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ACT B414F Smart Toy

时间:2024-10-07 17:45:09浏览次数:1  
标签:B414F Toy tax comprised 000 Interest marks Smart

ACT B414F (2024 Autumn Term)


Due date: 8 November 2024 (Friday)

Weighting: 15% of the total marks for this course

This is a group-based assignment. Students have to form. their groups (a maximum of three members in a group). Please write down the names and student IDs of all the group members on the cover of the assignment. Only ONE group member uploads the assignment to the OLE for submission.

Question 1 (80 marks)

Smart Toy Company Ltd (“Smart Toy”) is a toy manufacturer since 2012. All the products are manufactured in its factory in Tai Po. 80% of the sales are made to customers in Hong Kong and the remaining 20% are made to overseas customers through its website.

The following is Smart Toy’s statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2023:

                                                                              Note                               $                                $

Turnover                                                                                                                          25,360,000

Cost of goods sold                                                                                                          (12,349,700)

Gross profits                                                                                                                    13,010,300

Investment income                                                     1                        89,500

Interest income                                                          2                      105,000                      194,500


Insurance                                                                                            35,000

Donation                                                                    3                        45,000

Sundry expenses                                                         4                        60,200

Finance expenses                                                        5                        76,300

Bad debt and provision for bad debt                              6                       107,000

Utilities                                                                                               134,000

Legal and professional fees                                           7                      138,000

Marketing and promotion                                                                      190,000

Products research expense                                            8                      440,000

Repair and maintenance                                                9                      566,000

Rent - office and warehouse                                                                  800,000

Directors' remuneration                                                                         860,000

MPF contribution                                                          10                     863,500

Depreciation charge                                                                            1,596,000

Staff cost                                                                     11                   4,880,000                (10,791,000)

Profits before tax                                                                                                                   2,413,800

Further details of the Smart Toy’s operations are provided in the following notes:

1. Investment income comprised:


Dividend from listed shares in Hong Kong stock market                                                                 60,750

Exchange gain realised from trade debts settlement                                                                      28,750


2. Interest income comprised:


Interest on HKD deposits placed with HSBC in Hong Kong                                                             28,000

Interest on AUD deposits placed with Bank of China in Hong Kong                                                 26,000

Interest on US dollar deposits placed with Citibank, New York branch                                             24,000

Interest on overdue accounts receivable from customers in UK                                                       27,000


3. Donation for the year:


Donation of inventory of toys to The Community Chest of Hong Kong                                             22,000

Donation of cash to Po Leung Kuk                                                                                                 7,000

Cash paid for tickets of charity banquet as donation to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals                        16,000


4. Sundry expenses comprised:


Office consumables (tax deductible)                                                                                             57,200

Surcharge of late filing of profits tax return                                                                                    3,000


5. Finance expenses comprised:


Bank charges on daily operations of the business                                                                           4,500

Bank interest paid to HSBC on loan secured by a personal guarantee from the director to finance the settlement of trade payable and daily operation                                                                                                                          63,800

Hire purchase interest on motor van                                                                                             5,000

Interest paid to a supplier for overdue accounts payable                                                                 3,000


6. Bad debt and provision for bad debt comprised:


Amount recovered from a Hong Kong client written off in 2022                                                    (26,000)

Increase in provision - 2% on total trade debtors' balance                                                             44,000

                              - on specified trade debtors                                                                          53,000

Loan to an employee written off on his resignation                                                                        22,000

Trade debt written off                                                                                                                14,000


7. Legal and professional fees comprised:


Audit fee                                                                                                                                  60,000

Legal fees for litigations with customers in Netherlands in the recovery of debts                               30,000

Legal fee for renewal of warehouse lease                                                                                       3,000

Legal fee and stamp duty on arranging the new lease of office                                                       33,000

Taxation service fee for tax return filing                                                                                        12,000


8. The research expense was incurred in the development of artificial intelligence chat for a new model of toy watch. It comprised $240,000 staff salaries and $200,000 acquisition cost of new research equipment.

9. Repair and maintenance comprised:


Repairing of the machines                                                                                                        296,000

Replacement of a significant part of a projector in office for upgrading                                          270,000


10. MPF contribution comprised:


Regular contributions, representing 15% of eligible employees’ total salary                                    669,500

One-off special contribution                                                                                                      194,000


11. Staff cost comprised:


Salaries and wages                                                                                                               4,480,000

Severance payment to staff                                                                                                      300,000

Compensation to a sales manager for not joining any company in the same industry for 1 year after his resignation             100,000


12. The depreciation allowance agreed by IRD for the year of assessment 2023/24 was $998,000.


(a) Compute the profits tax payable of Smart Toy for the year of assessment 2023/24 (Ignore the provisional tax and assume that Smart Toy is eligible for the two-tiered profits tax rates regime).   (42 marks)

(b) Explain the tax treatments for notes:

(1) Investment income;             (6 marks)

(2) Interest income;             (4 marks)

(5) Finance expenses;            (8 marks)

(6) Bad debt and provision for bad debt;            (10 marks)

(9) Repair and maintenance;                    (4 marks)

(11) Staff cost.                   (6 marks)

Question 2 (20 marks)

With reference to the Budget for 2024/25 of the Hong Kong Government, discuss any THREE issues which are related to Hong Kong tax and explain their implications (you may illustrate with examples).            (20 marks)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9021/p/18450365


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