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6465ELE Engineering Management

时间:2024-12-02 18:21:27浏览次数:2  
标签:6465ELE impact Management risk costs Engineering cost vehicle type

Project Brief: Fleet Vehicle Selection and Comprehensive Risk Analysis

This assignment presents a real-world management scenario where the data is incomplete oruncertain, requiring you to apply your engineering expertise to make an informed decision. Your taskis to assess and recommend the most suitable vehicle type—Electric Vehicle (EV) or Petrol—for a fleetof 10 maintenance engineers operating from a base in Liverpool.The vehicles in question belong to the C-segment of European passenger cars, also known as"medium-sized cars" or "compact cars" in the U.S. Your decision should be based on an analysis ofoperating cost, the total cost of ownership, and environmental impact, using the data provided (basedon VW ID3 and VW Golf Hatch) and any additional information you wish to include.

You should submit:

  1. A report in six sections which answer the six questions below.
  2. An Excel spreadsheet containing cost model, cash-flow analysis, and the calculations orsimulation used to answer question on quantitative risk assessment.


  1. Technology assessment: Undertake a brief assessment of the current state of EV car batterytechnology and how it is likely to evolve over the next 5 years focusing on: innovation, reductionsin cost, reliability, and range.
  1. Cost Analysis: Use the data provided to: (i) Model the operating cost of each vehicle type over 4-year period, include service and maintenance, and fuel/charging costs. (ii) Estimate the totalcost of ownership for both vehicle types over 4 years using a cash flow analysis. Include foexample the purchase and financing costs, operating costs, and resale revenue. This analysisshould be conducted in Excel using a discount rate of 7%.
  1. Model the impact of variable uncertainty on the difference in total ownership cost between thetwo vehicle types. Consider factors like annual travel distance, journey profile, fuel/chargingprices, maintenance, 代写6465ELE Engineering Management and depreciation. Assess cost variability and risk over the 4-year ownershipperiod.
  1. Qualitative risk assessment of vehicle choice: (i) Identify and evaluate non-quantifiable risks, suchas future regulations, technology changes, supply chain disruptions, and user acceptance. (ii) Rankthese risks by likelihood and impact on fleet operations and business performance.
  1. Environmental: Evaluate the CO2e footprint of each vehicle type over the 4-year operating period.Compare in general terms, the overall carbon footprint of Electric Vehicles (EVs) versus Petrolvehicles across their entire life cycle.
  1. Compare the costs, environmental impact, and risk profiles of the two vehicles. Recommend tomanagement the most suitable vehicle type for the fleet based on your analysis, providing a cleajustification that integrates both cost and risk considerations.
  1. Identify and explain key contract law principles that must be considered when negotiatingcontracts with the vehicle supplier, including warranties, liabilities, and service agreements. Howmight these impact the overall vehicle procurement and fleet operation?3. Data section (a) Purchase and operating costs Q6. Recommendation10 marks Compare the costs,

vironmental impact,and risk profiles of the twovehicles. Recommend tomanagement the mossuitable vehicle type forthe fleet based on youanalysis, providing a clearjustification thatintegrates both cost andrisk considerationsDelivers a simplrecommendation for the mossuitable vehicle type, withminimal justification. Therecommendation may not fullyintegrate cost and risk

considerations.Presents a well-reasonedrecommendation for the mostsuitable vehicle type, integratingboth cost and risk considerations.The justification is clear aneffectively supports the choice.Delivers a well-justifiedrecommendation for the most suitablevehicle type, integrating considerationsof cost, environmental impact, and risk.The rationale is clear, persuasive, angrounded in thorough analysis.Q7. Contract law

20 marks Identify and explain keylaw principlesthat must be consideredwhen negotiatincontracts with the vehiclesupplier, includinwarranties, liabilities, andservice agreements. Howmight these impact theoverall vehiclprocurement and fleet

operationexplanation ofcontract law principlesThorough, clear, and accurate

description of warranties,liabilities, service agreements,and payment termsDemonstrates deepunderstanding of how theseprinciples apply to procurement.Good understanding of contractlaw principles. Descriptions armostly accurate but may lack depthor detail. Solid understanding okey contract terms relate tprocurementBasic understanding of contract law. Limited or vague explanationsof warranties, liabilities, and servicagreements. Some application to vehiclprocurement is evident but not fullydeveloped.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CSE231/p/18580927


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