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world offers too much of everything

时间:2024-09-25 16:26:46浏览次数:1  
标签:Netherlands much everything offers too world

people suffer because the world offers too much of everything everyday, every second, you can easily sit to view stream 100 hours a week.

we are bombarded with tons of distractions and choices

figour out what you should do, and everything else will just suck you time away from your hand.

I have1000 opinions we could talk about, I could pursue 1000 things, but my opinion on the 999 of them is no more valid than that of a leader in that areas.

how about I just focus on one thing, and deliver the best I can in that area. that is the essence of lazer focus.

everyone has limited energy everyday. put the same energy,  Lazer can slice through steel while a hammer and a basin merely dent.


In the Netherlands, everything happens in English and Dutch, there is no need for Chinese.

My primary goal here is to study data science. The Netherlands itself offers a plethora of experiences, and the field of data science is vast and ever-evolving.

Even if I dedicate my time to exploring both the Netherlands and data science, it would hardly be enough.

Why should I let Chinese streams occupy any of my precious time?

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yugengshandefeng/p/18431571


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