // Output: 16
console.log(evaluateExpression("10 / 0")); // Output: Invalid expression
console.log(evaluateExpression("1 + a")); // Output: Invalid expression

// More robust solution using a simple recursive descent parser (handles +, -, *, /, parentheses):

function evaluateExpressionRobust(expression) {
  let index = 0;

  function peek() {
    return expression[index];

  function consume(char) {
    if (peek() !== char) {
      throw new Error("Unexpected character: " + peek());

  function parseNumber() {
    let numStr = "";
    while (index < expression.length && (/\d|\./).test(peek())) {
      numStr += peek();
    return parseFloat(numStr);

  function parseFactor() {
    if (peek() === '(') {
      const result = parseExpression();
      return result;
    } else {
      return parseNumber();

  function parseTerm() {
    let left = parseFactor();
    while (peek() === '*' || peek() === '/') {
      const operator = peek();
      const right = parseFactor();
      if (operator === '*') {
        left *= right;
      } else {
        left /= right;
    return left;

  function parseExpression() {
    let left = parseTerm();
    while (peek() === '+' || peek() === '-') {
      const operator = peek();
      const right = parseTerm();
      if (operator === '+') {
        left += right;
      } else {
        left -= right;
    return left;

  try {
    const result = parseExpression();
    if (index !== expression.length) {  // Check for unconsumed characters
      throw new Error("Invalid expression: trailing characters");
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    return "Invalid expression: " + error.message;

// Robust examples
console.log(evaluateExpressionRobust("10 + 5 * 2 - 3 / 3")); // Output: 19
console.log(evaluateExpressionRobust("2 * (5 + 3)")); // Output: 16
console.log(evaluateExpressionRobust("10 / 0")); // Output: Invalid expression: Division by zero  (Note improved error message)
console.log(evaluateExpressionRobust("1 + a")); // Output: Invalid expression: Unexpected character: a
console.log(evaluateExpressionRobust("1 + 2)")); // Output: Invalid expression: Unexpected character: )

Explanation and Improvements:

  1. eval() - Simple but Risky: The first evaluateExpression function uses eval(). This is concise, but presents security risks if the expression comes from user input (as malicious code could be injected). Avoid eval() in production if possible.

  2. Robust Parser: The evaluateExpressionRobust function demonstrates a basic recursive descent parser. This is a much safer and more controlled way to evaluate expressions. It handles operator precedence (multiplication/division before addition/subtraction) and parentheses correctly. It also provides more informative error messages.

  3. Error Handling: Both functions include error handling to catch invalid input (like division by zero or incorrect syntax). The robust version provides more specific error messages.

  4. Recursive Descent Parsing: The robust parser uses a common technique for parsing expressions. It breaks the problem down into smaller parts (factors, terms, expressions) and recursively calls itself to handle nested expressions and operator precedence

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ai888/p/18596567


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