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Provide the path to the executable if it can't be found by the app, shim executable is not supp

时间:2024-09-22 11:12:52浏览次数:1  
标签:node Node executable shim Provide js 可执行文件 path

If your app can't find the Node.js executable, and you receive a message saying that "shim executables are not supported," you will need to manually provide the full path to the Node.js executable.

Here are the steps to find the Node.js executable and provide its path:

1. Locate Node.js Executable Using which

Run the following command in the terminal to find the absolute path to the node executable:

which node

This will return the full path to the Node.js executable. For example, it might return:


2. Provide the Full Path to the App

In your app's configuration or environment file, instead of relying on the default node command (which may be relying on symlinks or shims), use the full path provided by the which command. For example:

/usr/local/bin/node your_script.js

3. Verify Installation Path with Homebrew

If you installed Node.js with Homebrew, you can check the installation path with the following command:

brew --prefix node

This typically returns a path in the Homebrew Cellar, like:


Make sure to use this specific path if the default shell paths are not working.


  • Use which node to find the absolute path of the executable.
  • Use the full path when specifying node in your app configuration.
  • Avoid relying on symlink or shim executables when an app specifically requires the full executable path.

如果你的应用程序找不到 Node.js 可执行文件,并提示“shim executables are not supported”(不支持 shim 可执行文件),你需要手动提供 Node.js 可执行文件的完整路径。

以下是查找 Node.js 可执行文件并提供其路径的步骤:

1. 使用 which 命令定位 Node.js 可执行文件

在终端中运行以下命令,找到 node 可执行文件的绝对路径:

which node

这将返回 Node.js 可执行文件的完整路径。例如,它可能返回:


2. 在应用程序中提供完整路径

在应用程序的配置文件或环境文件中,不要依赖默认的 node 命令(可能依赖于符号链接或 shims),而是使用 which 命令提供的完整路径。例如:

/usr/local/bin/node your_script.js

3. 使用 Homebrew 验证安装路径

如果你是通过 Homebrew 安装的 Node.js,可以运行以下命令来检查安装路径:

brew --prefix node

这通常会返回一个 Homebrew Cellar 目录下的路径,比如:


确保在默认的 shell 路径无法工作时,使用这个具体的路径。


  • 使用 which node 找到可执行文件的绝对路径。
  • 在应用程序的配置中使用完整路径指定 node
  • 如果应用程序要求,可避免依赖符号链接或 shim,可执行文件路径应是完整的路径。

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Tamako-/p/18425074


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