1. afl-fuzz部分
if (unlikely(
/* A normal crash/abort */
(WIFSIGNALED(fsrv->child_status)) ||
/* special handling for msan and lsan */
(fsrv->uses_asan &&
(WEXITSTATUS(fsrv->child_status) == MSAN_ERROR ||
WEXITSTATUS(fsrv->child_status) == LSAN_ERROR)) ||
/* the custom crash_exitcode was returned by the target */
(fsrv->uses_crash_exitcode &&
WEXITSTATUS(fsrv->child_status) == fsrv->crash_exitcode))) {
2. qemu部分
if (write(FORKSRV_FD + 1, &child_pid, 4) != 4) exit(5);
/* Collect translation requests until child dies and closes the pipe. */
afl_wait_tsl(cpu, t_fd[0]);
if (waitpid(child_pid, &status, is_persistent ? WUNTRACED : 0) < 0) {
printf("waitpid failed with errno: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
/* In persistent mode, the child stops itself with SIGSTOP to indicate
a successful run. In this case, we want to wake it up without forking
again. */
if (WIFSTOPPED(status))
child_stopped = 1;
else if (unlikely(first_run && is_persistent)) {
fprintf(stderr, "[AFL] ERROR: no persistent iteration executed\n");
exit(12); // Persistent is wrong
first_run = 0;
if (write(FORKSRV_FD + 1, &status, 4) != 4) exit(7);
标签:afl,status,crash,fsrv,fuzz,child From: https://www.cnblogs.com/minipython-wldx/p/18443004