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Alfred Nobel

时间:2024-12-01 10:12:23浏览次数:11  
标签:his people Nobel Alfred world He

Alfred Nobel, born in 1833 in Sweden, was a famous chemist, engineer and the inventor of dynamite . He initially made dynamite to help with building and mining work, making these tasks safer and faster. However, when he saw it being used in wars, he felt very upset because henever wanted his invention to cause harm. Nobel's reaction to the misuse of his invention led to agreat change in his life's purpose.
To create something positive from his success, Nobel decided to use his wealth to start the Nobel Prizes. He wrote a will that left most of his money to fund these prizes. They are awarded every yearto people who have made the world a better place through their work in Physics, Chemistry.Medicine, Literature and Peace. This was Nobel's way of supporting scientific research and encouraging more people to make a contribution to the whole world.
Nobel wanted his legacy(遗产) to be about helping humanity and promoting peace. He aimedto show that science and knowledge should be used to improve lives, not destroy them. His prizescontinue to honour those who bring great benefits to human beings.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/tianyunchuan/p/18579561


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