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时间:2024-09-27 20:23:22浏览次数:3  
标签:教程 Flux.1 AI scene should 提示 https floating

​F5 AI社区提供了工作流、提示词、一键整合包,有兴趣的来挑战一下!

Create a bustling marketplace in a fantastical floating city.
Layer 1 (Background): Depict a city of interconnected floating islands suspended in a pastel sky. The islands should have a mix of whimsical architecture styles, from towering spires to quaint cottages. Show distant airships and flying creatures in the background.
Layer 2 (Middle ground): Focus on the main marketplace area. Illustrate a wide plaza with colorful stalls and shops selling exotic goods. Include floating platforms that serve as walkways between different sections of the market.
Layer 3 (Foreground): Populate the scene with a diverse array of fantasy creatures and humanoids. Show vendors calling out to customers, children chasing magical floating bubbles, and a street performer juggling balls of light. In the immediate foreground, depict a detailed stall selling glowing potions and mystical artifacts.
Atmosphere: The overall mood should be vibrant and magical, with soft, ethereal lighting that emphasizes the fantastical nature of the scene.

Create an image that fuses the precision of M.C. Escher’s impossible geometries with the bold colors and shapes of Wassily Kandinsky’s abstract compositions. The subject should be a surreal cityscape where buildings seamlessly transform into musical instruments. Use Escher’s techniques to create paradoxical perspectives and interconnected structures, but render them in Kandinsky’s vibrant, non-representational style. Incorporate musical notations and abstract shapes that flow through the scene, connecting the architectural elements. The color palette should be rich and varied, with particular emphasis on deep blues, vibrant reds, and golden yellows.

Design a hyper-realistic scene of ['Penempatan Usang Ditebing Pergunungan,'] showcasing [a weathered wooden house teetering on the edge of a rugged cliff], viewed from a low angle. The house features a small balcony with laundry hanging out to dry, casting sharp shadows under the bright midday sun. Lush greenery envelops the base of the cliff, while the expansive landscape is mostly hidden by dense foliage. Although the day is clear, the scene evokes an eerie and isolated atmosphere, with sharp, high-contrast details amplifying the sense of desolation and solitude.


A captivating movie poster titled ["DOOMED FUTURE"] with the subtitle ["Doctor Strange & Spider-Man's Time Battle"]. The poster presents [Doctor Strange and Spider-Man] in a [dystopian future, with ruined cities and broken timelines around them]. [Strange's magical energy and Spider-Man’s web-slinging] are emphasized, as they work together to fix the shattered timeline. The design highlights [the urgency and the dire consequences of their mission to save the future].


A photograph from [the opening of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1889] captures the monumental occasion with a grand, historic ambiance. The image shows [the towering iron structure, still under construction, against a backdrop of a bustling Parisian skyline]. Crowds of people, dressed in late 19th-century attire, are gathered around, marveling at the iconic new landmark. The photograph exudes a sense of excitement and wonder as [Parisians celebrate the unveiling of this groundbreaking architectural feat].


A charismatic speaker is captured mid-speech, his [short, tousled brown] hairs lightly messy on top. He has a round face, clean-shaven, and wears [rounded rectangular glasses with dark rims]. He is holding a black microphone in his right hand, speaking passionately. His expression is animated as he gestures with his left hand. Dressed in [a light blue sweater over a white t-shirt], he also wears a simple black lanyard with a badge with readable text ["AI/MLAPI"]. The background is blurred, showcasing a white banner with logos and text, including ["AI/ML API"], suggesting a professional [conference] setting.

F5 AI社区给大家准备了FLUX.1 GGUF一键整合包,还提供了详细的视频课程和图文教学资料以及1对1指导等服务。即便技术小白,也能确保一分钟熟练上手。

• 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NXBpUYXeysdbQfIduU17_Q?pwd=rz7i 
• 提取码:rz7i
• 链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/5DsaTd-ZwPc.html
• 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/32c17cb6f143

From: https://blog.csdn.net/F5AIshequ/article/details/142568745


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