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COMP90049, Introduction to Machine Learning

时间:2024-09-27 12:12:00浏览次数:1  
标签:will set features Introduction COMP90049 Machine report data your

School of Computing and Information SystemsThe University of Melbourne

COMP90049, Introduction to Machine Learning, Semester 2 2024Assignment 2: Predicting Supreme Court Rulings


Friday, September 6th 2024.

Due: Stage I: Friday, October 4th 5pm

Stage II: Wednesday, October 9th 5pm


The Project will be marked out of 30, and will contribute 30% of your total mark.

1 Overview

In this assignment, you will work with a dataset containing legal cases which were heard in the Supreme Courtof the United States. If someone disagrees with the ruling of a lower court, they can appeal it by petitioning tothe Supreme Court. In the Supreme Court, the case will be heard and discussed by six to nine judges who caneither reverse the previous decision (successful appeal), or affirm (keep) the previous decision (unsuccessful appeal).

The assignment is divided into two stages: In Stage 1, you will develop a set of models to address key researchquestions and summarise your findings in a research paper-style report. You will also participate in a Kagglein-class competition. In Stage 2, you will review two anonymous submissions from your peers, giving you theopportunity to reflect on different approaches and provide feedback. Throughout the project, you are expectedto demonstrate your understanding of machine learning techniques and clearly communicate your knowledgein a report. You are expected to read this specification in full before commencing the project.

1.1 Data and features

You will develop and critically analyse models for predicting the Supreme Court decision (reverse or affirm) based on the texts of the oral discussions, as well as metadata about the case and the involved judges. That is,given a case, your model(s) will predict a binary label. You will be provided with a data set of over 5,000 pastSupreme Court rulings and their decisions. Each case is represented by different classes of features (Table 1.1).Features x1–x13 contain information that is available before any decision is made, i.e., that could be

used in a realistic usage situation of the resulting model. When developing your classifiers initially, you

should only use (a subset of) these features. (Section 1.2, RQ1)Features x14–x15 provide information that becomes available only after or at decision time. Using thisinformation would be considered cheating. You may use these features to analyse the performance of

your classifiers, or biases in the data set. (Section 1.2, RQ2)Features x16–x17 provide personal information about the judges deciding the case. While this information is publicly available, it should not influence the decision of the court (or improve you classifier). Youmay – but do not have to – use these features to explore your classifier performance in-depth. (Section 1.2,


1.2 Description of tasks

Your overall task is to predict the Supreme Court decision (reverse or affirm) based on the texts of the oral

discussions, as well as some metadata about the case. You are strongly encouraged to make use of machine

earning software and/or existing libraries in your attempts at this project (such as sklearn or scipy). Youare expected to address the following research questions (RQ):

RQ1 Compare at least ONE baseline (majority, random) 代 写COMP90049, Introduction to Machine Learning and TWO machine learning models in terms of theirperformance, using (any subset of) features x1–x13. In addition to reporting and comparing the results,you are expected to perform and document steps that ensurthe quality of your experiments, such as

analyse the data distribution, perform hyper-parameter search, if applicable, and examine if model training leads to overfitting. You are also required to explain the strengths and weaknesses, advantages anddisadvantages of the different approaches you tried.

RQ2 Explore whether features x14 and/or x15 affect the performance of the models. For example, you can

explore if using features that reflect the difficulty of the case (length of its hearing, vote unanimity etc)

can improve the prediction.

RQ3 You must address one additional research question yourself, choosing appropriate models, data splits

and evaluation methods. We provide two possible RQs for your inspiration, but you are free to choose a

different one.

RQ3a: How does Issue Area impact the Supreme Court case rulings? Most cases in the given data

set are assigned to one out of 14 issue areas (Feature x8), with a few cases having an UNKNOWN area.

Explore the extent to which your model learns features that generalizes across issue areas. You will wantto compare models that share features across areas against models that do not do this. You may want

o experiment with predicting missing values for cases with an UNKNOWN issue area, and assess the

impact on performance.

RQ3b: Exploring Bias in Supreme Court Predictions Personal attributes of Supreme court judgesshould not be predictive of the final decision. Explore how features x16-x17 impact your model perfor

mance. For example, you can explore if the number of voting judges, or the political orientation of thejudges impacts the decision. Or, explore whether courts under different ‘chief justices’ (x16) exhibited

different ruling patterns.The goal of this assignment is to critically assess the effectiveness of various Machine Learning algorithms onthe problem of determining the Supreme Court decision, and to express the knowledge that you have gained in a technical report. The technical side of this project will involve applying appropriate machine learningalgorithms to the data to solve the task. There will be a Kaggle in-class competition where you can comparethe performance of your algorithms against your classmates. Note that we expect it to be difficult to achieveubstantial performance improvements on this task; among the standard models we tried the best one achieveda gain of only 0.03 in accuracy against the majority baseline. Thus, the goal of the project is to thoughtfullycompare and explain models and features rather than achieve major performance gains.ID





the name of the case



the party who appealed the case decision to the Supreme Court



the respondent to that case


’petitioner state’

the state where the petitioner is located (not all cases have this value)


’respondent state’

the state where the respondent is located (not all cases have this value)


’petitioner category’

the category to which the petitioner belongs (state, business, organization,

. . . )


’respondent category’

the category to which the respondent belongs (state, business, organization,

. . . )


’issue area’

encodes the main area of the law applicable to the case, such as Criminal

Procedure, Civil Rights, Privacy, etc



the year when the case was filed


’argument date’

the day, month, and year that the case was orally argued before the Court


’court hearing -


length of the Court discussion regarding the case (in minutes)


’utterances number’

number of utterances, or turns (i.e. when speakers switch during the con

versation) in the Supreme Court discussion


’court hearing’

the text of the Court’s discussion, with utterances separated by five vertical

bars (|||||)


’decision date’

the day, month, and year of the decision


’majority ratio’

the ratio of judges who voted with the majority vs judges who voted with

the minority. Please note that this ratio is about the vote distribution (how

unanimous the voting was), and does not reflect the winning side, i.e. the

majority of judges can vote to reverse the decision or to keep it.


’chief justice’

the chief judge of the court when the current case was decided. One of

[Burger, Rehnquist, Roberts, Warren]



list of the judges who took part in the voting. Each of the judges is rep

resented as a dictionary with the following fields: ’name’: the judge’s ID,

’born year’: the year of their birth, ’gender’: their gender (male, female),

’political direction’: the political direction that best describes the judge’s

voting behavior (Liberal or Conservative).


’successful appeal’

0 or 1, shows if the original decision was reversed (1, which means the

appeal to the Supreme Court was successful) or affirmed (0, which means

that the appeal was unsuccessful and the previous ruling was kept). This is

the label we are trying to predict.

Table 1: Input features (x1–x13), information about the decision (x14–x15), sensitive features (x16–x17), and

label (Y) of the Supreme Court ruling dataset.

The focus of the project will be the report, formatted as a short research paper. In the report, you will demon

strate the knowledge that you have gained, in a manner that is accessible to a reasonably informed reader.2 Deliverables

Stage I: Model development and testing and report writing (due October 4th):

  1. One or more programs, written in Python, including all the code necessary to reproduce the results in

your report (including model implementation, label prediction, and evaluation). You should also include

a README file that briefly details your implementation. Submitted through the LMS.

  1. An anonymous written report, of 2000 words (±10%) excluding reference list. Your name and student

ID should not appear anywhere in the report, including the metadata (filename, etc.). Submitted through

the LMS/Turnitin. You must upload the report as a separate PDF file. Do NOT upload it as part of a

compressed archive (zip, tar, . . . ) file or in a different format.

  1. Predictions for the test set of court rulings submitted to the Kaggle1 in-class competition described in Sec
  2. 7.

Stage II: Peer reviews (due October 9th):

  1. Reviews of two reports written by your classmates, of 150-300 words each. Submitted through LMS.

3 Data Sets

You will be provided with

  • A training set of 4,612 supreme court rulings, with features x1–x17 (Table 1.1) and labelled with the

court decision (reversed or affirmed)

  • A development (validation) set of 577 labeled court rulings, with features x1–x17 (Table 1.1) and labels

which you may use for model selection and tuning;

  • A test set of 577 court rulings, with features x1–x17 (Table 1.1) but with no target labels. This data set

will be used for final evaluation in the Kaggle in-class competition.

3.1 Conversation Embeddings

To aid in your initial experiments, we have provided two different representations of the full court conversations

(feature x13). You may use any of these representations in your experiments, and you may also engineer your

own features from the raw conversations if you wish. The provided representations are:

  1. Raw

The raw court discussion in plain text is provided in the field court_hearing in the raw data

*.jsonl files. You may use this field to engineer your own representation of the discussion, for example, use

TFIDF vectorisation over the whole text or some particular segments of it.

  1. Embedding

We mapped each court discussion to a 384-dimensional embedding computed with a pre

trained language model, called the Sentence Transformer (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019).2 These vectors cap

ture the “meaning” of each court discussion so that similar discussions will be located closely together in the

384-dimensional space. E.g.,




https://pypi.org/project/sentence-transformers/[2.05549970e-02, 8.67250003e-02, 8.83460036e-02, -1.26217505e-01, 1.31394998e-02, . . .]

a 384-dimensional list of numbers

Data format

The main data files containing features x1–x17 are provided in JSON lines format (train.jsonl,

dev.jsonl and test.jsonl). The labeled data sets also contain the target label (Y).

The Sentence embedding representations are provided as dense NumPy matrix (files ending in *.npy).3 . Line

numbers for the same data set type refer to the same instance, e.g., line 5 in train.jsonl and sembed\train.npy

are different representations of the same court conversation.

4 Project Stage I

This is the main part of the project, where you are expected to address research questions as explained below,

and summarise your finding in a research paper-style report.

4.1 Research Question

You should address three research questions in your project, as described in Section 1.2. RQ1 and RQ2 must

be approached. For RQ3, you may either choose one of the questions we proposed for inspiration, or propose

your own. Your report should clearly state which RQ3 you are addressing. Addressing more than one RQ3

does not lead to higher marks. We are more interested in your critical analysis of methods and results, than

the coverage of more content or materials. However, for RQ1 you should minimally implement and analyse in

your report one baseline, and at least two different machine learning models. N.B. We are more interested in

your critical analysis of methods and results, than the raw performance of your models. You may not be able

to arrive at a definitive answer to your research questions, which is perfectly fine. However, you should analyse

and discuss your (possibly negative) results in depth.

4.2 Feature Engineering (optional)

We have discussed three types of attributes in this subject: categorical, ordinal, and numerical. All three types

can be constructed for the given data. Some machine learning architectures prefer numerical attributes (e.g. k

NN); some work better with categorical attributes (e.g. multivariate Naive Bayes) – you will probably observe

this through your experiments.

It is optional for you to engineer some attributes based on the raw court discussions (and possibly use them

instead of – or along with – the feature representation provided by us). Or, you may simply use the text features

(sentence embeddings) that we generated for you. In addition to (or instead of) text features, you may select to

use any combination of categorical, ordinal, and numerical features from attributes x1–x12.


Learn here how to read and process these files: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/

numpy.load.html.4.3 Evaluation

The objective of your learners will be to predict the labels of unseen data. We will use a holdout strategy. The

data collection has been split into three parts: a training set, a development (validation) set, and a test set. This

data is available on the LMS.

To give you the possibility of evaluating your models on the test set, we will be setting up a Kaggle In

Class competition. You can submit results on the test set there, and get immediate feedback on your system’s

performance. There is a Leaderboard, that will allow you to see how well you are doing as compared to other

classmates participating on-line.

4.4 Report

You will submit an anonymised report of 2000 words in length (±10%), excluding reference list. The report

should follow the structure of a short research paper, as discussed in the guest lecture on Academic Writing.

It should describe your approach and observations in the context of your chosen research question, both in

engineering (optional) features, and the machine learning algorithms you tried. Its main aim is to provide the

reader with knowledge about the problem, in particular, critical analysis of your results and discoveries.

The internal structure of well-known machine learning models should only be discussed if it is important for

connecting the theory to your practical observations.

  • Introduction: a short description of the problem and data set, and the research question addressed
  • Literature review: a short summary of some related literature, including the data set reference and at least

two additional relevant research papers of your choice. You might find inspiration in the Reference list of

this document. You are encouraged to search for other references, for example among the articles cited

within the papers referenced in this document.

  • Method: Identify the newly engineered feature(s), and the rationale behind including them (Optional).

Explain the ML models and evaluation metric(s) you have used (and why you have used them)

  • Results: Present the results, in terms of evaluation metric(s) and, ideally, illustrative examples. Use of

tables and diagrams is highly recommended.

  • Discussion / Critical Analysis: Contextualise∗∗ the system’s behavior, based on the understanding from

the subject materials as well as in the context of the research question.

  • Conclusion: Clearly demonstrate your identified knowledge about the problem
  • A bibliography, which includes Fang et al. (2023b), as well as references to any other related work you

used in your project. You are encouraged to use the APA 7 citation style, but may use different styles as

long as you are consistent throughout your report.


Contextualise implies that we are more interested in seeing evidence of you having thought about the task,and determined reasons for the relative performance of different methods, rather than the raw scores of the

different methods you select. This is not to say that you should ignore the relative performance of different runsover the data, but rather that you should think beyond simple numbers to the reasons that underlie them.

We will provide LATEXand RTF style files that we would prefer that you use in writing the report. Reports are

to be submitted in the form of a single PDF file. If a report is submitted in any format other than PDF, we

reserve the right to return the report with a mark of 0.Your name and student ID should not appear anywhere in the report, including any metadata (filename, etc.).If we find any such information, we reserve the right to return the report with a mark of 0.5 Project Stage II During the reviewing process, you will read two anonymous submissions by your classmates. This is to help

ou contemplate some other ways of approaching the Project, and to ensure that every student receives some

extra feedback. You should aim to write 150-300 words total per review, responding to three ’questions’:

  • Briefly summarise what the author has done in one paragraph (50-100 words)
  • Indicate what you think that the author has done well, and why in one paragraph (50-100 words)
  • Indicate what you think could have been improved, and why in one paragraph (50-100 words)

6 Assessment Criteria

The Project will be marked out of 30, and is worth 30% of your overall mark for the subject. The mark break

down will be:

Report Quality: (26/30 marks)

You can consult the marking rubric on the LMS/Assignment 2 page which indicates in detailed categories what

we will be looking for in the report.

Kaggle: (2/30 marks)

For submitting (at least) one set of model predictions to the Kaggle competition. Your marks will not depend

on your results in this competition.

Reviews: (2/30 marks) You will write a review for each of the two reports written by other students; you will follow the guidelines

stated above.7 Using Kaggle

Task The Kaggle competition will be on predicting the results of the Supreme Court hearing: reversed or


Instructions The Kaggle in-class competition URL will be announced on the LMS shortly. To participate do

the following:

Each student should create a Kaggle account (unless they have one already) using your Student-ID.

  • You may make up to 8 submissions per day. An example submission file can be found on the Kaggle site.
  • Submissions will be evaluated by Kaggle for accuracy, against just 30% of the test data, forming the

public leaderboard.

  • Prior to the closing of the competition, you may select a final submission out of the ones submittedpreviously – by default the submission with the highest public leaderboard score is selected by Kaggle.• After the competition closes, public 30% test scores will bereplaced with the private leaderboard 100%

test scores.

8 Assignment Policies

8.1 Terms of Data Use The data set is derived from the resource published in Fang et al. (2023b):

Biaoyan Fang, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, and Lea Frermann. 2023. Super-SCOTUS: Amulti-sourced dataset for the Supreme Court of the US. In Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2023, pages 202–214, Singapore. Association for Computational

Linguistics.This reference must be cited in the bibliography. We reserve the right to mark any submission lacking this

reference with a 0, due to violation of the Terms of Use. We include other related references in the Referencessection, in the end of this document.

Changes/Updates to the Project Specifications We will use LMS announcements for any large-scale changes (hopefully none!) and Ed for small clarifications.

Any addendums made to the Project specifications via LMS will supersede information contained in this versionof the specifications.

Late Submission Policy

We allow no extensions or late submissions to ensure a smooth peer review process. Submission will close

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wx--codinghelp/p/18435418


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