if (pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, compID, rTu.GetTransformDepthRel()) != 0) { m_pcTrQuant->invTransformNxN( rTu, compID, piResi, uiStride, pcCoeff, cQP DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(psDebug) ); }
用于执行逆量化逆变换操作,将编码时的变换系数(Transform Coefficients)转换回原始的残差值(Residuals)
Void TComTrQuant::invTransformNxN( TComTU &rTu, const ComponentID compID, Pel *pcResidual, const UInt uiStride, TCoeff * pcCoeff, const QpParam &cQP DEBUG_STRING_FN_DECLAREP(psDebug)) { TComDataCU* pcCU=rTu.getCU(); const UInt uiAbsPartIdx = rTu.GetAbsPartIdxTU(); const TComRectangle &rect = rTu.getRect(compID); const UInt uiWidth = rect.width; const UInt uiHeight = rect.height;
// 对于非正方形的 TU,需要进一步递归分割处理 if (uiWidth != uiHeight) //for intra, the TU will have been split above this level, so this condition won't be true, hence this only affects inter { TComTURecurse subTURecurse(rTu, false, TComTU::VERTICAL_SPLIT, true, compID); do { const UInt lineOffset = subTURecurse.GetSectionNumber() * subTURecurse.getRect(compID).height; Pel *subTUResidual = pcResidual + (lineOffset * uiStride); TCoeff *subTUCoefficients = pcCoeff + (lineOffset * subTURecurse.getRect(compID).width); invTransformNxN(subTURecurse, compID, subTUResidual, uiStride, subTUCoefficients, cQP DEBUG_STRING_PASS_INTO(psDebug)); } while (subTURecurse.nextSection(rTu)); return; } #if DEBUG_STRING if (psDebug) { std::stringstream ss(stringstream::out); printBlockToStream(ss, (compID==0)?"###InvTran ip Ch0: " : ((compID==1)?"###InvTran ip Ch1: ":"###InvTran ip Ch2: "), pcCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiWidth); DEBUG_STRING_APPEND((*psDebug), ss.str()) } #endif
// 如果开启了旁路模式,直接将系数复制为残差 if(pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx)) { const Bool rotateResidual = rTu.isNonTransformedResidualRotated(compID); const UInt uiSizeMinus1 = (uiWidth * uiHeight) - 1; for (UInt y = 0, coefficientIndex = 0; y<uiHeight; y++) { for (UInt x = 0; x<uiWidth; x++, coefficientIndex++) { pcResidual[(y * uiStride) + x] = Pel(pcCoeff[rotateResidual ? (uiSizeMinus1 - coefficientIndex) : coefficientIndex]); } } } else { #if DEBUG_TRANSFORM_AND_QUANTISE std::cout << g_debugCounter << ": " << uiWidth << "x" << uiHeight << " channel " << compID << " TU at input to dequantiser\n"; printBlock(pcCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiWidth); #endif
中。 xDeQuant(rTu, pcCoeff, m_plTempCoeff, compID, cQP); #if DEBUG_TRANSFORM_AND_QUANTISE std::cout << g_debugCounter << ": " << uiWidth << "x" << uiHeight << " channel " << compID << " TU between dequantiser and inverse-transform\n"; printBlock(m_plTempCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiWidth); #endif #if DEBUG_STRING if (psDebug) { std::stringstream ss(stringstream::out); printBlockToStream(ss, "###InvTran deq: ", m_plTempCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiWidth); (*psDebug)+=ss.str(); } #endif // 是否使用了变换跳过(Transform Skip)模式 if(pcCU->getTransformSkip(uiAbsPartIdx, compID)) { xITransformSkip( m_plTempCoeff, pcResidual, uiStride, rTu, compID ); #if DEBUG_STRING if (psDebug) { std::stringstream ss(stringstream::out); printBlockToStream(ss, "###InvTran resi: ", pcResidual, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiStride); (*psDebug)+=ss.str(); (*psDebug)+="(<- was a Transform-skipped block)\n"; } #endif } else { #if O0043_BEST_EFFORT_DECODING const Int channelBitDepth = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getStreamBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)); #else const Int channelBitDepth = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)); #endif
// 调用 xIT
xIT( channelBitDepth, rTu.useDST(compID), m_plTempCoeff, pcResidual, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight, pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(toChannelType(compID)) ); #if DEBUG_STRING if (psDebug) { std::stringstream ss(stringstream::out); printBlockToStream(ss, "###InvTran resi: ", pcResidual, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiStride); (*psDebug)+=ss.str(); (*psDebug)+="(<- was a Transformed block)\n"; } #endif } #if DEBUG_TRANSFORM_AND_QUANTISE std::cout << g_debugCounter << ": " << uiWidth << "x" << uiHeight << " channel " << compID << " TU at output of inverse-transform\n"; printBlock(pcResidual, uiWidth, uiHeight, uiStride); g_debugCounter++; #endif } invRdpcmNxN( rTu, compID, pcResidual, uiStride ); }
Void TComTrQuant::xIT( const Int channelBitDepth, Bool useDST, TCoeff* plCoef, Pel* pResidual, UInt uiStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange ) { #if MATRIX_MULT if( iWidth == iHeight ) {
// 对于方形矩阵,使用高效的 NxN 逆变换函数(默认关闭) xITr(channelBitDepth, plCoef, pResidual, uiStride, (UInt)iWidth, useDST, maxLog2TrDynamicRange); return; } #endif TCoeff block[ MAX_TU_SIZE * MAX_TU_SIZE ]; TCoeff coeff[ MAX_TU_SIZE * MAX_TU_SIZE ]; memcpy(coeff, plCoef, (iWidth * iHeight * sizeof(TCoeff))); // 对于非方形块,调用xITrMxN
函数,处理 MxN 的逆变换。 xITrMxN( channelBitDepth, coeff, block, iWidth, iHeight, useDST, maxLog2TrDynamicRange ); for (Int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) { for (Int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) { pResidual[(y * uiStride) + x] = Pel(block[(y * iWidth) + x]); } } }
实现 MxN 矩阵的二维逆变换。主要根据输入矩阵的宽度 (iWidth
) 和高度 (iHeight
Int shift_1st = TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + 1; //1 has been added to shift_1st at the expense of shift_2nd Int shift_2nd = (TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + maxLog2TrDynamicRange - 1) - bitDepth;
在 HEVC 中需要进行六次会导致计算结果数量级增大的操作,分别为 2 次 DCT(一次二维 DCT 可以被分为两次一维 DCT)、1 次量化、1 次反量化以及 2 次反 DCT。
在 HEVC 中同样设置了六次对应位置的 Scaling 操作,其 Scaling 系数分别为 ST1,ST2,SQ,SIQ,SIT1,SIT2。
这里的shift_1st,shift_2nd 分别对应 SIT1,SIT2。TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT默认为6。
- STI=2−(B+M−9)
- ST2=2−(M+6)
- SQ=2−(29−M−B)
- SIT1=2−7
- SIT2=2−(20−B)
- SIQ=2−(M−5+B)
Void xITrMxN(Int bitDepth, TCoeff *coeff, TCoeff *block, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Bool useDST, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange) { const Int TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT = g_transformMatrixShift[TRANSFORM_INVERSE]; Int shift_1st = TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + 1; //1 has been added to shift_1st at the expense of shift_2nd Int shift_2nd = (TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT + maxLog2TrDynamicRange - 1) - bitDepth; const TCoeff clipMinimum = -(1 << maxLog2TrDynamicRange); const TCoeff clipMaximum = (1 << maxLog2TrDynamicRange) - 1; assert(shift_1st >= 0); assert(shift_2nd >= 0); TCoeff tmp[MAX_TU_SIZE * MAX_TU_SIZE]; switch (iHeight) { case 4: { if ((iWidth == 4) && useDST) // Check for DCT or DST { fastInverseDst( coeff, tmp, shift_1st, clipMinimum, clipMaximum); } else { partialButterflyInverse4 ( coeff, tmp, shift_1st, iWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum); } } break; case 8: partialButterflyInverse8 ( coeff, tmp, shift_1st, iWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum); break; case 16: partialButterflyInverse16( coeff, tmp, shift_1st, iWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum); break; case 32: partialButterflyInverse32( coeff, tmp, shift_1st, iWidth, clipMinimum, clipMaximum); break; default: assert(0); exit (1); break; } switch (iWidth) { // Clipping here is not in the standard, but is used to protect the "Pel" data type into which the inverse-transformed samples will be copied case 4: { if ((iHeight == 4) && useDST) // Check for DCT or DST { fastInverseDst( tmp, block, shift_2nd, std::numeric_limits<Pel>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Pel>::max() ); } else { partialButterflyInverse4 ( tmp, block, shift_2nd, iHeight, std::numeric_limits<Pel>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Pel>::max()); } } break; case 8: partialButterflyInverse8 ( tmp, block, shift_2nd, iHeight, std::numeric_limits<Pel>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Pel>::max()); break; case 16: partialButterflyInverse16( tmp, block, shift_2nd, iHeight, std::numeric_limits<Pel>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Pel>::max()); break; case 32: partialButterflyInverse32( tmp, block, shift_2nd, iHeight, std::numeric_limits<Pel>::min(), std::numeric_limits<Pel>::max()); break; default: assert(0); exit (1); break; } }
其中g_aucConvertToBit[iHeight]函数:from width to log2(width)-2
Void xTrMxN(Int bitDepth, TCoeff *block, TCoeff *coeff, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Bool useDST, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange) { const Int TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT = g_transformMatrixShift[TRANSFORM_FORWARD]; const Int shift_1st = ((g_aucConvertToBit[iWidth] + 2) + bitDepth + TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT) - maxLog2TrDynamicRange; const Int shift_2nd = (g_aucConvertToBit[iHeight] + 2) + TRANSFORM_MATRIX_SHIFT; assert(shift_1st >= 0); assert(shift_2nd >= 0); TCoeff tmp[ MAX_TU_SIZE * MAX_TU_SIZE ]; switch (iWidth) { case 4: { if ((iHeight == 4) && useDST) // Check for DCT or DST { fastForwardDst( block, tmp, shift_1st ); } else { partialButterfly4 ( block, tmp, shift_1st, iHeight ); } } break; case 8: partialButterfly8 ( block, tmp, shift_1st, iHeight ); break; case 16: partialButterfly16( block, tmp, shift_1st, iHeight ); break; case 32: partialButterfly32( block, tmp, shift_1st, iHeight ); break; default: assert(0); exit (1); break; } switch (iHeight) { case 4: { if ((iWidth == 4) && useDST) // Check for DCT or DST { fastForwardDst( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd ); } else { partialButterfly4 ( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, iWidth ); } } break; case 8: partialButterfly8 ( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, iWidth ); break; case 16: partialButterfly16( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, iWidth ); break; case 32: partialButterfly32( tmp, coeff, shift_2nd, iWidth ); break; default: assert(0); exit (1); break; } }
Void fastInverseDst(TCoeff *tmp, TCoeff *block, Int shift, const TCoeff outputMinimum, const TCoeff outputMaximum) // input tmp, output block { Int i; TCoeff c[4]; TCoeff rnd_factor = (shift > 0) ? (1<<(shift-1)) : 0; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { // Intermediate Variables c[0] = tmp[ i]; c[1] = tmp[4 +i]; c[2] = tmp[8 +i]; c[3] = tmp[12+i]; for (Int column = 0; column < 4; column++) { TCoeff &result = block[(i * 4) + column]; result = 0; for (Int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { result += c[row] * g_as_DST_MAT_4[TRANSFORM_INVERSE][row][column]; // use the defined matrix, rather than hard-wired numbers } result = Clip3( outputMinimum, outputMaximum, rightShift((result + rnd_factor), shift)); } } }
SIT1,SIT2标签:tmp,const,Int,shift,Scaling,解码器,HM,iWidth,iHeight From: https://www.cnblogs.com/jhzj/p/18447786