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XJCO1711 Collaborating with HealthMate

时间:2024-12-05 18:10:00浏览次数:9  
标签:HealthMate Collaborating XJCO1711 should will program file data your

Assessment Brief

Module title Procedural ProgrammingModule code XJCO1711

Assignment title

Collaborating with HealthMate CIC on a Step Tracker Data Analysis Tool

Assignment type and description This is a programming assignment. You will design and create a number ofprograms to solve a problem from your client.Rationale Word limit and guidance You will create a number of tested and working C programs

Weighting 100%: This is the only assessment for this moduleSubmission deadline Part 1: Friday November 8 th 2024 (by 2pm)Part 2: Wednesday December 16 th 2024 (by 2pm)Submission method

Feedback provision You will get automated feedback through Minerva and Gradescope

Learning outcomes assessed LO1: select appropriate data types to represent data.LO2: apply problem solving techniques to develop a programming solution toreal world problems.LO3: design, implement, debug and test procedural programs.Module leader Bo PengOther Staff contact -UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTING

  1. Assignment guidance

HealthMate CIC, a Community Interest Company based in the UK, is embarking on an ambitious project to

support healthy lifestyles and enhance digital literacy among high achieving secondary school students.Their intention is to create a proof of concept that combines health consciousness with the teaching ofdigital proficiency.As intern software developers, you have been signed up to work on the development of a step tracker data

analysis tool, the first step in this large project.Your mission is to develop a console application in C capable of analysing step data derived from a data file.This tool should offer a large range of analyses to give userswith detailed insights into their daily physicalactivity, so supporting HealthMate CIC’s vision of a digitally literate and health-conscious youngergeneration.Although you will be expected to submit files to Gradescope for marking, you should continue to use Git andCodespaces to develop your code.If ever there are doubts whether work is completely your own, we will be able to look at your commit historyto confirm when you have been working.We can give you general guidance and remind you where to find relevant supporting material in the notes,but coursework is individual and by submitting you are confirming that it is your own individual effort.You must attempt the part 1 task. All the part 2 tasks are optional but remember that the passing grade forthe module is 40%.UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OFCOMPUTING

  1. Assessment tasks

Part 1: Submission deadline Friday November 8th 2024 (by 2pm) You can submit the task as many times as you like up to and including the deadline Total marks available: 15

Task 1: Understanding our data filesDifficulty level: BRONZE

Task 1 marks: 15 You are given a data file called FitnessData_2024.csv and a code template file StepsTask1.c Each row in the csv file looks like this:2024-09-01,08:15,150

  • The first column represents the date (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  • The second column is a time (8.15am in our example)
  • The third column represents the steps counted in the 15 minutes immediately before the time stamp.Here, it means that the step counter has counted 150 steps between 8.00am and 8.15am.Your client wants you to write a single C program (called file_import.c) that will:
  • Read in this csv file
  • Store it in a suitably sized and structured array and typedef data structure
  • Write to the screen the first three rows of the file (corresponding to the times 07:30, 07:45, 08:00).This should be in the format:2024-09-01/08:15/150 Note that there are NO SPACES here. We will test for this format EXACTLY.The output will be automatically marked so if you get the format wrongit’s likely you will get nosuggest you use somethinglike this and define it at the start of your program:typedef struct {

char date[11];

char time[6];

int steps;

} FITNESS_DATA;UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGThe template program we supply (see Minerva) has this typedef already in it. Feel free to use this or to comeup with something better yourself.Also in the template, you will see that we have already written a helper function called tokeniseRecord thatyou can use to split the stringrepresenting each line from the file into a number of individual token strings.

You do not need to understand how this function works and should not change it in any way. This is thesame function that we have used before in our teaching sessions.When you submit the file it should have the exact filename:StepsTask1.c How it will be marked:The ability to read in the file we give you without any errors:5 marksThe ability to read in another data file that you have not seen:5 marks

  1. Printing out the requested rows:


Part 2: Submission deadline Wednesday December 16th 2024 (by 2pm) Total marks available: 85 You can submit the tasks as many times as you like up to and including the deadline

Task 2: Analysing our dataDifficulty level: SILVER

Task 2 marks: 30 Following on from your initial program, you now need to expand your initial program to add some featuresto analyse the data and help us understand what the data means.Following good programming practice, you should split your program functionality into two files:FitnessDataStruct.h

StepCounter.c – a program that contains the code and functions to solve the requested tasks

The program should provide a simple menu system and ask the user to select from the following options andan option to quit.A: Specify the filename to be imported(wewill give you some additional files to test with). 代写XJCO1711 Collaborating with HealthMate This should havesome error checking so that the program can cope with anincorrect filename and a file that is of anunexpected format.B: Display the total number of records in the fileC: Find the date and time of the timeslot with the fewest stepsD: Find the data and time of the timeslot with the largest number of steps

E: Find the mean step count of all the records in the fileF: Find the longest continuous period where the step count is above 500 stepsThese should be printed out exactlyas below:Option Example output

Fewest steps: 2024-09-01 14:20DLargest steps: 2024-09-01 18:00EMean step count: 427FLongest period start: 2024-09-01 14:20Longest period end: 2024-09-01 18:00Howit will be marked: Providing a menu system providing optionsA-F and Quit:5 marks

  1. Successfully coping with an incorrect filename:4 marksDisplaying the total number of records:4 marks and time of fewest steps:4 marksUNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGDate and time of largest steps:4 marksMean step count:4 marksLongest continuous period:5 marksUNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTING

Task 3: Outputting sorted dataDifficulty level: SILVER

Task 3 marks: 15

This task requires you to write a utility program to output the data file sorted by descending order of stepcount (so the row with the highest step count should be at the top) in tab separated values (tsv) format.A .tsv file differs slightly from a .csv in that the delimiter isn’t a comma (,) but a tab character. This has thespecial code \t Youwon’t see this if printed on the screen, it will just look like a few spaces between the values.You will be supplied with a template file with the same tokeniseRecordhelper function you used before.Your program should:

  1. Provide a menu option to specify a filename, using the prompt:

Enter Filename:

  1. Process the data file (read in and sort). It should be able to cope with an incorrect filename and to

give an appropriate error message if the file is not in the correct format

  1. Write out the sorted data file with the same filename (but with the file extension .tsv). The record

with the highest step count should be at the top and the record with the smallest step count should

be at the bottom. You will need to think how to deal with any records where the step counts are the

same.If the input file is:mydata.csvThe output file will be:mydata.tsv

How it will be marked:Providing the menu option and coping with an incorrect filename:5 marks

  1. Coping with an incorrectly formatted file (the fields in the wrong order): 5 marks
  2. Creating an output file in the correct format:5 marksUNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTING

Task 4: Simulating a 3-axis accelerometer for a step counterDifficulty level: GOLDThis is an extension “stretch and challenge” task. We do not expect that all students will be able to complete it.

Task 4 marks: 25Your task is to explore how a 3-axis accelerometer works and write a C program that will generate simulateddata on all three axes for a 5 minute period. You’ll need todecide what axis or combination could be used torepresent the steps.Your program should provide some mechanism to allow this value to be accessed or downloaded.This task will be assessed through a demonstration and short question and answer session with one of thelecturers or teaching assistants.You will need to book a slot to do this face-to-face or alternatively you may record a short (maximum 5-minute) private Youku video and let us have the link by the final submission date.How it will be marked:Describing how you have looked at the data from the 3 axes and decided what might represent a stepcount (your experimental approach): 10 marks

  1. Writing and testing a C program that generates the step data for 5 minutes: 10 marks
  2. Providing some mechanism to download or access the number of steps: 5 marksUNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTING

Task 5: Understanding code qualityDifficulty level: BRONZE

Task 3 marks: 15It has 15 questions related to good programming practice. Once you start you must complete the quiz within45 minutes.You can refer to any materials you like but it should be your own work.How it will be marked:Each of the 15 questions is worth 1 mark.UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGGeneral guidance and study supportPlease refer to the module teaching materials in Minerva for any background support.Assessment criteria and marking processThis assignment tests the Learning Objectives for this module:Marks and feedback will be returned to you approximately three working weeks after the final submissiondate.The passing mark for the assessment is 40% and this can be gained from any task or combination of tasks.

  1. Presentation and referencingYou should produce working and tested C programs, uploaded to Gradescope with plenty of comments to

xplain your work. We also expect you to use meaningful variable names and for code to be indented tomake it readable.If you use an idea in your solution that you have seen on the Web somewhere then add a comment to thecode like this:// I based this on an idea I found here:

// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12901021/error-in-c-file-handlingIf you use a book or a printed resource then give the author and title:

// I based this on an idea I got from here:

// An Introduction to C and GUI Programming by Simon Long, pages 56-57

If you used ChatGPT, the tell us the prompt you used:

// I based this on a discussion with ChatGPT// Prompt: Explain how to import a CSV file in C

  1. Submission requirementsAll code should be uploaded to the submission points in Gradescope (we will explain fully how to do this inour sessions).
  1. Academic misconduct and plagiarismLeeds students are part of an academic community that shares ideas and develops new ones. UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS | SCHOOL OF COMPUTINGYou need to learn how to work with others, how to interpret and present other people's ideas, and how toproduce your own independent academic work. It is essential that you can distinguish between otherpeople's work and your own, and correctly acknowledge other people's work.All students new to the University are expected to complete an online Academic Integrity tutorial and test,and all Leeds students should ensure that they are aware of the principles of Academic integrity.When you submit work for assessment it is expected that it will meet the University’s academic integrity.If you do not understand what these standards are, or how they apply to your work, then please ask themodule teaching staff for further guidance.By submitting this assignment, you are confirming that the work is a true expression of your own work and

ideas and that you have given credit to others where their work has contributed to yours.Assessment/ marking criteria grid

Task Description Marks available


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/BUS001/p/18588302


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