- 脚本地址:https://github.com/abpolym/crypto-tools/tree/master/poemcode
- 脚本用法:`python poemcode.py poem.txt msg.txt
- 脚本用法参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhengna/p/14763913.html
import sys
import itertools
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
def loadlist(infile):
tlist = []
for line in open(infile, 'r'):
for w in line.split(): tlist.append(w.lower())
return tlist
def encrypt(code, poem, msg):
# Load all words of the poem into a temporary list
twords = loadlist(poem)
# Select only those words specified in the code in a new list
pwords = ''
for c in code: pwords += twords[c].lower()
plen = len(pwords)
# We can only support encoding all alphabetical letters, a key length greater len(abc) is not reasonable here
if plen > len(abc): sys.exit(3)
# Assign an index for each letter in the key based on the alphabet
pcode = [None] * plen
count = 0
while (count < plen):
for al in abc:
for pc, pl in enumerate(pwords):
if al != pl: continue
pcode[pc] = count
count += 1
# Load all words of the message into a string
mwords = ''
for line in open(msg, 'r'):
for w in line.split(): mwords += w.lower()
mlen = len(mwords)
# Split message into chunks of size plen, append random (here alphabet) characters to fill the last chunk, if necessary
cpairs = []
curlen = plen
while (curlen < mlen):
cpairs.append(mwords[curlen - plen:curlen])
curlen += plen
rword = mwords[curlen - plen:curlen]
rlen = len(rword)
if rlen < plen: rword += abc[:plen - rlen]
# Encrypt the message according to the key
cip = ''
for i in code: cip += abc[i]
cip += ' '
for i in pcode:
for pair in cpairs:
cip += pair[i]
cip += ' '
return cip
def decrypt(poem, cip):
# Load all words of the poem into a temporary list
twords = loadlist(poem)
# Load all cipher chunks of the ciphertext into a list
cwords = loadlist(cip)
# Get the code rom the first chunk and remove it from the ciphertext list
code = []
for i in cwords.pop(0):
# Select only those words specified in the code in a new multi-arrayed list
xwords = [[] for x in range(len(code))]
for xcount, c in enumerate(code):
tlen = c
while (c < len(twords)):
c += 26
# Get all possible combinations
for comb in itertools.product(*xwords):
pwords = ''
for c in comb: pwords += c
plen = len(pwords)
# Rearrange the chunks according to the key
pcode = [None] * plen
count = 0
while (count < plen):
for al in abc:
for pc, pl in enumerate(pwords):
if al != pl: continue
pcode[count] = cwords[pc]
count += 1
# Decrypt the ciphertext
msg = ''
wlen = len(pcode[0])
for c in range(0, wlen):
for word in pcode:
msg += word[c]
# first argument = poem
# second argument = ciphertxt or msg
if len(sys.argv) != 3:sys.exit(2)
# print encrypt([0, 5, 13, 16, 19], sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
decrypt(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wyuu101/p/18580622