School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering1
CE243 (NWU) Assignment 2
- ObjectivesThe objective of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the embeddedsystem that can be effectively controlled using C language and ARM mbed you have learnt inthis module.
- The task
To design and write a C program to implement a guessing game on the ARM mbeddevelopment kit provided in the lab. Your design should include the following main features.- The main body of the guessing game logic should be implemented on the ARM mbeddevelopment kit.- Develop a PC host program in C that can communicate with the game on the ARMmbed via UART interface. The messages of the game should be displayed on the hostprogram.- Use the peripherals on the mbed extension board to give better user experience, e.g.LCD, keypad, etc.- Your game should be error free and have error checking function to avoid any crashcausedby invalid user input or similar bugs.Game: The finished game will provide a user experience that looks something like this:
What is your guess? 5
You are way off.
What is your guess? 8
You are way off.
What is your guess? 3
You are less than 3 away!
What is your guess? 4
You are less than 3 away!
What is your guess? 2
You guessed correctly!
The guessing number should be set by the user when the mbed is initialised. Please considersuitable user experience here to make that happen smoothly. The number should be setbetween 0-30.User input
The game will need to get guesses from the user on the PC host. Your programme
always ask the user “What is your guess?”, and you should use an infinite loop to
ask the user for a guess. After it is entered, print out each guess. A session mightlook like this:What is your guess? 22Note: there is a fixed number of guesses, determined by the user. In the real game,the loop will finish once the number has been guessed correctly.
Check proximity School of Computer Science and Electronic EngineeringThe game will give the user a hint when a guess is close to the correct answer. Inother words, with each guess the game has to determine the proximity of the guess tothe randomly generated correct number. Write a function within(value, goal, n) thateturn 1 if value is within n distance of goal. For example, within(2, 5, 2) wouldreturn 0 but within(4, 5, 2) would return 0.
Scoring One can think of a “score” in this game as the number of guesses made beforegetting the number right; a lower score is better. Once the user has guessed thenumber, print a line saying how many guesses were made (something like “Yourscore is 4”).LCD: The first row of the LCD should always show the secret number you set, and thesecond row of the LCD should show 代写CE243 using C language and ARM the current user guess. Once the user has theguessed number, the second row of LCD should show a message indicating thecompletion of the game and the final score of the user.Keypad: The keypad should be used to set the secret number.
- Deadline and submission requirementsThe deadline for the electric submission of your Assignment 2 report and associated Cprograms is 11:59:59 on Friday 1 Nov. 2019. Please email your assignment as ONEattachment to [email protected] prior to the above submission deadline. Pleasemerge everything listed below into one .doc or .pdf file and submit. The filename shall take
the following format: Surname_Firstname_RegistrationNumber_A2, all in English. Your
email subject shall use exactly the same format. No email content is necessary. In themeanwhile please ALSO upload the same file to FASER.
Your assignment shall be written in such a way that it is clear, concise and easy to read.
Write your name (both English and Chinese), registration number and module code(CE243-NWU) clearly on the cover page, including a ToC (Table of Contents) (1 page).
You shall use a flow chart to outline your software design and use text to explain how itworks (2 or 3 pages).
You should run your code for testing different scenarios. The results of testing should bepresented in the report and explain how you fix it if any bugs have been found. (2 or 3pages).
Your C program should be printed at the end of the report (3 or 4 pages).No extensions of the deadlines will be given. If, for any reason, you do not submit your code,there will be no record of the submission time and you will automaticallyget a zero mark.You shall submit your work through the proper channel (electronic submission) and on time,even if it is incomplete - something is better than nothing.This assignment is to be completed individually, i.e. whatever you hand in must be your ownindividual work.Any software or any other materials that you use in this assignment, whetherpreviously published or not, must be referred and properly acknowledged.
- AssessmentYou will be assessed on the source code you submit and the performance of your code.
(i) Marks will be awarded for programming style and the number of features implemented.2School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
(ii) You are expected to show the performance of the programs during demonstration in the10th lab (Week 11). The demonstration session is mandatory to this assignment, and it isworth 50% of the overall mark of this assignment.
(iii)You are expected to answer some questions about the main aspects of your work duringyour demonstration.
(iv)More specifically, your Assignment 2 will be assessed as follows:
Excellent (70 - 100%)All features have been implemented. The program is well-structured and commented.Your game is well functioned and playable during your demonstration. All questionsare answered correctly. The report is well written and structured, and only containsminor mistakes and all requirements for the report are met.Good (55 - 69%)The program implements all of the required features, but has not well structured andcommented. Your game is functional and reasonable playable your demonstration.Not all questions are answered correctly. The report is written reasonable well, but itcontains some mistakes and/or few requirements are not met. The report was goodstructured, and it has many mistakes, but the overall requirement are mostly met.Poor (40 - 54%)The program implements less than 50% of the required features, but has poorstructure and comments. Your game is not functioned well and barely playableduringyour demonstration. Most of the questions are not answered correctly. The report waspoorly structured, and it has many mistakes, but the overall requirement are mostlymet.Awful (0 – 39%)The program does not work. It has poor structure and comments. Your game is notfunctioning at all during your demonstration. No question is answered correctly. Thereport was poorly structured, and it contains many fundamental mistakes, theoverallrequirements are not met.3
标签:guess,your,number,should,game,CE243,user,using,ARM From: