1 ' 先定义一个Shell对象 2 Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 3 4 WScript.Sleep 5000 5 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 6 WScript.Sleep 500 7 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 8 9 '设置成正需要接续的时间 10 for i=1 to 180 11 '设置成比屏保时间短点就可以 12 WScript.Sleep 180000 13 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 14 WScript.Sleep 1 15 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 16 WScript.Sleep 500 17 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 18 WScript.Sleep 1 19 wshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 20 next
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") '对话框标题 alerttitle = "定时提醒" '提醒内容,vbnewline为换行符 alerttext = "该喝水了" for i = 1 to 12 '12为提醒的次数 WScript.Sleep(1000*60*90) '每90分钟提醒一次 msgbox alerttext,4096,alerttitle next
标签:Shell,便携,WScript,Sleep,wshShell,工具,NUMLOCK,SendKeys From: https://www.cnblogs.com/alanturinga/p/18432682