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“The Danger of Seawater Intrusion”

时间:2024-10-23 18:46:10浏览次数:3  
标签:fertile Intrusion intrusion Danger seawater Seawater groundwater

“The Danger of Seawater Intrusion”
When seawater intrusion strikes, the originally peaceful coastal scene is broken. The surging seawater breaks through the natural defense line and continuously spreads towards the land. Seawater intrusion is often caused by various reasons. It may be that strong storm surges push the seawater to rush in, or that excessive exploitation of groundwater by humans causes the groundwater level to drop, opening a channel for seawater invasion.
The harm brought by seawater intrusion cannot be underestimated. It erodes fertile land, rapidly salinizes the soil, and crops lose their fertile ground for growth. The hard work of farmers turns into nothing. Urban infrastructure is also facing a severe test. Roads and buildings soaked by seawater are gradually damaged. At the same time, the intruded seawater will also pollute groundwater resources and affect people's drinking water safety. We must take action and take effective measures to prevent and control it to protect our beautiful homeland.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2402_87017591/article/details/143167191


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