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CITS2002 simulation of virtual memory

时间:2024-10-08 12:22:00浏览次数:1  
标签:process RAM virtual simulation memory page

CITS2002 - Second Project

A simple simulation of virtual memory

  • This project is worth 10% of the marks in the unit.
  • The project can be done in groups of two.
  • The due date of the project is October 17, 11:59 pm.
  • The project description is long, but the coding is simple. We will

discuss the project in the workshops on Fridays.

1 A simple simulation of virtual memory

The aim of this project is to simulate a simple virtual memory system usingan array as the RAM of a hypothetical machine. The project will also require

some C programming skills of using structures and pointers.We have a computer whose RAM is an array of size 16. It is an array

of pointers. There are 8 page frames in the RAM, each consisting of twocontiguous locations in the array. Hence, the page size of this computer is 2.The virtual memory of this computer is an array of pointers of size 32(We will pretend it is on disc, but actually it is an array in the RAM ofour computer). There are 4 processes in this computer, and each proces canhave 4 pages, and obviously all the pages of all the processes cannot be inthe main memory at the same time. Some pages will be in the main memoryand some pages will be in the virtual memory at any time. The processes arenumbered 0 . . . 3. Each process has a page table, which is an integer array,entry of a process page table indicates whether the page is in RAM or in the

virtual memory (on disc), k if the page is in RAM (k is the frame number,between 0 . . . 7), and 99 if the page is in disc (99 cannot be a frame number).You have to define a structure that will consist of three fields, a processid, a page number of the process, and the last time this page was accessedif it is in the RAM. Time in the simulation is not real time, rather a timestep. Time increases in simulation steps, as explained below. The simulationstarts (at time 0) by initializing the virtual memory with all the 4 pages ofeach process. You have to do the following steps before the simulation starts:

1• Define a structure whose pointer will be stored in each array locationof the RAM and the virtual memory. The structure may look like this:

struct {

int process_id;

int page_num;

int last_accessed;

} memory;

Initialise the process id and page num with the id of the process (anumber between 0 . . . 3) and a page number of that process (a numberbetween 0 . . . 3). Initialise all last access to 0.

  • Create each page and store pointers in the array for the virtual memory. Note that the process id and page num of two consecutive arraylocations will be the same since each page occupies two array locations.The simulation starts by reading a file where there is a single line ofintegers separated by blanks, for example:

0 2 1 3 3 2 2 0 2 1 0 2 3 0

Each integer indicates a process id. For example, the first number 0 indicates that the next page of process 0 has to be brought in from virtualmemory to the RAM. The process table of process 0 and the RAM have tobe代 写CITS2002   simulation of virtual memory  updated accordingly. You can keep the content of the virtual memoryunchanged, as that s how virtual memory systems work. Our processes donot do any computation, they just request the next page and later may writea page back to virtual memory. You can assume for simplicity that all thepages are always in the virtual memory and nothing needs to be writtenback, as no pageisupdated by doing any computation. The last accessedtime of a page will be the time step when you brought the page to RAM.

For example, after reading this file, the first (or 0th page of process 0 willbe brought to RAM), the last accessed time of this page will be 0, as theimulation starts now and time is 0. Time will increase by 1 for each entryin the file.The RAM may become full sometime, you have to use the local Least

Recently Used (LRU) algorithm for evicting a page and bringing a new page.2local means you have to evict the least recently used page of the sameprocess for accommodating the new page. If there is no page of the processwhose page you want to bring in, use a global LRU policy, evict the page

that is least recently used among all pages in the RAM.

2 Submission

You have to write a C program in a single file called simulation.c, andcompiled as an executable called simulation. It will read two file names fromthe command line, in.txt and out.txt. The first file is the one mentionedabove, for reading process ids. The second file is an output file where youshould print the following information at the end of the simulation. Yoursubmission will be executed as:simulation in.txt out.txt

  • The page tables of the four processes in separate lines. For example,the page table for process 0 may look like this:3, 2, 1, 99This means there are three pages of process 0 in the RAM, pages 0, 1and 2, in frames 3, 2 and 1, and page 3 is in the disc.You have to also print the content of the RAM, each location separated

by a ’;’. For example, the RAM may look like this:0,0,5; 0,0,5; 2,0,1; 2,0,1; etc. (16 entries)Note that, the first two locations of the RAM stores page 0 of process0, as each page occupies two array locations of the RAM. Also, thispage was brought to RAM at time step 5.Amitava Datta

September 2024

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9313/p/18451411


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