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Interactive Data Visualisation in R

时间:2024-09-22 10:45:24浏览次数:1  
标签:code data any design Visualisation interface Data your Interactive

Academic integrity declarationBy submitting work for assessment I hereby declare that I understand the University’s policy on academicntegrity and statement on the use of artificial intelligence software.In accordance with these documents, I declare that the work submitted is original and solely my work, and that Ihave not been assisted by another person (collusion) apart from where the submitted work is for a designatedcollaborative task, in which case the individual contributions are indicated. I also declare that I have not usedany editing tools or sources without proper acknowledgment (plagiarism). Where the submitted work is acomputer program or code, I further declare that any copied code is declared in comments identifying thesource at the start of the program or in a header file, that comments inline identify the start and end of thecopied code, and that any modifications to code sources elsewhere are commented upon as to the nature of themodification.

Unlimited Attempts Allowed Details


  1. To produce an interactive R Shiny interface to present a dataset of your choice;
  2. To use the techniques, principles, and software learned during the subject and lab sessions, including applyingyour feedback from Assignment 1;
  1. To demonstrate your ability to challenge yourself and innovate in a code-based environment to present data inan engaging, novel manner.Learning outcomes

ILO 1. Apply the cognitive and technical principles of information visualisation across various domains

ILO 3. Develop various types of visualisation platforms in order to analyse big data sets

Your task

This is an individual assignment.

You will develop one visually appealing and communicative, interactive data visualisation interface using Rbased on a dataset selected by you.Referring to the R programming and Shiny exercises from Labs 4 to 7, as well as other online resources, you willneed to combine, adapt and build upon these to design and create your own interactive interface containing atleast one form of novel interaction.Assignment 2: Interactive Data Visualisation in R

2024/9/22 100 Points PossibleIn Progress

NEXT UP: Submit Assignment

Attempt 1Add Comment2024/9/20 10:24

Canvas LMS

https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/188035/assignments/4680241/7You will need to get familiar with your chosen dataset and design your interface with reference to the principles ofinteraction design, cartography and data graphics learned in the lectures. You will assess your interface accordingto these principles and iteratively redesign your interface to improve it.Your resulting interface must have one or more data visualisations with some form of interaction, although the datavisualisations themselves do not all need to be interactive. The interface must communicate a clear message aboutyour data to a defined audience, and you must present a one-page design summary explaining your designdecisions that help to achieve this.Please note, that the focus of this assignment is to create an interface to present the dataset in your chosenscope and/or 代 写Interactive Data Visualisation in R geographic area. You are not expected to perform any in-depth data modelling, although dataselection will be an important part of the design process to ensure that only relevant data is available to the user.What distinguishes this assignment from Assignment 1 is the focus on interface and interactivity and the need tothink more carefully about basic design principles – you can no longer call on Tableau to do some of the thinkingfor you.

IdeasThe focus of Assignment 2 is to create an interactive data visualisation interface, NOT analyse a big dataset. That'swhy we suggest using pre-packaged data which has already been formatted ready for visualisation. You are free tochoose your own data source or use a dataset from one of the following suggested sources:

IMPORTANT: The following topics are not allowed in 2024 because too many students selected them in

previous years:Any topics relating to firearms or homicides in the United States, including gun violence, policeshootings, murders, and so onAny topics relating to traffic accidents in the United States at a state or national scale (city scale isallowed)Submissions based on these topics will receive zero marks for Assignment 2. The only exception is if youwish to incorporate a data graphic on these topics as a minor part of a broader interface. In this case,please get permission from your tutor.Technical requirementsYou will create an interface in R. You can use any packages you wish; however, you must use Shiny to create anapp (graphical user interface).In class, we covered ggplot2 (and ggiraph) and some packages for spatial visualisation. Students who are notfamiliar with R programming may prefer to explore these libraries more deeply.If you would like to learn more, there are a number of online books on R and Shiny, for example:2024/9/20 10:24

Canvas LMShttps://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/188035/assignments/468024

2/7Lander, J. P. (2014). R for everyone: Advanced analytics and graphics (https://cat.lib.unimelb.edu.au:443/record=b7253346~S30) , 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley - introduction to R, includes a chapter on Shiny

Resnizky, H. (2015). Learning Shiny (https://cat2.lib.unimelb.edu.au/record=b7243085~S30) , O'Reilly - simple intro to R and Shiny, limited material on data graphics Chang, W. (2018). R Graphics Cookbook (https://cat.lib.unimelb.edu.au:443/record=b7253353~S30) , 2nd edition,O'Reilly - focus on ggplot2 graphics

Sievert, C. (2019). Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny (https://plotly-r.com/)

Your R code should: contain the library(...) commands necessary to load any packages required by your R code. You may use anypackages from CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/available_packages_by_name.html) be written with the assumption that the directory containing your R script has been set as the working directory.For example, read.csv("deaths-1900.csv") contain a comment above every section of your script to describe what that section does.Your R code should not:contain install.packages(...) commands.contain full file paths (e.g. "C:/Users/...") or file.choose() functions.You will be penalised if the marker has to modify your code to get it working, and heavily penalised if the marker isunable to get your code working with reasonable effort.


This exercise is to be completed individually on your own time.he assessment is worth 20% of your final subject mark.You must submit the following through Canvas:

  1. A zipped file containing any data sets you used and working R code that generates the data graphic with aclear acknowledgement of any code used or adapted from other sources. There should be nofolders/directories inside the zip file unless absolutely unavoidable.
  1. A PDF design summary report, submitted simultaneously into Canvas (not inside your zipped file), containing

the following:

A one-page summary of your design;An appendix (on a second page if required) that clearly describes all of the sources used in your design anddescribes how the sources are used in your interface. [clarification added 10 September]In your one-page summary, you can also provide extra information about your design to highlight any backgroundwork or to assist the user in understanding and/or using your interface.

REMEMBER: Please read the important note above about topics that are not allowed. An interface basedon these topics will score zero marks.


The submission deadline is Sunday 22 September 2024 at 23:59.A late penalty may be applied on the basis of the lateness if no extension is approved prior to the deadline.Students must apply for an extension directly to the Subject Admin, Peyman Jafary, via

assessment only.Assessment CriteriaThe key assessment criteria are written below as part of the rubric.As a guide to grade-related criteria:

<50%: Inadequate work that, in one or more respects, fails to meet basic technical standards or apply basicdesign principles

50-60%: Satisfactory work that is a correctly submitted basic interface to the data for presentation purposesusing basic visual variables60-70%: Good work that involves marginal additional technical challenges such as increased interactivity (such

as displaying multiple data layers on a map), marginal design innovation and moderate levels of design quality

70-80%: Excellent work that involves clear additional technical challenges such as greater interactivity (such astools allowing the user to explore the data set) or design innovation, and high levels of design quality>80%: Outstanding work that demonstrates substantial additional technical challenges, substantial designinnovation, flawless design, and involves work that clearly goes beyond that normally expected in class.

HintsYou are free to design any type of data graphic. You do not need to design an interface that contains spatial

data, although you are most welcome to do so if you wish. High-quality visualisations containing spatial datawill be rewarded in the grade accordingly.You should aim to design your own data graphic, not simply duplicate an existing one. Copying will bepenalised under any categories and is a form of plagiarism.You are encouraged to conduct extensive research to find interesting and engaging ways of constructing yourdata graphic. This might be where most of your time isspent.Think carefully about your use of visual variables. These have been key discussion points in many lectures.Consider the principles of data integrity, aesthetics, correspondence, and density in your design based on whathas been discussed in the lecture.Your summary and interface must be carefully designed. If your interface requires a page of dense text toexplain, it is unlikely that the interface itself is well-designed and intuitive to use. Thus, it is recommended thatyou keep the design summary as brief as you can while providing a clear explanation of your interface and thedesign decisions involved.Note that your design summary will be assessed based on its design. You should take care to ensure thedesign summary is carefully presented with attention to detail. For example, you may prefer to have anannotated diagram as your design summary instead of text.Spelling and grammar are part of the assessment as well. Your design summary and interface should exhibitattention to detail and be free of errors.Plagiarism

In short: you must clearly acknowledge any material you have used in your assessment. Plagiarism iscopying, and use of another’s work without proper acknowledgment (can be both known and unknown). Theuniversity has a clear policy prohibiting any form of plagiarism. Further information can be found at

https://academicintegrity.unimelb.edu.au/ (https://academicintegrity.unimelb.edu.au/) .

Note that it is acceptable to reuse ideas and code you have found on the web as long as the source isacknowledged and that use is permitted by any license restrictions. If properly acknowledged, using other people’s

code and ideas can count as independent background research (see grade-related criteria above). If not properlyacknowledged, using other people’s code and ideas is plagiarism and will result in a mark of zero for thisassessment. In serious cases, plagiarism may also result in failure of the entire subject and further Universitydisciplinary action.024/9/20 10:24Canvas LMShttps://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/188035/assignments/4680244/7Q&AIf you have any questions about Assessment 2, please post them on the Discussion Board

(https://canvas.lms.unimelb.edu.au/courses/188035/discussion_topics/1130374) for this assessment. The tutors willattend to questions there on a regular basis. If you know the answer to any questions, you are also welcome topost your answer. You can also ask questions in the lab sessions. We are a learning community and interaction isalways welcome. Of course, if you have any specific questions, you can also email your tutor to seek help.

View Rubric

GEOM90007 Assignment 2 Rubric

I agree to the tool's End-User License Agreement (https://api.turnitin.com/api/lti/1p0/user/static_eula) This assignment submission is my own, original workSubmit Assignmentor2024/9/20 10:24Canvas LMS


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/WX-codinghelp/p/18424211


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