git clone
cd bamdst/
conda install xdgene::bamdst
首先准备一个排序后的bam文件,STAR可以直接输出排好序的bam文件,--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate,也可以自己用samtools进行排序:
samtools sort {input.bam} --output-fmt BAM > {output.sorted.bam}
chrM 649 1603
samtools faidx genome.fa ##建立索引
cat genome.fa.fai |awk '{print $1"\t1\t"$2}' > sample.bed
Chr1 MSU_osa1r7 gene 2903 10817 . + . ID=LOC_Os01g01010;Name=LOC_Os01g01010;...
Chr1 MSU_osa1r7 mRNA 2903 10817 . + . ID=LOC_Os01g01010.1;...
Chr1 MSU_osa1r7 exon 2903 3268 . + . ID=LOC_Os01g01010.1:exon_1;...
awk '$3=="exon"' file.gff3 |awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t|=|;";OFS="\t"}{print $1,$4,$5}' > exon.bed
bamdst -p <probe.bed> -o ./ in1.bam
Pipeline mode:
samtools view in1.bam -u | bamdst -p x.bed -o ./ -
(可以通过 bamdst --help 查看使用方法)
-o, --outdir output dir
-p, --bed probe or target regions file, the region file will be merged before calculate depths
参数 | 描述 |
-f, --flank [200] | flank n bp of each region. --设置侧翼区域的大小,如果要计算侧翼区的覆盖率,请设置此值,默认值为 200。 [以5'侧翼区为例,侧翼区是指与基因5’末端毗连的DNA区域,这些区域通常包含启动子、增强子或者其他蛋白质结合位点,这部分的区域不能被转录为RNA。侧翼区(flanking region)和侧翼区单核苷酸多态性(Flanking SNPs): ] [侧翼序列:指存在于编码区第一个外显子和最末一个外显子的外侧是一段不被翻译的核苷酸序列。侧翼序列含有基因调控顺序,如5端含有的启动子、增强子,3端含有的终止子和多聚腺苷酸信号等,对基因表达起重要的调控作用。(之后总结) ] |
-q [20] | map quality cutoff value, greater or equal to the value will be count. --比对质量截止值,大于或等于该值将被计数。 影响结果中 [Total] Map quality cutoff value // Cutoff map quality score, this value can be set by -q. default is 20, because some variants caller like GATK only consider high quality reads. |
--maxdepth [0] | set the max depth to stat the cumu distribution. --设置最大深度来统计累积分布。 对于一些项目来说,区域深度非常高,如果你不想在 Cumulation Distrbution 文件(depth_distribution.plot)中显示这些不正常的深度,可以设置 Cutoff 值来过滤它们。默认值为 0 (无过滤)。 |
--cutoffdepth [0] | list the coverage of above depths. --列出上述深度的覆盖度。 对于一些项目,人们关心指定深度的覆盖率,比如 10000x 等。bamdst 只计算 0x、4x、10x、30x、100x 的覆盖率,所以你可以设置这个值以在 文档中显示指定的 coverage。默认值为 0。 |
--isize [2000] | stat the inferred insert size under this value. --推断插入尺寸低于此值 对于错误的映射配对读长,推断的插入大小非常大。所以设置一个截止值。默认值为 2000。 |
--uncover [5] | region will included in uncover file if below it. --如果区域低于 Uncover 文档,则 Region 将包含在 Uncover 文档中。 为 Calculate the bad covered region (计算不良覆盖区域) 设置此截止值。默认值为 <5。 |
--bamout BAMFILE | target reads will be exported to this bam file. --目标reads将导出到此 BAM 文档。 |
-1 | begin position of bed file is 1-based. --bed的起始位置从1开始。 |
-h, --help | print this help info. --打印帮助信息。 |
--use_rmdup (an invalid parament since v1.0.0 )
Use rmdup depth instead of cover depth to calculate the coverage of target regions and so on.
使用 rmdup depth 而不是 cover depth 来计算目标区域的覆盖率等等。
* Five essential files would be created in the output dir.
* region.tsv.gz and depth.tsv.gz are zipped by bgzip, so you can use tabix
index these files.
- a report of the coverage information and reads
information of whole target regions
- cumu.plot distribution data of depth values #(这里应该是指文件:depth_distribution.plot(?可能作者更新没改这里?))
- insert.plot distribution data of inferred insert size
- coverage information for each chromosome
- region.tsv.gz mean depth, median depth and coverage of each region
- depth.tsv.gz raw depth, rmdup depth, coverage depth of each position
- uncover.bed the bad covered or uncovered region in the probe file
* About depth.tsv.gz:
* There are five columns in this file, including chromosome, position, raw
* depth, rmdep depth, coverage depth
- chromosome the chromosome name
- position 1-based position of each chromosome
- raw depth raw depth of position, not filter
- rmdup depth remove duplication, and only calculate the reads which
are primary mapped and mapQ >= cutoff_mapQ (default 20)
- coverage depth calculate the deletions (CIGAR level) into depths,
for coverage use.
#Chromosome DATA(%) Avg depth Median Coverage% Cov 4x % Cov 10x % Cov 30x % Cov 100x %
Chr1 13.38 90.92 4.0 60.75 51.37 43.06 31.89 18.56
## The file was created by bamdst
## Version : 1.0.9
## Files : /share/ofs1b/project/RNA_Seq/NLJKX20241028004_RnaSeq_T11_051/02_align/HF_N1_bam/HF_N1_Aligned.sort.out.bam
[Total] Raw Reads (All reads) 95543390 #All reads in the bam file(s).
[Total] QC Fail reads 0 #Reads number failed QC, this flag is marked by other software,like bwa. See flag in the bam structure.
[Total] Raw Data(Mb) 14248.07 #Total reads data in the bam file(s).
[Total] Paired Reads 95543390 #Paired reads numbers.
[Total] Mapped Reads 95543390 #Mapped reads numbers.
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Reads 100.00% #Ratio of mapped reads against raw reads.
[Total] Mapped Data(Mb) 14248.07 #Mapped data in the bam file(s).
[Total] Fraction of Mapped Data(Mb) 100.00% #Ratio of mapped data against raw data.
[Total] Properly paired 95543384 #Paired reads with properly insert size. See bam format protocol for details.
[Total] Fraction of Properly paired 100.00% #Ratio of properly paired reads against mapped reads
[Total] Read and mate paired 95543384 #Read (read1) and mate read (read2) paired.
[Total] Fraction of Read and mate paired 100.00% #Ratio of read and mate paired against mapped reads
[Total] Singletons 6 #Read mapped but mate read unmapped, and vice versa.
[Total] Read and mate map to diff chr 0 #Read and mate read mapped to different chromosome, usually because mapping error and structure variants.
[Total] Read1 47771698 #First reads in mate paired sequencing
[Total] Read2 47771692 #Mate reads
[Total] Read1(rmdup) 47771698 #First reads after remove duplications.
[Total] Read2(rmdup) 47771692 #Mate reads after remove duplications.
[Total] forward strand reads 47771695 #Number of forward strand reads.
[Total] backward strand reads 47771695 #Number of backward strand reads.
[Total] PCR duplicate reads 0 #PCR duplications.
[Total] Fraction of PCR duplicate reads 0.00% #Ratio of PCR duplications.
[Total] Map quality cutoff value 20 #Cutoff map quality score, this value can be set by -q. default is 20, because some variants caller like GATK only consider high quality reads.
[Total] MapQuality above cutoff reads 93664629 #Number of reads with higher or equal quality score than cutoff value.
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in all reads 98.03% #Ratio of reads with higher or equal Q score against raw reads.
[Total] Fraction of MapQ reads in mapped reads 98.03% #Ratio of reads with higher or equal Q score against mapped reads.
[Target] Target Reads 91110291 #Number of reads covered target region (specified by bed file).
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in all reads 95.36% #Ratio of target reads against raw reads.
[Target] Fraction of Target Reads in mapped reads 95.36% #Ratio of target reads against mapped reads.
[Target] Target Data(Mb) 13435.50 #Total bases covered target region. If a read covered target region partly, only the covered bases will be counted.
[Target] Target Data Rmdup(Mb) 13224.10 #Total bases covered target region after remove PCR duplications.
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in all data 94.30% #Ratio of target bases against raw bases.
[Target] Fraction of Target Data in mapped data 94.30% #Ratio of target bases against mapped bases.
[Target] Len of region 164886854 #The length of target regions.
[Target] Average depth 81.48 #Average depth of target regions. Calculated by "target bases / length of regions".
[Target] Average depth(rmdup) 80.20 #Average depth of target regions after remove PCR duplications.
[Target] Coverage (>0x) 51.61% #Ratio of bases with depth greater than 0x in target regions, which also means the ratio of covered regions in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=4x) 43.23% #Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 4x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=10x) 36.09% #Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 10x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=30x) 26.76% #Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 30x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=100x) 15.74% #Ratio of bases with depth greater than or equal to 100x in target regions.
[Target] Coverage (>=Nx) #This is addtional line for user self-defined cutoff value, see --cutoffdepth
[Target] Target Region Count 55104 #Number of target regions. In normal practise,it is the total number of exomes.
[Target] Region covered > 0x 25846 #The number of these regions with average depth greater than 0x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered > 0x 46.90% #Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than 0x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 4x 41.22% #Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 4x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 10x 36.67% #Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 10x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 30x 29.09% #Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 30x.
[Target] Fraction Region covered >= 100x 15.76% #Ratio of these regions with average depth greater than or equal to 100x.
[flank] flank size 200 #The flank size will be count. 200 bp in default. Oligos could also capture the nearby regions of target regions.
[flank] Len of region (not include target region) 186299040 #The length of flank regions (target regions will not be count).
[flank] Average depth 72.94 #Average depth of flank regions.
[flank] flank Reads 91839874 #The total number of reads covered the flank regions. Note: some reads covered the edge of target regions, will be count in flank regions also.
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in all reads 96.12% #Ratio of reads covered in flank regions against raw reads.
[flank] Fraction of flank Reads in mapped reads 96.12% #Ration of reads covered in flank regions against mapped reads.
[flank] flank Data(Mb) 13588.68 #Total bases in the flank regions.
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in all data 95.37% #Ratio of total bases in the flank regions against raw data.
[flank] Fraction of flank Data in mapped data 95.37% #Ratio of total bases in the flank regions against mapped data.
[flank] Coverage (>0x) 48.01% #Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than 0x.
[flank] Coverage (>=4x) 39.51% #Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 4x.
[flank] Coverage (>=10x) 32.68% #Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 10x.
[flank] Coverage (>=30x) 24.06% #Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 30x.
[flank] Coverage (>=100x) 14.07% #Ratio of flank bases with depth greater than or equal to 100x.(官网没这句,但我结果有,我自己加了一句)
0 79772141 0.483856 85095379 0.516144
1 5844883 0.035452 79250496 0.480692
2 4686107 0.028423 74564389 0.452269
3 3289529 0.019953 71274860 0.432316
4 2778824 0.016855 68496036 0.415461
对于探针文档 (in.bed) 中的每个位置,三种深度值,包括原始深度raw depth、删除重复读取的深度Rmdup depth和覆盖深度Cover depth。原始深度是从输入 bam 中检索的。Rmdup depth为去除了PCR重复的reads, 次优比对reads, 低比对质量的reads(mapQ < 20),该值与samtools depth的输出深度类似
其中,输出深度为 samtools 深度。覆盖深度是考虑删除区域的原始深度,因此此值应等于或大于原始深度。我们使用原始深度raw depth来统计 文件中的覆盖率信息。如果想用rmdup depth来计算覆盖率,可使用参数 “--use_rmdup”。
#Chr Pos Raw Depth Rmdup depth Cover depth
Chr1 2904 2 2 2
Chr1 2905 2 2 2
Chr1 2906 2 2 2
0 0 0.000000 45594984 1.000000
1 0 0.000000 45594984 1.000000
2 0 0.000000 45594984 1.000000
3 0 0.000000 45594984 1.000000
#Chr Start Stop Avg depth Median Coverage Coverage(FIX)
Chr1 2903 10817 72.74 31.0 70.86 70.86
Chr1 11218 12435 21.75 21.0 100.00 100.00
Chr1 2903 2914
Chr1 3751 4360
Chr1 4596 5458