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Russian Mob Boss Reveals Life's Harsh Truths

时间:2024-11-27 11:55:25浏览次数:8  
标签:Reveals Life Harsh money prisoners prison your

1. You were born in a cold prison - it's your country, your state.
2. You have to pay the prison stay. They call the prison fees taxes.
3. You have no say what will be done with the money, but you have to pay.
4. To pay the money, you have to work. The prison encourages you to buy new shining products, so you feel better about your poor existence.
5. You are not allowed to exit the prison and live on your own, they will hunt you and make you pay.
6. Only a few prisoners have walked far enough to see the prison wall.
7. The prison gives you news and entertainments, so that you don't discover the prison walls.
8. The prison does not allow strong family bonds or strong brotherhood, unless you are a part of the group of that is running the prison.
9. The prision you live in wants you weak, sick and divided, because weak prisoners can't climb the walls.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mingzhanghui/p/18572078


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