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killall -HUP xxx含义是什么

时间:2024-10-23 14:49:38浏览次数:1  
标签:process signal xxx send HUP killall autorund

# 如 killall -HUP autorund 含义是什么

直接重新加载所有名为autorund的配置文件,而不必先关闭/终止进程。感觉类似nginx -s reload

The command killall -HUP autorund is used in Linux to send the HUP (hang up) signal to all processes named autorund. Here’s a breakdown of what each part of the command does:

killall: This command is used to terminate all processes that match the given name. Unlike kill, which requires a process ID (PID), killall works with process names.
-HUP: This option specifies the signal to send. HUP (hang up) is signal number 1, which typically instructs a process to reload its configuration files without terminating.
autorund: This is the name of the process to which the signal will be sent.
So, killall -HUP autorund will send the HUP signal to all instances of the autorund process, prompting them to reload their configuration files.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/daizichuan/p/18496359


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