7.3.4 DEA: DecryptionAlgorithm09
This algorithm is deprecated and shall not be used in new products.
7.3.5 MISTY1 : DecryptionAlgorithm11 Decryption process
The decryption process using the MISTY1 is shown in Figure 26.
解密算法和加密算法是互补的,因而共享相同的EA代码。 Worked example to decrypt a TransferCredit token using the MISTY1
A worked example is illustrated in Figure 27.
7.3.6 TokenAuthentication
Validating the CRC or the CRC_C checksum after decryption shall authenticate Class 0 and Class 2 tokens.
Validating the CRC and the MfrCode shall authenticate Class 1 tokens.
In the case of a Class 0 or a Class 2 token the AuthenticationResult status shall indicate Authentic when the following condition is met:
• the CRC or CRC_C checksum in the token has the same value as that calculated from the data elements in the token.
- 令牌中的CRC或CRC_C校验和与根据令牌中的数据元素计算出的值相同。
If the above condition is not met, then the AuthenticationResult status shall indicate CRCError.
In the case of a Class 1 token the AuthenticationResult status shall indicate Authentic when both of the following conditions are met:
• the CRC checksum in the token has the same value as that calculated from the data elements in the token;
- 令牌中的CRC校验和与从令牌中的数据元素计算出的值相同;
• The MfrCode value in the token is the same as the MfrCode as defined in 6.2.3.
- 令牌中的MfrCode值与6.2.3中定义的MfrCode相同。
If any of the above conditions are not met, then the AuthenticationResult status shall indicate CRCError, or MfrCodeError, or both.
If the token cannot be authenticated, it shall be rejected in accordance with the requirements given in 8.2 and 8.3.
标签:令牌,预付费,shall,电能表,40,CRC,token,AuthenticationResult,Class From: https://blog.csdn.net/huaqianzkh/article/details/143779665