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Cipher and Row Transposition Cipher

时间:2024-11-29 18:43:32浏览次数:4  
标签:Cipher Transposition work will program your Row

Assignment One: Implementation of Autokey Cipher and Row Transposition Cipher

CE235 Assignment One


University of Essex

  1. Task of Assignment OneThe aim of Assignment One is to write a Python program, which will implement the Autokey cipher and the Row transpositioncipher. The introduction of the two ciphers can be found from the lecture notes.Specifically, this assignment task is expected to do the following:
  • Design (with flowcharts) and develop a Python program with encryption and decryption functions for Autokeycipher and the Row transposition cipher.
  • For the Row transposition cipher, if the length of the plaintext message (number of letters in message) is notmultiple times of the key length, you can add several letters to the end of the message before encryption, and delete

these added letters after decryption to recover the original message.

A sample Python program caesar.py for Caesar cipher is provided for reference. The sample Python program can be run withdefault demo message and key from the command line in Terminal window like this:python caesar_ciphyer.pyThis reference program caesar_ciphyer.py encrypts a given messageand then performs decryption. After thecaesar_ciphyer.py program is run, it will display 代写Cipher and Row Transposition Cipher the plaintext, ciphertext, and the decrypted plaintext. If the cipher workscorrectly, the plain text and decrypted text should bethesame.Your program for these two ciphers should have a name like ak_registrationnumber.py (replace registrationnumber withyour own registration number). Your program must run from command line like this (with a registration number 123456) :python ak_123456.pyThe outputs of ak_registrationnumber.py (including the key, plaintext, ciphertext and decrypted text) are required to bedisplayed, following the display format given in the reference program caesar_ciphyer.py.

  1. How to submitSubmit one python program file to Faser with the following filename (replace registration number by your own one):ak_registrationnumber.pySubmission deadline is Wednesday04/12/2024 (UK time: 23:59); Beijing time: Thursday, 7:59, 05/12/2024.
  1. Marking SchemeThere are 12 marks for this assignment (out of 100 marks for the overall module marks).
  1. 1) Flowcharts for the Autokey cipher and the Row transposition cipher take 1 mark The functions for the Autokeycipher and the Row transposition cipher take 5 marks and 5 marks, respectively.
  1. 2) You will be asked by Professor He or the teaching assistants at NWU to demonstrate your work (including flowchartsand program) and answer some questions to ensure it is your own work. Marks will be given according to the quality ofyour work and the demonstration. If you are asked to but you don’t demonstrate your work, no mark will be given to yourassignment work.
  1. 3) Apart from demonstration of your work to the teaching staff members, it is mandatory for you to submit your programfile to Faser (flowcharts are not to be submitted to Faser). You will not get mark for your work on the assignment if yourprogram is not submitted to Faser. If your submission islate, there will penalty on your mark according to the universitypolicy.
  1. 4) Extra check of your submitted program may be conducted by Professor He. If any programming or plagiarism problemsare found from the check, your marks will be deducted.
  2. PlagiarismYou should work individually on this assignment. Anything you submit is assumed to be entirely your own work. The usual

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/CSE231/p/18576353


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