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《A Heart like Fragrance, Endless Yearning》

时间:2024-10-18 11:18:00浏览次数:3  
标签:heart about ancient like Heart yearning Yearning its

Since ancient times, who has a heart like fragrant as hers? That heart is like a blooming flower in spring, full of fragrance, tenderness and vivacity. In the long river of time, it blossoms alone with unique brilliance. Nobody knows who can truly understand its preciousness.
When the heart meets the wonderful "Nijia", yearning surges like a tide, followed by endless pondering. It is a wonderful encounter that makes the heart tremble and the thoughts drift away, as if chasing an elusive affection.
Yearning for the past, present and future. The yearning spreads. Recalling the past, pondering the present and looking forward to the future. This heart wanders in yearning, like a small boat drifting in the ocean of emotions. It thinks about what it feels and realizes, thinks about the meaning of the beautiful encounter, and wonders where the vague affection will lead.
The heart is warmed as if encountering ancient memories. In this warmth, the heart begins to think about itself again, examining its own emotions and exploring the deep desires within. In the interweaving of ancient and modern times, it tries to find its own direction, so that this affection can be placed properly and the heart like fragrant can continue to shine with beautiful light.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/2402_87017591/article/details/143026545


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